MEPA board member declares shareholding in Electrogas Limited

Paul Apap Bologna precluded from participating in MEPA decisions

Joe Gasan and George Fenech are the Maltese partners in the Electrogas consortium that will build a new gas power station.
Joe Gasan and George Fenech are the Maltese partners in the Electrogas consortium that will build a new gas power station.

Paul Apap Bologna, one of the 10 board members appointed to MEPA by the new Labour administration in April, has declared a conflict of interest and will not participate in board meetings discussing the various permits required for the new gas-fired power station.

Apap Bologna is a director of GEM Holdings, which forms part of the Electrogas consortium, which was chosen by the government to build a new power station and offshore gas terminal to provide gas to Malta for the next 18 years.

GEM Holdings brings together the Gasan Group, Tumas Group and CP Holdings Limited, of which Apap Bologna is a shareholder.

The other member of the consortium is SOCAR, a company owned by the government of Azerbaijan, London-based company Gasol and German multinational Siemens.

Apap Bologna was described as a "director of an import company" when the new MEPA board was announced by the new government in April.

A MEPA spokesperson confirmed that on 15 May 2013, board member Paul Apap Bologna officially notified MEPA Chairman Vince Cassar that one of the companies of which he is a shareholder formed part of the consortium tendering for the construction and operation of the new power station.

"He requested that should the consortium's application be shortlisted and have to appear in front of the MEPA board, there will be an obvious conflict of interest."

In view of this, he asked to be excused from any sittings related to this project.

The MEPA spokesperson added that to date the board had not held any discussions or taken any decisions "in relation to the infrastructure of the new power station".

Moreover, two MEPA board members - biologist and marine pollution expert Prof. Victor Axiak and underwater archaeology expert Timothy Gambin - will be precluded from participating in board decisions on the issue, due to their roles as consultants in the EIA for the new plant.

It is normal practice that board members do not participate in decisions over projects in which they are involved as expert consultants.

But in this case, the MEPA board will find itself deprived of the expertise of its two most knowledgeable experts on the Delimara gas plant and terminal's impact on the marine environment.

This particular issue was expected to be one of the most controversial of the new power plant, due to the dredging works required to construct a jetty and the potential of storing gas on a ship berthed to the jetty.

With three members declaring a conflict of interest, only seven appointed board members - mostly government employees - will be participating in the decision-making process.  Apart from these seven appointed members, the board also includes two MPs, the chairman and the two deputy chairpersons.

Electrogas will enter into various agreements with Enemalta including an acquisition agreement under which Electrogas will acquire a special purpose vehicle with all the necessary permits to undertake the Project for a consideration of €30 million in cash. The total cost to Electrogas of developing the project over the next 24 months is expected to be around €370 million, which it is envisaged will be financed 80:20 in debt and equity respectively by Electrogas.

Joseph Grech
When the cargo handling changed hands from a monopoly which caused imports to cost an arm and a leg, we still pay an arm and a leg in spite of the new current operators. Me thinks that we will end up paying two arms and two legs with such a 'private' venture in electricity supply.
camillu and others raise salient, apolitical points. Transparent answers ARE requested by tax paying citizens. This does not mean that there is any potential wrongdoing or that there is no trust in this administration. Far from it! But business is business. Voting taxpayers want clear, simple language answers to validly raised questions.
Kollox mahdum bizzilla. Meta se jghidulna x'jigri jekk sa hames snin ohra jsir il-pajp tal-gass bejn Malta u Sqallija? Zgur li mhux se nkunu se nistghu nuzaw dak il-gass biex nipproduċu l-elettriku, anki jekk dak il-gass ikun irhas, ghax il-ftehim li qed isir bl-ghagla u bla hsieb jorbot lill-Enemalta li bilfors trid tixtri l-gass minghand il-konsorzju kemm ghall-power station il-gdida kif ukoll ghal dik li bhalissa qed tahdem biz-zejt. Jghidulna wkoll x'se jigri wara 18-il sena mill-power station il-gdida: din se tibqa' tal-konsorzju u allura se nibqghu marbutin ghal dejjem mahhom, jew se jbieghuha lill-Enemalta bi prezz li jiddeciduh huma? Hemm hafna mistoqsijiet li ghad iridu jitwiegbu, ghax kif jghid il-Malti, qattusa ghaggelija friegh ghomja taghmel.