Senglea man charged with 17 offences
A man has been remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to 17 theft-related charges

A man from Senglea has been denied bail after he was charged in connection with seven thefts in the past four weeks.
Floyd Attard, 32, unemployed, appeared before magistrate Josette Demicoli this morning, on 17 charges in all: seven charges of theft, four charges of voluntary damage, handling stolen goods, using invalid licence plates, tampering with licence plates, driving a car that had no road licence and driving without insurance cover. He was also charged with failing to appear at police headquarters when summoned there.
The charges all relate to offences that are alleged to have taken place between 8 April and 4 May. The court was told that Attard has previous convictions for theft.
Attard pleaded not guilty to the charges. No bail request was made, his lawyer instead asking that the accused be held at Dangerous Drugs Unit at Mount Carmel Hospital.
Magistrate Josette Demicoli made a recommendation to the director of prisons to take the defendant's request into consideration “if he saw fit.”
Inspector James Grech prosecuted. Mario Mifsud was defence counsel.