Gonzi warns: PN decisions are irrevocable

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi reiterates that decisions taken within the Nationalist Party are ‘serious, strong and final’.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing the crowd in Birzebbuga
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressing the crowd in Birzebbuga

A decisive Prime Minister has reiterated that decisions taken within the Nationalist Party are "serious, strong and final".

Marking his first public appearance on a Sunday since the meeting held immediately after the vote on the Carm Mifsud Bonnici motion was taken, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi addressed the party faithful in Birzebbuga this morning.

Replying to questions by PBS journalist Maria Muscat, Gonzi once again rubbished the suggestion that his government is facing periods of instability.

"Government is here, standing strong, to tell you that we have created jobs. Every year for the past four years, Joseph Muscat insisted that 'an election is coming', and that 'government is unstable'.

"But, one budget after the other and one law after another, this government has proved it's stability."

Gonzi added that the Nationalist Party never hid from the fact that it was facing internal problems, and also problems within its parliamentary group.

"But we have always been a party that is convinced of the decisions it takes. Our decision are serious, strong and final. Because our decisions are based on safeguarding the interests of the Maltese and not for personal gain," he said.

This week, backbencher Franco Debono broke the general political lull by presenting a motion calling for the cessation of the heavy fuel oil firing up the Delimara power station. Debono also called Gonzi "a liar" when the latter denied government had tried to "buy" Debono's vote on the Mifsud Bonnici motion.

Debono has also insisted that the PN's decision to ban him from contesting the coming elections on a PN ticket couldn't hold as it violated the principles of natural justice.

But standing his ground, the Prime Minister has insisted that Debono must "face the consequences of his actions".

In full election mode, Gonzi said that the time for the Maltese to make their choices was getting close.

"The Independence festivities and the following days will be a time for the Maltese to make their decisions. And I am confident that you will make the best choice once again," he said.

Gonzi added that be it a general election, a referendum, or the choice for Malta's Independence, the electorate had always been the one to choose what it wanted.

"Unlike the typical Socialist government and the Mintoffian style, a Nationalist government seeks what you want. What is it that you want?

"Do you want the leave the future of your children in the hands of those who failed to create jobs during their tenure and those who want your children to pay for their education?"

During his speech, Gonzi also referred to the dispute between the Health Department and the former chief of the oncology department at Mater Dei, Prof Stephen Brincat. Brincat, Gonzi said, had objected over procedural and administrative matters.

"It comes naturally that people in the same field of work may disagree. In this case, the health department was receiving opinions in favour of joining oncology and haematology within the same department, while there were others who were objecting."

He said that everyone wanted the best for the patients, but disagreements over the methods would certainly arise.

"Our common goal remains to safeguard the patient's health and guarantee a sustainable future for the free health services we provide... it is important for our economy to remain modern and not revert back to the Mintoff economics."

Gonzi however failed to mention that, among other reasons, Brincat resigned from his post as he disagreed with chemotherapy services offered at the Gozo General Hospital. According to Brincat, the staff at the Gozitan hospital were not experienced or trained enough to provide the service.

Gonzi's speech was also marked by criticism towards the "Mintoff economics" and suggested that a Labour government would be practicing "the Mintoff politics".

"Don't throw away the past. It is a mirror of the future," he said, adding that he still remembered a time when going to Sicily meant being welcomed with chocolate and toothpaste.  

