Labour youths: ‘abortion’ bandied about to instil fear over morning-after pill

Labour youth organ FZL says it is in facour of the morning-after pill

Labour youth organ FZL has come out in favour of the licensing of the morning-after pill, after a judicial protest was filed by the Women’s Rights Foundation demanding that the health department allow the emergency contraceptive to be sold in pharmacies.

“More information should be made available on these types of contraceptives and on sexual and reproductive health in general, that comes from a credible source with no hidden agenda. Any misleading informatino is condemnable: the word ‘abortion’ is being used to create fear and to deny women their rights,” the Forum Zghazagh Laburisti said.

The youth section said it welcomed the unequivocal statment from the Medicines Authority chairman Prof. Anthony Serracino Inglott that the pill was not illegal but that no importer had ever applied for its licensing.

“The fact that in 2016 a group of women had to file a judicial protest on this matter alone shows how sexuality in Malta is still considered taboo. Elsewhere in Eruope this pill is available over the counter.”