Hate speech conviction for hunter over post on Clint Camilleri’s Facebook page

The Minister’s post had stated that he was asking the State Advocate to request the courts to urgently hear the case contesting a prohibitory injunction suspending the opening of the Spring Hunting season

A man has been handed a suspended six month prison sentence and a €3,000 fine for inciting violence against BirdLife volunteers on social media.

Stephen Micallef was arraigned before Magistrate Ian Farrugia earlier today, accused of inciting hatred and violence in a Facebook comment where he suggested “giving them [BLM volunteers] a good beating.” Micallef’s comment was a reaction to a social media post uploaded by Minister Clint Camilleri on his Facebook page on 13 April 2022.

The Minister’s post was about Camilleri asking the State Advocate to request that the courts urgently hear the case contesting a prohibitory injunction, suspending the opening of the Spring Hunting season.  This was because the date initially set by the Court for the case to begin was after the opening date of the Spring Hunting Season. 

Micallef was found guilty and sentenced to six months of imprisonment, suspended for three years together with a fine of €3,000.

Inspector Dorianne Tabone prosecuted.  

Lawyer Edmond Cuschieri appeared for the defendant.