SmartCity Malta inspiration for businesses seeking sustainable development model

Environment minister Leo Brincat pays visit to Dubai-owned business centre

CEO Anthony P. Tabone meets Environment Minister Leo Brincat. Photo by Ray Attard
CEO Anthony P. Tabone meets Environment Minister Leo Brincat. Photo by Ray Attard
Leo Brincat meets Smart City CEO Anthony P. Tabone • Video by Ray Attard

Minister for the environment and sustainable development Leo Brincat paid a visit today to SmartCity Malta, where he was greeted by CEO Anthony P. Tabone and given a tour of the complex’s waste management systems.

SmartCity also operates solar and wind-power turbines in their park, powering the lighting in the complex. “They are costly to build but worthwhile in the long term due to cost-savings,” said Tabone.

“SmartCity is built around five conceptual pillars; Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED), conservation of water and electricity, sustainable procurement, increasing environmental awareness amongst its employees and the contribution given by all this to the environment and society at large”, explained Brincat.

Brincat said his visit was part of a series, where he planned to personally observe businesses’ waste management systems.

“I want SmartCity to be an example for everyone and my visit here shows recognition for staff and their efforts. I hope this serves as a stimulus and inspiration for further development,” Brincat said.

The minister said his visits to Dubai and Abu Dhabi had shown that the United Arab Emirates do not just pay lip service to environmental concerns. “They act on them because sustainable development is independent of geography and commerce,” adding that the ministry is currently in talks with local developers to formulate a plan on how the concept of “green buildings” can be introduced to Malta in a holistic manner.