Tigne Point gets a shooting range

MEPA approves airpistol shooting range in the Clock Tower block in Tigne Point

The Association of Maltese Arms Collectors and Shooters will have a new shooting range within the Clock Tower apartment block at Tigne Point
The Association of Maltese Arms Collectors and Shooters will have a new shooting range within the Clock Tower apartment block at Tigne Point

The Malta Environment and Planning Authority has approved a 119 square metre airpistol shooting range in the Clock Tower block in Tigne Point.

The development of a shooting range in this area was foreseen in the local plan but the area was previously identified as a club house for sports organisations. The proposed shooting range will replace the premises of the Association of Maltese Arms Collectors and Shooters.

Residents in Tigne Point had objected to the development claiming that this constituted an unacceptable nuisance due to the noise. But an engineer report concluded that noise levels will be below any background noise levels and were within acceptable limits.

The development will take place with the first floor level of Block T1 on the site formerly occupied by the British barracks which were used for social housing and sports clubs.

Originally the first floor was allocated to the Assocjazzjoni Sportiva Tigne which no longer exists.  Subsequently most of this space was allocated to offices like that of MIMCOL.