43.3% of floating voters undecided
MaltaToday’s latest survey indicated that 43.3% of floating voters are still claiming they are undecided while a further 8% of this category did not reply when asked for their voting intentions

43.3% of those who have switched from one party to another party more than once are still claiming they are undecided while a further 8% of this category did not reply when asked for their voting intentions.
According to MaltaToday’s latest survey, more than one in ten voters (12%) belong to this category of floating voters who have no loyalty towards a particular party. In this category Labour enjoys a one-point lead over the PN-PD coalition.
But Labour enjoys a substantial 18-point majority among those who have only switched once. Among this category 24% are undecided and 8% did not reply.
Voters who voted PN in 2008 and PL in 2013 appear in both categories. 37% switched only once while 63% switched more than once. Overall voters who have only switched once (not necessarily in the 2013 election) represent 8% of voters according to the survey.
On the other hand the percentage of undecided voters is very low among voters who have been always loyal to their party of choice. Only 5% of these voters are undecided while 6% refused to reveal their voting intention. In this category Labour enjoys a three-point lead.
The survey suggests that floating voters claiming they are presently undecided may have a determining say on who will win the election on 3 June.