No politics please – Maltese talk less about politics than other Europeans

EU survey debunks myth of Malta as a politically obsessed country, revealing a third of the population never discuss politics with friends and relatives.

Politicians... not really talked about as much as we think.
Politicians... not really talked about as much as we think.

When you get together with friends or relatives, would you say you discuss politics frequently, occasionally or never?
  Malta EU 27
Frequently 20 21
Occasionally 50 55
Never 30 24

The percentage of Maltese who never talk to their friends and relatives about national politics has dropped by 7% since autumn, in an indication that the political crisis has had an impact on everyday conversations.

The survey was conducted among 1,000 respondents in each of the 27 EU Member States and six candidate countries by Eurobarometer between 12 and 27 May.

But surprisingly, despite the daily political spectacle during the past months, the percentage of those who speak frequently to their friends on national politics has dropped by a point. 

On the other hand, the number of those who occasionally talk about politics with their friends has increased by 8 points since autumn, before the beginning of the current political saga.

This suggests that although interest in politics has grown since autumn when a staggering 39% never talked with their friends on politics, people have not become absorbed in politics with the number of those who frequently talk about politics actually falling. 

Moreover, despite the increase in occasional talk about politics, politics does not feature in the conversations of nearly a third (32%) of Maltese people. 

The survey shows that the percentage of Maltese who never talk about national politics in their conversation with friends is higher than the European average of 24%.

The survey also shows that 47% of Maltese never discuss European politics with their friends and only 11% talk frequently about this subject.

The highest political interest in Europe is found in crisis ridden Greece where only 8% never talk about Greek politics with their friends and a staggering 53% talk frequently about this theme. 

 On the other hand, fellow Portugal registered the lowest interest in national politics, with over 41% never talking about politics with friends.  Ireland, Spain,  Romania and the United Kingdom were the only other EU Member States reporting a lower interest in national politics than Malta.

The Greeks were also  the most likely to discuss European politics frequently with friends and relatives (36%) and the least likely never to discuss continental politics (16%). On the other hand, the British were the least likely to talk about European politics.

Mela mhux bhal dik il-creep ta GonziPn li toqghod il-Bidnija:jekk ikkollok tebgha hamra ghax kilt ii-tut, tibda tghajjrek u tigdeb fuqek, fuq razztek u fuq familtek!
Guidaforte l-VAVU BEZZIEGH....x'dizastru ghamilt. Mela ma ghadhomx jiktbulek? Illum xi skop hemm nitkellmu fuq il-politika meta ahna lkoll gawduti? KOnna nitkellmu fuq il-politika imma meta kienu jaharqulna l-kazini kuljum, mela issa.
Mela mhux bhal dik is-sindikajra ta creep tal-Bidnija: jekk tilbes flokk ahmar, jew b.xi mod tidher li int mhux tal-klikka ta Gonzi PN-dawk li imanxtru left right and centre-malajr taghmilek profile psikologiku...bhal dak li jaf jaghmel it- twajjeb ministru ta GonziPN, u tiddemonizzak: dejjem bil-barka ta l-ex President ta L-Azzjoni Kattolika!
If by 'talk' they mean discuss with an open mind -- then maybe! However which other EU country has political parties running tv stations?! And major natuonal newspapers with highest circulations?! PMs and ministers giving talks and press conferences almost on a daily basis for hours -- including sunday!!! -- all of which are transmitted into homes constantly! Constant rubbish about who said what to whom and how -- and then the rebuttals ... And never anything good to say about the opponents! If anything malta needs LESS politics! Less talk and more real work! Dil bicca gzira with these constant crises -- and always storms in a teacup! Do us all a favour: work hard and stop the jibber-jabber for a few months!!! Then maybe the people will learn to tune in again ...
The whole truth is that if you speak Politics in Malta you are DOOMED. Ask Eddie Fenech Adami and GonziPN, what they did to those who oppose them politically.
This picture must have been taken on the day the cabinet secretly approved the 500 euros raise. It has been a long time since the PN had something to smile about.
Luke Camilleri
Jekk il-parlament aktar maghluq milli miftuh......
Igor P. Shuvalov
Saying that these results 'debunks myth of Malta as a politically obsessed country' is a sweeping statement, as this survey deals only with one facet of the question - that of talking to friend and politics, but leaves out reading newspapers, listening to radio broadcast, writing and commenting about political news items etc. After all due to the big divide between the parties many try to avoid to discuss politics with friends if the happen to be of different political opinion.
Did the survey distinguish between political and partisan? In Malta many identify politics with political parties and politicians, but what about social politics?
Just who is coming out with such idiotic figures? Do they get to choose and shift their sample population?
Jghamlu daqstant servejs matulek ja sena...kif qatt ma inzertajt li icemmplu lili. Ikolli nghejd dejjem lil l-istess nies icemplu. Insomma jien ftit li xejn nemminhom, specjalment dan, meta kullhadd jaf li min x`hin titla ix xemx sa ma tinzel, politika tiela u politika niezla.Kollox Blu jew Ahmar...Darba kont nahdem go Swimming Pool. Sinjura bilfors riedet li is saqqijiet ghal fuq id `deck chairs ikunu Blu, u xejn aktar specjalment ahmar...u jigu jghejdulna li ma tanc nitkellmu fuq politika. Jekk tiehu biss il persentac ta kemm johrog jivvota il poplu Malti tinduna kemm dan is servej huwa fazzul.