Local councils’ budget cut by over €1 million

Opposition whip David Agius dubs Budget 2014 ‘a budget of white papers’.

The funds allocated for local councils in Budget 2014 were cut by €1,700,000, Opposition whip David Agius said today.

Agius, the Opposition's spokesperson for local councils, said there was nothing wrong in seeking public consultations. "But after months of hearing that Labour had a roadmap, all we got were white papers," he said, adding that he looked forward to see what proposals will be put forward for the reform of the local wardens system.

In a spiritied speech, Agius said that despite pledges to further include local councils in projects affecting their localities, yet nothing had changed.

"The government said it wanted to help local councils in facing migration but nothing was said on the how. Despite all the cries about how local councils were important to the government, all they got was a reduction of over €1 million," he said.

Agius also urged government to start considering whether it was time for certain hamlets to become local councils. "Some of these hamlets grew enough to become local councils," he insisted.

He reiterated the Opposition's support to the vote 16 and confirmed the PN would be supporting the amendments to the law.

Agius said Edward Scicluna's speech in parliament on the lack of cleanliness in certain localities was "a vote of no-confidence" in local councils.

"How can government expect local councils to improve cleanliness with less funds?"

David Agius should rest his mind that the budget proposals were not COPIED - at least this has changed from what used to happen in the past.
Sur Agius, dak li ma ghamilthux inthomm f'ma nafx kemm snin qedin tippretenduh minn dan il-gvern fi 8 xhur. Alla hares ikollu jimxi bil-pass taghkom ghax Malta tisparixxi minn wicc l-art. Ma tafx x'hallejtu warajkom? Mater Dei hadd ma hu responsabbli ta x'hinu jigri, Ene Malta pika minn jisloh l-iktar mix-xiri taz-zejt Arriva, spicca z-zmien tal-buzullotti dhalna f'kummidja tragika. Parlament ma jiltaqax ghax il-Prim-Ministru ma jridx jaqla vot ta sfiducja. Bakketti magiki u lampi t'Aladin fil-hrejjef tat-tfal issibhom, imma bzulijja u serjeta qedin insibuha fl-amministrazzjoni gdida minkejja l-ostakoli li qedin taghmlu. Ma hux jaffetwawehom ghax kienu jafu x'se jigri ghaddejna minnhu fit-80 tixwix u giddeb galor saqsu lill 'Hawn jien suq' Issa ghandna principjant b'assistyent tieghu li jista jirgievi taghlim kif ghadkom taghmlu l-ostakoli. Stenna l5 snin jaghddu imbaghad tkellem Sur Agius u mhux wara ftit xhur
So he'll have nothing to copy from ;) We all know David Agius's reputation ;)