‘I am a Nationalist and I believe in PN principles’ – John Dalli

'They came to their conclusion before even initiating the investigation' – Dalli on OLAF report

Former European Commissioner John Dalli
Former European Commissioner John Dalli

"I am a Nationalist. I believe in the Nationalist party's principles... principles that are founded on true democracy," John Dalli says.

In an interview with Sunday newspaper Illum, Dalli says that he always held fast to such principles. "I believe in the democratisation of the economy, freedom of speech but not in an ideology where one person judges another irresponsibly or hurts another person deliberately. This is the Nationalist ideology that I endorse. A democratic and a Christian ideology."

Dalli affirmed that the Nationalist Party comprises such an ideology, but he asks: "Are those who are leading the Nationalist party upholding such principles?"

One year after his resignation as European Commissioner, Dalli looks back at the past 12 months.

He described the past year as extremely challenging since he went through health problems while focusing on defending himself from "the false allegations put forward by OLAF".

John Dalli resigned on 16 October 2012, after a report by the EU's anti-fraud office OLAF suggested he was aware of Silvio Zammit's attempt to demand a bribe from ESTOC and Swedish Match for the repeal of the EU ban on snus. The OLAF report was subsequently passed on to the Maltese Attorney General, and a police investigation was opened. Although OLAF suggested that Swedish Match lobbyist Gayle Kimberley, a Maltese lawyer, was an accomplice to the alleged bribe, the police did not press charges against her, and instead arraigned Zammit on charges of bribery and trading in influence.

Dalli constantly denied his involvement and claimed, "they came to their conclusion before even initiating the investigation."

Read the full interview in Illum


Skond in-Nazzjonalisti Dalli dar mal-Labour. U hu faqalhom buzzieqa ohra. Ma tistax tigihom wahda tajba lill-PN!!
@ Polly...... LOL as ever they did?? Ideally pay their depts. and stop telling lies to public.... Finanzi fis sod....
Sur Dalli, nistaqsik: Jekk il-partit Nazzjonalista huwa mibni fuq id-demokrazija vera, ghaliex Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami, wara li lili personalment qalli li nafu li missierek, Karm Grima, ma marx biex joqtol lil Dom Mintoff, wara l-irvellijiet tal-15 ta' Ottubru 1979; wara li ghamel l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi fil-1990 u kixfet kollox, li l-frame-up kien orkestrat mill-avukat tghana stess biex jghatti il-vjolenti ministru Laburista; li ghal dawn l-ahhar 33 sena dejjem gabuh fuq In-Nazzjon, jizzaqaq quddiem il-bictejn ghamara li harqulu ta' kull nhar ta' 15 ta' Ottubru, u li kienu jafu minn gimgha qabel li se jsiru kemm il-hruq tat-Times u kemm tad-dar tal-kap ta' l-oppozizzjoni ghaliex dan il-proxxmu ghadu sal-lum ma jridx jghid il-verita' u halla lilna, ulied Grima f'hama ta' gideb ghax heba l-Inkjesta Mus. Azz. biex wara seraqha dr. A. Sant?
Mr John Dalli does not need tell us that he is a Nationalist for everyone knows that and a staunch one for that matter. Mr Dalli tells us that he endorses the Nationalist ideology. The Nationalist ideology,as experienced during the past twenty-five years, believes in Capitalism, a system which favours the rich and the privileged. A system which renders the rich to become richer and the poor to become poorer. A system where the privileged move forward and the under privileged sink further into oblivion. A system where there is no place for the middle class. One is either rich or poor.
Ma naghmlux mod Sur Dalli li qed toqmos bil mod kif Muscat qed jigverna hux....... u qed taghmel speci ta' U-turn? Jekk huwa hekk ma ghandekx cans ghax issa tlift il kredibilta kollha u hadd ma ghadu jemmnek u jafdak. Issa qieghed mal PL u ghalhekk halli lill PN jahdem ghall gid ta' Malta.
Luke Camilleri
Dan id-diskors immure jghidu lill min imexxi lill Partit Nazzjonalist dan in-Nazzjonalist . . . . jekk uhalluh jithol fil Cafeterrija/ Bingo Hall / PN Headquarters ! ;) Jew li tkun NAZZJONALIST ma jfissirx li tkun membru fil Partit Nazzjonalista ta' Malta ? Domanda zghira XI PRINCIPJI ghandhu il-Partit Nazzjonalista ?
"They came to their conclusion before even initiating the investigation" Kuragg Sur Dalli. Il-poplu kollu jaf x'ippruvaw jaghmlulek.
John Dalli is an asset not only for the PN, but also for our country.
Mil-principji ghal fatti hemm bahar jikkumbatti. Il-Laburisti daqu hafna vendikazzjonijiet u ingustizzji taht Gvernijiet Nazzjonalisti. U ghalkemm inbidel il-Gvern xorta ghadhom ghaddejjin l-ingustizzji kontrihom ghax ghadhom jipretendu li qed imexxu huma, u sa issa ftit li xejn sar biex isewwu dawn l-ingustizzji. John Dalli inniffsu ukoll kellu jghaddi minn dawn l-hnizrijiet mil-partit li tant huwa ghal qalbu ghax kien barra mic-cirklu tal-hbieb tal-hbieb.