Homeless, abandoned 17 year-old addicted to ‘lighter fuel’ remanded for theft

A homeless, abandoned 17 year-old boy, “heavily addicted” to lighter fuel was remanded in custody to serve as an ‘eye-opener’ as to what awaits him if he continues to follow crime.

Wearing a green hoodie and tight jeans, the youth was charged with snatching a handbag from two British tourists.

Inspector Godwin Scerri who arrested the youth, said that he was aware of the boy's problems since childhood, and feared he would return to crime to feed himself, because despite being given a bed to sleep by the YMCA, he was missing out his a €2 per-day pocket money grant by Appogg, because he was not performing his daily duties.

A social worker was called in to testify and confirmed that the youth needed immediate care to overcome his acute dependency on lighter fuel.

Magistrate Grixti ordered that the youth be remanded pending the hearing of his case, warning him that it was time for him to reckon on what future he faced, should chose crime rather than being a good citizen.




I wonder did whoever wrote this article actually contact YMCA to find out about the structure in place for these kids, or did you just go on whatever the inspector said? I think certain implications are being made, which, if I might add, I believe to be seriously inaccurate!