Court issues prohibitory injunction against MEPA over Siggiewi chicken farm

Siggiewi council files prohibitory injunction against MEPA over development of chicken farm which was originally given a negative recommendation by case officer.

Court today approved the Siggiewi local council's request for a prohibitory injunction against MEPA to keep it from processing and deciding over an application for the development of a chicken farm and other facilities in the area known as tad-Dikkiena.

The court issued a temporary injunction, meaning that MEPA has 10 days to provide a satisfactory answer and both the council and the authority will appear in court on 27 March.

In a statement issued signed by Siggiewi mayor and PN administrative council president Karol Aquilina, the council explained that the prohibitory injunction request followed the MEPA case officer's to overturn a negative recommendation to a positive one.

"This was done behind the local council's back, which was never informed about the decision as is its right as a third party which submitted an objection," Aquilina said.

The application is set to be discussed today at 1pm by the authority's environment and planning commission.

The Siggiewi council had unanimously decided to object against the project for a number of reasons, chiefly the odours, the negative visual impact, the negative impact on the Dar tal-Providenza and the risk of water contamination.

The farm is proposed to be build on barren rocks near a road near a quarry away from residents.Probably Carol Aquilina is just following Simon's instructions to say no to everything under the sun! By the way Mr Pace where is the guy supposed to build the chicken farm on Filfla? We want jobs and a bright future; we also like to eat chickens!
The area in question is an area of high agricultural value and one of the few areas left untainted by development. It is also a predominantly open rural area with excellent country views and a water collection area from Fawwara and tal-Gholja areas. A stones throw from the Siggiewi aqueducts near Dar Tal Providenza.Mepa will be causing a disaster if it were to approve this massive farm to be constructed over five tumoli of land and opening the floodgates for similar applications spelling the death knell for ID-Dikkiena and Ta'Bellu area! A big shame on MEPA. If this application is approved MEPA might as well close down for no site in Malta is protected anymore.