Cana Movement against morning-after pill: 'Right to life tops any other'

Cana Movement says that while in favour of women’s dignity, civil and reproductive rights, 'these do not prevail over the fundamental right to life nor do they justify breach of the right to life'

The debate on the legalisation of the morning-after pill (MAP) should be guided by scientific findings and full respect of human rights, according to Cana Movement.

In a statement issued on Thursday, the Maltese archdiocese's marriage preparation organisation Cana Movement movement said that the fundamental right to life tops the hierarchy of rights which exists in any legal system.

“Accordingly, whilst the Cana Movement is fully in favour of women’s dignity, civil and reproductive rights, these do not prevail over the fundamental right to life nor do they justify breach of the right to life,” its said.

The movement said that life starts from the moment of conception and – therefore – a morning after pill that prevents ovulation and/or fertilisation is a contraceptive, wheras one that interrupts life after conception is an abortifacient.

It said life should be protected and treated with dignity as from the moment of conception.

“The use of the morning after pill in circumstances where it interrupts life is abortive and should not be legalised,” it said. “Governments and legislators are urged to protect life.”