No bail for man charged over mail package containing eight kilos of khat
Police had intercepted packages containing eight kilos of khat, that had been sent to Malta by courier
A man has been remanded in custody on Wednesday afternoon after he was charged with importing eight kilos of khat in the mail.
Marsa resident Abdisalam Arab Mousa, 50, from Somalia was arraigned under arrest before magistrate Gabriella Vella by Inspector Marshal Mallia, accused of importing the substance without the necessary authorisation.
Mousa, who the court was told has lived in Malta for the past 16 years, had been arrested on 14 March.
Inspector Mallia told the court that police had intercepted packages containing eight kilos of khat, a prohibited stimulant popular in Somalia, that had been sent to Malta by courier.
The police apprehended the accused and subsequently found incriminating information on his mobile phone, connecting him to the packages in question, the court was told. A not guilty plea was filed.
The accused’s defence lawyers Franco Debono and Francesca Zarb requested bail, pointing out that the accused had strong ties to Malta, where he has been residing for 16 years, and that he had cooperated with the police investigation.
Inspector Mallia objected to the man’s release from arrest, citing a fear that he could approach civilian witnesses before they testify and arguing that the man lacked sufficient ties to the country.
The court turned down the request for bail, soliciting the prosecution summon all of its civilian witnesses at the first opportunity.