Zahra family lawyer demands answers for stolen evidence

An important piece of evidence, a gold necklace estimated to be worth €25,000, went missing from the police quartermaster's office

Lawyer Stefano Filletti has asked the police to exhibit a report they had made regarding the disappearance of a piece of evidence from police custody.

The request was made during proceedings for the compilation of evidence against Ronald Urry and Jason Galea, charged with murdering Matthew Zahra, 27, of Valletta in 2012. Body parts thought to belong to Zahra were found were found at the same site as that of another crime, the double murder of Mario Camilleri, known as l-Imniehru, and his son, also Mario.

Filletti is representing Matthew Zahra’s family in parte civile and asked that the conclusions of the investigation, undertaken after the disappearance of the gold necklace from the police quartermaster’s office, be produced in court. Filletti underlined that it is an important piece of evidence, adding that it is worth €25,000.

This view was echoed by opposing counsel Joseph Giglio, describing the fact that it went missing from the police lockup as shocking.

Filletti also told the court how the partner of the victim had requested the court release the remains for burial in previous sittings and that the delay in doing so is causing his client considerable distress.

Magistrate Josette Demicoli upheld the requests and ordered that Police Inspector Fabian Fleri testify on the outcome of the investigation into the thefts in the next sitting. She also ordered that the victim’s remains be identified and given to the family for burial without delay.

The case continues.