Burglary suspect injured in jump while trying to flee police
Man who injured himself while trying to escape the police has pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated theft and handling stolen goods

A suspected burglar who injured himself while trying to escape the police has pleaded not guilty to charges of aggravated theft and handling stolen goods.
Inspectors Joseph Mercieca and Christina Delia arraigned Daviti Arsenidze, 33, from Georgia, over two burglaries which took place on 15 August from a block of flats in Mosta. Arsenidze was also accused of handling stolen goods.
The accused, who limped into the courtroom, wincing in pain, told the court that he was unemployed in Malta but had been a sports professional in his home country.
Noticing that the man was in pain, the court asked what had happened to him and was told that he had jumped the height of one storey in a bid to evade the arresting officers. Inspector Mercieca explained that Arsenidze had been discharged from hospital yesterday. The court told the accused that he could sit down for the rest of the arraignment.
Defence lawyer Victor Bugeja entered a plea of not guilty on the man’s behalf. Bail was not requested.
The court, before sending the acts of the case to the registrar, drew the attention of the prison director to the fact that the accused had just been discharged from hospital but “clearly appeared to be in pain and in need of further medical attention.”