PM proposes referendum for May 28, Parliamentary debate next Wednesday, JPO: 'no to blank cheque referendum'

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has tonight  written to Opposition leader Joseph Muscat and proposed May 28 as the date for a referendum on the introduction of divorce, and to hold a parliamentary debate on Wednesday.

He has also proposed that referendum question the people should be asked, should be a straightforward question of whether or not they agreed on the introduction of divorce.

This last proposal has already been rejected by Joseph Muscat who has so far stuck to the questions listed in a Labour motion, and by Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando who stressed that he stressed that he is totally against such a question.

"Should that be the case I will campaign for a 'NO' as it would practically be giving any government a blank cheque to introduce a Las Vegas style of divorce, whereas the bill before Parliament prevents such a thing,” Pullicino Orlando said.

According to the Prime Minister, who spent most of the day meeting his MPs individually in a bid to find the way forward on the divorce debate impasse, “MPs would consequently be able to vote freely and according to the views expressed in the referendum and according to their conscience.”

Reacting to speculative reports in some sections of the media, Pullicino Orlando stressed that the “issue is the introduction of divorce in Malta and nothing else,” and added that contrary to what some may be suggesting, “I have no intention of bringing the government down or threaten its stability.”

The Prime Minister’s letter was communicated to the media soon after Labour  presented another motion in Parliament calling for the House to debate a motion calling for a referendum on the introduction of divorce next Tuesday.

In the letter, the Prime Minister informed Joseph Muscat that as he had explained yesterday during their meeting, the issue of divorce was a very important one since it involved the institution of the family, adding that the issue “placed a major responsibility on all politicians.”

The Prime Minister stressed his belief that both sides should reach agreement on the method on how the issue of divorce was handled, “even if we disagree about the substance, we must enable the people to decide in a serene manner.”

It was here that the Prime Minister said that he was proposing two amendments to the motion presented by the Opposition:

1. The opposition had proposed that the referendum should be held within 40 days of the publication of the writ, thus avoiding a clash with the feast of Our Lady of Sorrows and Easter. However, the Prime Minister said, he felt this period was too short, and proposed that the referendum be held on May 28.

2. Labour’s  motion for holding a referendum showed that his own parliamentary group was not completely in favour of the Divorce Bill. He added that referendum question the people should be asked, should be a straightforward question of whether or not they agreed on the introduction of divorce.

According to the Prime Minister, “MPs would consequently be able to vote freely and according to the views expressed in the referendum and according to their conscience.”

Finally, Lawrence Gonzi proposed that the debate on the motion for the holding of the referendum should start next Wednesday, and concluded by March 16.

