Get your copy of Vida, out this Sunday with MaltaToday

Get the October issue of Vida, free with MaltaToday this Sunday

Check out Teodor Reljic's recommendations for Halloween scares in the October issue of Vida
Check out Teodor Reljic's recommendations for Halloween scares in the October issue of Vida

October marks the end of summer, even if the temperatures haven’t quite got there yet. Going back to winter routines sees an end to the beach season and the beginning of the new scholastic year. Along with this come the increased risk of colds and flu. Charmaine Gauci from the Directorate of Disease Prevention and Control talks about how to stay healthy and when to get vaccinated.

Danica Spiteri talks about the merits of exercise, not only for overall good health, but also for warding off illness, to keep you fit, strong and disease free throughout the winter.

But the cooler temperatures don’t only mean doom, gloom and the threat of illness. Cooler temperatures mean longer lunches with family and friends. Try out some of Michael Diacono’s recipes for luxury lunches better with a meatier punch than the meals we have been preparing through the summer.