Editor exhibits maps showing location of witnesses
Maps showing the location of witnesses opposite Malta Enterprise building in Gwardamangia exhibited in court by MediaToday managerial editor Saviour Balzan.
Two maps presented in court today portray the position of eyewitness who witnessed activity on New Year's Eve at Malta Enterprise's brand new €3.87 million premises in Gwardamangia on 1 January 2012
Editor Saviour Balzan today gave evidence in a libel suit instituted against MaltaToday by former ME Executive Chairman Alan Camilleri.
The maps exhibited in court mark the position of the ME building in relation to that those who claimed had seen activity on the fateful night.
"Furthermore, I had personally gone to the ground floor level of the residence and could clearly see the ME building where the alleged party took place. Meanwhile, four weeks ago I visited the lavishly decorated room inside ME where the party was allegedly held. From here I had a direct view of where the eye witnesses were. The room is probably the boardroom, Camilleri used as an extension of his office", Balzan explained.
The case dates back to 22 January 2013, when MaltaToday journalist Jurgen Balzan published an article claiming party activity was noticed on the top floors of ME's building on NYE of 2012.
During Camilleri's term of office, the ME was shrouded in secrecy best described as a 'silenzio stampa', hence the editor had himself spoken to the eyewitnesses to confirm their story was not fabricated. "I made sure they had not been seeing ghosts", the witness said.
MaltaToday emailed ME, questioning whether a party was held at the new offices. The emails also questioned the existence of an apartment used by then executive chairman Camilleri.
ME never replied to the numerous questions and when Camilleri himself was spoken to he stated that he had no knowledge of the questions sent. However when pressed on the NYE party, he said: "I have nothing to say about your questions. No comment."
Following the report, journalist Jurgen Balzan took up an offer by ME to visit the new offices in Gwardamangia, formerly the Institute of Healthcare at St Luke's Hospital.
"However the tour was somehow restricted and the journalist was only shown certain areas, although these did include the boardroom. It is a known fact that during his term of office socialite Alan Camilleri spent long hours in this room together with a close friend of his. He regarded the opulent board room as an extension of his own office", the editor said.
Managing Editor Saviour Balzan added that he had spoken to various ME employees who reiterated it was impossible for Camilleri not to have been aware of such a party.
"Apart from being himself a mega socialite (xalatur), he was in total control over all happenings inside ME. He kept tabs of everything and his appearance alone terrified the employees, with a number of workers claiming Camilleri terrorised them."
This was one of the reasons former Prime Minister Gonzi had sought to replace Alan Camilleri, although the former executive chairman claims he had resigned.
At the end of today's sitting, the defence exhibited three statements by people saying Alan Camilleri had dinner with them in a Valletta restaurant on 31 December 2011.
From the witness stand, Saviour Balzan said he had never queried or verified these three statements as they were only brought to his knowledge today in court.
"However those statements read Camilleri had dinner with three friends at Trabixu in Valletta, whilst the party was held late on New Year's Eve and lasted until the early hours of New Year's Day," the editor concluded.