Crash barrier proposed to deter offroading in Has Saptan valley
Area is notorious for vehicles causing evironmental havoc by trampling on vegetation and soil

Ambjent Malta has presented plans to erect a timberclad crash barrier and a shallow rubble wall to deter off-roading from the existing public road down into the valley at Has Saptan in B’ Bugia.
The area which is designated as a Site of Community Importance and includes a Tree Protection Area, is notorious for off roading bikes which scar the landscape trample on vegetation and contribute to soil erosion.
A masterplan for the Ghar Dalam National Park issued by Heritage Malta in 2019 has listed off-roading as one of the threats facing the environment in the area.
The crash barrier to be erected along Triq Has Saptan
will be built using ‘Douglas fir wood’ to ensure it blends well with surroundings. The proposed rubble wall will be limited to a height of 60 cm.
Off-roading is defined in the law as all forms of driving, manoeuvring and parking of motor vehicles which is not related to agriculture which is carried out off public roads.
Off-roading activities may only occur in sites licensed as such by the competent authorities.
These sites must be clearly marked with the appropriate signage and there must be clearly defined lanes.
In 2021, the PA had approved an application to turn a quarry in Aħrax into Malta’s first official track for off roading hobbyists.
People breaching off roading regulations are liable to a fine of between €116.47 and €1,164.69, which may increase to between €232.94 and €2,329.37 for repeat offences.