Paul Sammut
It seems clear that Dr Gonzi's arguments are not convincing anyone anymore. Watching NetTv one could not help noticing that not even the women and men propped behind the prime minister appeared to be convinced by what he was saying.
illum lanqas biex immorru sqallija holiday ma fadallu iz zghir.
How can the nationalists with a straight face still blame the 'passat' when they have been in government for practically the last 25 years??? How far in the past do we need to go before they assume any responsibility??? Do they really think the people are that stupid??? Think again Gonzi, your time is up baby! I bet they will soon start talking of the terrible terror days in order to bring fear in the hearts of the people! They forget to mention that when Alfred Sant was leader and labour won the elections there was absolutely no violence!!! And let us not forget how many local council and European elections the labour has won, and no violence was recorded either!!! So stop this nonesense Gonzi and start assuming some responsbility for the fiascos of the last 4 years!
Hallih bi kwietu lil Mintoff ja purcinell Gonzi. Anke wara mewtu trid tattakkah il-bniedem?! Ara veru nisel il-lifghat int ta! Int li darba kont fl-Azzjoni Kattolika... tisthi min Alla int? Dan hu il-kristjanismu li thaddan ja oqbra mbajjda u wicc b'iehor! Meta xi darba tkun farka mir-ragel li kien Mintoff, imbaghad forsi tkellem. Imma ghalissa, sakemm ghadek imbecilli, inkompetenti u fuq kollox giddieb, ahjar taghlaq halqek ghax taqta figura ahjar! U d-dejn li tellajt - ja gifa - ma semmiehx dak? Forsi taht Mintoff ma konniex nixtru il Cadbury, imma ta l-inqas ma gherriqniex lil uliedna b'dan id-dejn tal-biza li gibt int u l-bahnan ta qablek!
A stable Government when they depend on the decisions or moods of an independent MP? Created jobs years after years when it was reported that unemployment is going up? We were 4 years ago promised 5000 jobs in Smart City! Where are they? Coming after next year's Elections? Credible GonziPN lol.
Priscilla Darmenia
"decisions taken within the Nationalist Party are "serious, strong and final"" - Same as the U-turn on the divorce issue.
" And I am confident that you will make the best choice once again" >> OH, you may rest assured dear Gonz!
Neighter the Times portal nor the Maltarightnow portal have reported the following:- In full election mode, Gonzi said that the time for the Maltese to make their choices was getting close. "The Independence festivities and the following days will be a time for the Maltese to make their decisions. And I am confident that you will make the best choice once again," he said. Well it appears that the General Elections are round the corner after all!! Probably Parliament won't reconvene on 1 October but will be dissolved and fresh elections are called.
So this clown has now lost complete control of his senses?! Yesterday he was saying that he has a stable government, and this with an equal number of seats as the opposition, supposedly with an ex member of his party in coalition -- and now he is antagonising yet another member of his parliamentary group. First he let Franco do as he pleases and shove the government around for months, making fools of all of them, then came a belated and over-severe reaction, and NOW he is cutting off any hope for this renagade parliamentarian to see any reason to support the government! What does this old devil have up his sleeve I wonder?! Is he now chickening out and begging for a fight -- any fight -- as long as it would topple his government so he would not need to introduce IVF and Cohabitation laws?! No doubt the old Gonzi will be meeting him at the gates of hell after introducing divorce ... if I didn't dislike him so much I could be tempted to feel sorry for him! But I cannot! He never showed any mercy and now he has sown the wind he must reap the whirlwind! Way to go Gonz, lol
X'ironija. Gonzi PN dejjem jeqred ghax ma kielx bizzejjed cikkulata taht Mintoff, u illum qed nonfqu l-ghexieren ta l-eluf ta l-ewro biex nghallmu lin-nies ma tiekolx cikkulata bhala parti mil healthy diet campaign ghad dawk li jbatu bid dijabete u ghal dawk obese.
Issa li Dr Gonzi u mdawwar b'kanditati serji (mhux bhal Franco) nissuggerixxi li jekk il-PN jerga jkun fil-gvern jaghmel lil Gejtu Vella (kemm jidher herqan u attent fir-ritratt) Ministu tas-servizzi socjali. Il-haddiem ikollu xalata zgur, ghax dan xi 16 il-sena ilu kien talab ghal Lm9 zieda fil-paga, ahseb u ara illum kieku kemm jaghtina. Stinka Gejt, il-haddiema kollha warajk.
Hon PM, You have been called "a liar" by a member of your govt and not the PL. We, commoners, have seen what you did to improve our standard of living and what you did to you cabinet behind our back. That alone speaks volumes.
Gonzi's speech was also marked by criticism towards the "Mintoff economics" and suggested that a Labour government would be practicing "the Mintoff politics". "Don't throw away the past. It is a mirror of the future," he said, adding that he still remembered a time when going to Sicily meant being welcomed with chocolate and toothpaste. COMMENT: Cheap talk like this is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Surely Dr. Gonzi does not expect that the Maltese people’s intelligence can fall victim to such hogwash by expecting them to relive the 1970’s. In that case then Dr. Gonzi should take us a little further back in Malta’s political past and remind the Maltese people of the 1950’s & 1960’s when under the puppet PN administrations, the divide between the religiously connected, the colonial servants and the working class were intolerable, poverty was rampart and the freedom of free elections was non-existent considering that another Gonzi had chosen to keep Malta enslaved in religious fanatics, ignorance, censorship and illiteracy. At a time when the yearly budget for Malta would not have covered the underhanded raise of 500 euros and other benefits to the present cabinet.
Gonzi said "that he still remembered a time when going to Sicily meant being welcomed with chocolate and toothpaste". Jinxtraw mic-children's allowance u pensjonijiet li dahhal il-perit u l-kaxxa ta Malta mfawwra bil-miljuni. Illum nahslu s-snien u nieklu c-cikkulata u nharsu lejn il-muntanja ta' dejn li se thallu. Kemm tiflah tkun buffu, prim?
Illum immorru Sqallija biex nixtru l-medicini nofs prezz.
Luke Camilleri
Is that a threat? Gonzi's way or the highway????? Where is the freedom of opinion, democracy within GonziPN.... let alone Malta? What does Lawrence "DCG" Gonzi or his oligarchy want , "PAPPAGALLI"?
Kemm sar akkanit is-sur Gejt hej - dejjem prima fila ssibu !!!! Kandidat ma' gonzipn u konsulent ma' gonzipn - x'ma jobromx dawk il-mustacci gingrin u jillostra dik il-qargha li ghandu !!! Haga wahda nistennew minn dan il-konsulent tar-rizorsi umani issa biex naraw kemm hu bravu --- jghidilna jekk shabu tal-UHM imisshomx jitolbu li l-haddiema KOLLHA f'Malta -- nirrepeti, il-haddiema KOLLHA f'Malta --- jinghataw huma wkoll penzjoni bla ebda limitu kif qed jinghataw dawk il-preferuti tal-gudikatura li, msieken, dejjem b'ilsienhom barra, imxarrbin bl-gharaq, jippruvaw ilestu l-kazijiet li jkollhom quddiemhom bir-rata mghaggla ta' wiehed kull sena u nofs !!!! Xi tghid sur Gejt ?