Homeless drug trafficker does not ask for bail because he has no place to stay
The man was caught in possession of cannabis resin and cocaine

A man caught in possession of drugs in Paceville has not asked for bail since he has no place to stay, a court heard on Tuesday.
Awet Estifanos Weldetinsae, the Eritrean 29-year-old, was caught in Paceville last Sunday in possession of cannabis resin and cocaine, amounting to less than 30kg. He was brought to the dock on Tuesday in handcuffs.
The man was charged with drug trafficking since the prosecution deemed the amount of drugs caught in his possession could not possibly be for personal use. Weldentinsae pleaded not guilty to the crime.
Legal aid counsel Yanika Bugeja did not ask for bail, telling the court that the accused has no place to stay.
Victor Axiak was presiding magistrate.
Inspector Kevin Pulis prosecuted.