One cannot take the law into his own hands, even when rights are allegedly violated
No person can take the law in his own hands, even if his own rights are allegedly being violated by the other party
No person can take the law in his own hands, even if his...

Court strikes down severe cash penalty as unconstitutional
In a landmark decision, the Constitutional Court on 24 June 2024 declared a...
In a landmark decision, the Constitutional Court on 24 June...

Plea of res judicata declined as merits not discussed in initial case
A plea of res judicata was rejected because the merits of the case were not...
A plea of res judicata was rejected because the merits of...

Litigants should make use of every remedy available to ensure justice
In the recent case of Mark Micallef vs The State Advocate, the plaintiff...
In the recent case of Mark Micallef vs The State Advocate,...