@James Borg.. divorce is divorce; there is no such thing as qualified divorce. Qualified divorce is just a myth. One is either against divorce or in favour. Besides, can one envisage a court granting divorce without taking the interests of minors into consideration? What kind of court would that be?The details of the divorce law would be spelt out in the Divorce Act.
@briffy, Int u shabek ta GONZIPN tafu tisthu ?? QUOTE:I think it makes sense that the referendum question should be a straightforward one Yes or No. For one thing the voting public would be voting for or against the introduction of a divorce mechanism in Malta without any qualifications whatsoever. The real reason being is that no one in a sane mental condition would be casting a YES vote. Maybe you would do that but sorry the majority of the population wouldn't dare. But still what are we to expect from GONIPN apologists. How indoctrinating !! By the way are you Catholic or GONZIPN Catholic cause I've noticed lately that the two types are different. The real Catholics live in Malta while the rest around the world are not. EX real PN voter !!!
I think it makes sense that the referendum question should be a straightforward one Yes or No. For one thing the voting public would be voting for or against the introduction of a divorce mechanism in Malta without any qualifications whatsoever. The question as qualified would mean that the electorate would be voting in favour or against a specific type of divorce as spelt out in the question. I find the bit about safeguarding the interests of minors a bit odd as it implies that in cases of legal separation the courts are not looking after the interests of minors. It is superfluous, if not preposterous, as one cannot imagine that the courts decide separation and divorce cases without taking the rights of minors into consideration.
James Borg, the Gonz is now seeking a compromise. Fat chance! I'm sure Joseph Muscat will give him a good run for his money.
REFERENDUM QUESTION !!!! Do you agree with Divorce? Answer YES or NO Don't you think this is too blunt? Do you honestly think anyone in a good state of mind is going to vote YES?? This is another political trick the PL should be careful about. Why is the PM insisting about a simple question and note a more informative one?? The catch is for the Referendum to turn down the introduction of divorce. I'm sure Dr.Muscat knows this much more than I do.
The Bidnija Witch is trying to intimidate you with mention of law courts and so on, Salv, it is now that you must show your mettle. Or as Dante said, "Qui si parra` la tua nobilitade." If you back down at the first sign of law suits (built on the Witch's bullying tactics against everyone including fellow media people) you may as well leave the media scene completely. This is the moment when you gird your loins, and go get 'er!
handek percentagg iehor li ma jafux jiktbu u *jaqraq* jaqraw* ghalkemm miniex xi gradwat bhal prim ministru , xorta ninduna bil-qerq u fl-istess him injoranza ta mistoqsija bhal dik- ara fix wasal ta l-anqas jitwemmnu dawn l-affarijiet- ghnadek bejn 2% u 3% ta nies bejn 15 il-sena u 24 sena illitterati- ahseb wara nies ta certu eta'
mhux qieghed jibza:) izda irid jaghmel dik is-semplici mistoqsija ghal raguni wahda Ghaliex JAF li hawn kwantita kbira ta nies li ma jafux xi jfisser divorzju , allura biex jghidu LE ! ghax divorzju il-kelma ma tinstemax tajjeb- ghalhekk ghax apparti li ma jafux xi tfisser divorzju , ghandek percentagg iehor li ma jafux jiktbu u jaqraq. allura ghalhekk irid jaghmilha hekk! PERO l-KBIRA Hi li din l-anqas titwemmen li verament irid jaghmel dik il-mistoqsija banali- qieghed u jrid jitmejjel bin-nies bil-malti... ovvja jekk il- PL jaqbel ma dik il-mistoqsija tkun FARSA Totali- msomma wiehed jistenna u jara- nahseb sa daloghdu tohrog ir-reazzjoni tal PL ghal dik ic-cucata ta ittra tal- Prim Ministru tal-mickey mouse style
Yesterday I saw Blogs on Net TV. I was surprised by Dr Schembri's arguments: eloquent, direct and honest. Dr Bezzina has a sound base of the law but his pomposity lets him down. Dr Salamone-a soft spoken person- took the chant of a clergyman relying on emotion rather than facts and rights. But my greatest disappointment was Dr Austin Bencini who emphasised his non-partisan presence at the show, but, as he could not help it, let himself go and was lost in technicalities and political innuendoes. However, I must say, that the star of the show was Mr Portelli,who resisted all the times his partisan political bias, and kept the talk show steady, balanced and ito the point. This is the way forward for a tiny but by now, a mature nation. It is incredible that one can listen and see a more balanced current affairs programme on NET TV, than say Bondi+ or Xarabank!
Isabelle Borg
Ghala qed jibza li jghamel il mistoqsija kif proponuta skond il mozzjoni? Kemm il-partit laburista u aktar u aktar JPO m'ghandhomx jaccettaw din l-emenda.
Pauline Moran
...U wara din id-data tar Referendum li proponejt int Wenz, jigifieri it 28 ta' Mejju, data ohra jkun jonqsok taghti...dik ta' l-Elezzjoni Generali. Ghamel pjacir lilek innifsek u lilna l poplu Wenz jekk veru thobb lil Malta, ghax il poplu VERA MDEJJAQ u MXEBBA bil partit tieghek. Hawn KRIZI kbira bhalissa f'dan il pajjiz. Krizi mhux biss fiskali enormi, izda psikologika u anke socjali li gaba il partit tieghek stess tul dan iz zmien kollu fil gvern. Ejja ma nkomplux ingebdu l-lasktu tal pacenzja u nilghabu bl-intelligenza tal poplu. Il-ballun f'idejk, Wenz.
ara vera poplu li l-maggoranza tieghu hlieh jidghu u jgergru ma jafux ta! imma possible dal-pajjiz ser jibqa hekk? ahjar tidhaq milli tibki. Dan il-prim ministru li ghadna ? dan bis-serjeta qed jghid? LOLLLLLLLLLL il-mistoqsija tar-referendum ghanda tkun semplici? lollllll dan il-prim ministru tal -pajjiz tal mickey mouselolllllllll ghandek kwantita kbira ta nies li bil-kemm jafu jiktbu u jaqraw(bir-rispett kollu) u l-anqas jafu xi jfiser DIVORZU! Ghalehmm irid jghamilha semplici ,halli ma jifmux it-twegiba, fissirilom ja Mickey Mouse ta Malta , lolllllllllllllll