Qualifications must be equal to that listed in the law
Malcolm Mifsud
The law provides a list of subjects that have to be covered for a person to obtain a warrant in accountancy.
A threat must be realistic in order for it to be a crime
Malcolm Mifsud
A threat must be realistic and the person who is making the threat must have the means to carry out the threat.
Court may accept declarations made by deceased witness
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court may accept, in the interest of justice, an affidavit prepared by...

The Court may accept, in the interest of justice, an...

Judge pins court delays on government, abusive defendants and their lawyers
Malcolm Mifsud

The length of time taken to conclude a court case is unreasonable and violates the right to a proper and reasonable hearing as provided by Article 39 of the...

The length of time taken to conclude a court case is...

The parties must prove the claims against each other
Malcolm Mifsud

The Parties who file claims and pleas must prove to the Court their respective...

The Parties who file claims and pleas must prove to the...

The parties must prove the claims against each other
Malcolm Mifsud

The Parties who file claims and pleas must prove to the Court their respective...

The Parties who file claims and pleas must prove to the...

A new lease agreement is deemed to be renunciation of the old lease agreement
Malcolm Mifsud

When a landlord does not accept the termination of a lease agreement but rents the same property to a third party, this would, in fact, mean that he would be...

When a landlord does not accept the termination of a lease...

Once a company is inactive for a period of time, its liquidation would be justified
Malcolm Mifsud

If the reason for a company does not exist anymore, then the company should be liquidated

If the reason for a company does not exist anymore, then...

Attorney General must quote correct articles of law for Court to consider crimes
Malcolm Mifsud

The Attorney General must indicate under which articles of law the accused is accused, and the Court must consider the Article mentioned in the Attorney...

The Attorney General must indicate under which articles of...

Majority co-owners may sell property if all conditions are fair
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court must be satisfied that the minority of co-owners of a property will...

The Court must be satisfied that the minority of co-owners...

When contractual obligations are outlined clearly in writing, obligations must be honoured

The Court ruled that when contractual obligations are outlined clearly in writing, such contractual obligations must be honoured and other interpretations...

The Court ruled that when contractual obligations are...

Court of Appeals asks Identity Malta Agency to be more humane
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court of Appeal criticised Identity Malta Agency for expecting an applicant...

The Court of Appeal criticised Identity Malta Agency for...

Wife loses maintenance because she was the main contributor to breakdown of marriage
Malcolm Mifsud

The Court ruled that once the wife contributed to the breakdown of the marriage, she lost the right to maintenance • This was held in PB v JB...

The Court ruled that once the wife contributed to the...

Interim measures only granted by the Constitutional Court when no ordinary remedy is available
Malcolm Mifsud

Interim measures will only be granted by the Constitutional Court when no ordinary remedy is at the disposition of the claimant

Interim measures will only be granted by the Constitutional...

Conditions for the issuance of a warrant of prohibitory injunction must be cumulatively satisfied
Malcolm Mifsud

A warrant of prohibitory injunction will only be issued by the Court when the conditions outlined in the Law are cumulatively satisfied

A warrant of prohibitory injunction will only be issued by...

Retrial proceedings should not serve as a means of a further appeal
Malcolm Mifsud

In a judgement in the names of Al-Masri Agostina Vs Valenzia Dr Benjamin Et Noe...

In a judgement in the names of Al-Masri Agostina Vs...

Shareholder may use directors of struck-off company only on personal rights
Malcolm Mifsud

A shareholder of a company which is now struck off the Companies Register is allowed to sue directly the former directors, as long as the claim refers to the...

A shareholder of a company which is now struck off the...

Applicant for a Residence and Work permit should not bear responsibility for shortcomings of prospective employer
Malcolm Mifsud

It is not just and equitable that the applicant for a work and residence permit (a Single Permit) application must bear the responsibility for the shortcomings...

It is not just and equitable that the applicant for a work...

Failure to notify parties in accordance with the law infringes the fundamental right to a fair hearing
Malcolm Mifsud

The fundamental right to a fair hearing is infringed when parties are not notified of proceedings being instituted against them

The fundamental right to a fair hearing is infringed when...

A new lease agreement is deemed to be renunciation of the old lease agreement
Malcolm Mifsud

When a landlord does not accept the termination of a lease agreement, but rents the same property to a third party, this would in fact mean that he would be...

When a landlord does not accept the termination of a lease...