A judicial review may be done only against the public administration
Malcolm Mifsud
A call to include persons with interest in the action was turned down because the action was a judicial review
Developer to bear expenses for reconstructing a common party wall when the bearing capacity of the wall is exceeded
The Developer must bear the expenses for reconstructing a common party wall when the height proposed in the development cannot be supported by the common wall
One cannot take the law into his own hands, even when rights are allegedly violated

No person can take the law in his own hands, even if his own rights are allegedly being violated by the other party

No person can take the law in his own hands, even if his...

Court upholds claim for payments of sum owed by applicant in a case of contractual obligations for services rendered
Malcolm Mifsud

Court upholds claim for payments of sum owed by applicant in a case of contractual obligations for services rendered, with analysis regard diverging views on...

Court upholds claim for payments of sum owed by applicant...

Landlords' battle over rent control ends in defeat
Gianluca Cappitta

Judge Lawrence Mintoff, dismissed claims by property owners seeking to...

Judge Lawrence Mintoff, dismissed claims by property owners...

Court strikes down severe cash penalty as unconstitutional

In a landmark decision, the Constitutional Court on 24 June 2024 declared a...

In a landmark decision, the Constitutional Court on 24 June...

Court may turn down claims, even if Defendant did not file statement of defence
Malcolm Mifsud

The lack of a statement of defence does not mean that the Defendant is admitting to the claims filed by the Plaintiff

The lack of a statement of defence does not mean that the...

Scam victims are bound to be diligent
Malcolm Mifsud

A victim of a scam cannot use the scam as a defence against a claim to pay debts

A victim of a scam cannot use the scam as a defence against...

Plea of res judicata declined as merits not discussed in initial case

A plea of res judicata was rejected because the merits of the case were not...

A plea of res judicata was rejected because the merits of...

Increase in rent should reflect the open market value of the property
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court should take into account the value of the property when calculating...

The Court should take into account the value of the...

Qualifications must be equal to that listed in the law
Malcolm Mifsud

The law provides a list of subjects that have to be covered for a person to...

The law provides a list of subjects that have to be covered...

A threat must be realistic in order for it to be a crime
Malcolm Mifsud

A threat must be realistic and the person who is making the threat must have...

A threat must be realistic and the person who is making the...

Court will not enter into intricacies when dealing with a precautionary warrant
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court needs to be satisfied that a precautionary warrant was issued to safeguard a legitimate claim and was not issued because of abuse of the procedure

The Court needs to be satisfied that a precautionary...

Shareholder is distinct from the company
Malcolm Mifsud

An agreement entered into by the majority shareholder of a company may have no bearing on the company

An agreement entered into by the majority shareholder of a...

Litigants should make use of every remedy available to ensure justice

In the recent case of Mark Micallef vs The State Advocate, the plaintiff...

In the recent case of Mark Micallef vs The State Advocate,...

Parties in lawsuits living abroad must be represented in the proceedings
Malcolm Mifsud

If there is no representative, this does not make the acts null. On the other hand, this does not mean that the case can continue to proceed.

If there is no representative, this does not make the acts...

It is the judge who should evaluate the evidence produced
Malcolm Mifsud

A judge should evaluate all the evidence produced in the acts of the case

A judge should evaluate all the evidence produced in the...

Banks must explain to clients why they want certain documents
Malcolm Mifsud

Banks are expected to give reasons why they are asking for documents when they...

Banks are expected to give reasons why they are asking for...

The Court must decide on all pleas raised
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court will decide on all claims and pleas the parties of a case have raised

The Court will decide on all claims and pleas the parties...

Co-owners cannot block the use of other co-owners
Malcolm Mifsud

Co-owners must make use of the property in common as long as it is done in the...

Co-owners must make use of the property in common as long...