After the honeymoon, a deep dive into planning policies
The government should do a stocktake of those areas that were added to the development zones in the rationalisation exercise of 2006 to determine which of those areas today...
Walliams’s €120,000 was unjustified
So, yes it does seem unfair when a government entity appears unscrupulously cavalier about paying €120,000 to a foreign performer for an exclusive event but is stingy when it...
Leadership is the way forward

Europe needs a united and human response that does not forget the values that forged it after World War II; and this will come only through strong leadership...

Europe needs a united and human response that does not...

Long way to go for 'cosmopolitan  Malta'

A lot of work still remains to be done. Just wishing for a cosmopolitan country is clearly not enough to make it happen successfully

A lot of work still remains to be done. Just wishing for a...

Diversity, but no unity

It now appears that the EU has come full circle: if not actually taken a step backwards. After the mandatory responsibility-sharing mechanism which introduced...

It now appears that the EU has come full circle: if not...

Utopian, but not impossible

If the EU finds the political will to engage seriously and effectively with Libya, solutions may eventually be found

If the EU finds the political will to engage seriously and...

All the President’s misgivings

It would be a gross distortion of democracy, for the government to be held hostage by the incumbent President’s moral sensitivities

It would be a gross distortion of democracy, for the...

More cars should mean more  trees, not fewer

Inevitably, road networks and other contruction projects will keep...

Inevitably, road networks and...

Wanted: independent regulators for our financial sector

Even if money-laundering is a Europe-wide – indeed, global –...

Even if money-laundering is a Europe-wide – indeed,...

A stop-gap measure, not a solution

Unless the EU adopts a uniform migration policy, acceptable to all members, we will continue to see populists gaining ground, and more incidents like the...

Unless the EU adopts a uniform migration policy, acceptable...

10 years later…

While the PN struggles with creating an alternative vision for governing, Muscat shows no signs of slowing down his own reformist pace; even after five...

While the PN struggles with creating an alternative vision...

Something’s got to give

The effects of construction emerge as a single category of concern within the top four national concerns. And when coupled with the environment in...

The effects of construction emerge as a single category of...

Priorities in a changing Malta

Perhaps the most striking statistic is an apparent spike in concerns with environmental degradation, coupled with the effects of the construction industry

Perhaps the most striking statistic is an apparent spike in...

A modern law for a contemporary issue

Ultimately, there is still room for a healthy debate on abortion: but it needs to centre less on dogmatic terms... and more on the fact that 21st century...

Ultimately, there is still room for a healthy debate on...

A salary raise for teachers and police officers

Now more than ever, particular attention has to be given to young people; a...

Now more than ever, particular attention has to be given to...

Punishing Montebello is not what the Church needs

The question many others will be asking is whether Montebello should abide by...

The question many others will be asking is whether...

Road safety must be top priority

When it comes to road safety, the need for a zero-tolerance approach has to start now. As we were rightly shocked to see on Tuesday, these are matters of life...

When it comes to road safety, the need for a zero-tolerance...

Malta’s political identity crisis

The role of an Opposition party is to do more than merely dissect the country’s current problems; just as the identity of an Opposition party must be...

The role of an Opposition party is to do more than merely...

A SLAPP action too far

If the Maltese courts uphold decisions delivered in a UK court on defamation actions, the consequences for the free press and Maltese democracy would be...

If the Maltese courts uphold decisions delivered in a UK...

Delia needs to outline a vision

'Beyond the drummed-up feel-good factor at Sunday’s conference opening, there has so far been little to indicate how Delia proposes to turn his...

'Beyond the drummed-up feel-good factor at...