Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar

Josanne Cassar's field is communications – and over the last 30 years she has worked in every single medium, from radio and television as a producer/scriptwriter and presenter to the equally interesting world of journalism and publishing. Until 2011 she was the deputy/features editor of The Malta Independent and the editor of I DO weddings magazine.

Articles by this author
The people have spoken, but it’s being lost in translation
Josanne Cassar
The MEP elections were a cold shower for a complacent, arrogant administration which had become too used to gliding easily through elections, smugly convinced that they had the...
Hey local councils: What exactly are you responsible for?
Josanne Cassar
If candidates running for re-election can promise us all sorts of marvellous things that they will be doing for their town/village over the next few years, why haven’t they...