Nigerian who injured Sergeant Major 'sorry' for actions

Nigerian who injured a police Sergeant Major at the Floriana lockup yesterday tells court that he is sorry for his actions.

A Nigerian who injured a police Sergeant Major at the Floriana lockup yesterday has told a court that he was sorry for his actions.

33 year-old Joy Inofe was arraigned before Magistrate Gabriella Vella this morning and charged with causing slight injury to the Seargeant Major whilst violently resisting police efforts to transport him to the Safi detention centre yesterday.

Inofe was also charged with attacking the three officers who were escorting him, insulting them, disobeying police orders and breaching the peace.

Defence lawyer Patrick Valentino, appointed as legal aid to the accused, explained that the incident was “mostly the result of a misunderstanding between the accused and the police officers involved.”

Prosecuting Inspector Daryl Borg informed the court that the accused had cooperated with the police. Inofe stood up, unprompted, and apologised to the court. “It’s not my fault. We were hungry, all of us. Please I’m sorry about all of that.”

The accused pleaded guilty to the charges.

Magistrate Vella, after taking into account the early admission and the apology, handed down a 9 month prison sentence, suspended for three years and fined the man €800.