Clinton, Trump each win seven states in presidential nominations vote

The count is still on but Trump has so far won seven states, compared to only two taken by his closest rival, Ted Cruz, and one by Marco Rubio.

Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump have each won the most states on the biggest day of the race for the US presidential nominations.

The count is still on but Trump has so far won seven states, compared to only two taken by his closest rival, Ted Cruz, and one by Marco Rubio.

Speaking in his home state of Texas, Cruz urged other Republicans to quit the race and join him against Mr Trump.

Democrat Bernie Sanders had wins in four states.

Super Tuesday saw 11 states voting, from Massachusetts in the east to Alaska in the north-west. A 12th state, Colorado, held a caucus - won by Mr Sanders - but does not actually select its delegates until April.

Super Tuesday states won so far:

  • Donald Trump (Republican): Alabama, Georgia, Massachusetts, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas, Vermont
  • Ted Cruz (Republican): Texas, Oklahoma
  • Marco Rubio (Republican): Minnesota
  • Hillary Clinton (Democrat): Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas, Texas, Massachusetts
  • Bernie Sanders (Democrat): Vermont, Oklahoma, Minnesota, Colorado

It is a pivotal day because it allocates nearly a quarter of the 2,472 Republican delegates and some 20% of all delegates for the Democrats.

On 8 November, America is due to elect a successor to Barack Obama, a Democratic president standing down after two terms in office which have seen the Republicans take control of both houses of Congress.