Pullicino Orlando’s private member’s bill move was unacceptable – Fenech Adami

Former Nationalist prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami says Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando's agenda-setting private member's bill on divorce was 'unacceptable'.

Eddie Fenech Adami has described as "unacceptable" the decision by Nationalist backbencher Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando to present a private member's bill on divorce without informing the Prime Minister beforehand.

His declaration came by way of criticism of Lawrence Gonzi, saying the prime minister "needs to rein in his members" and that divorce was an example of how the agenda had been set "behind his [Gonzi's] back".

"I admire the way the country is being administered... at times he gives the impression that he doesn't hold on to the reins as strongly [as necessary]. People in authority need to be on top of it," Fenech Adami told Radju Malta presenter Andrew Azzopardi.

Asked for an example of Gonzi's lack of control, Fenech Adami did not hesitate to conjure up the divorce issue:

"I could never accept something like what Pullicino Orlando did. When you are in a party... you cannot go behind everybody's back, make a fait accompli of everything,and set the agenda. I think it was a big mistake on his part to do this without informing the Prime Minister," Fenech Adami said.

Asked by Azzopardi why he had encountered little opposition on his benches during his time as leader, Fenech Adami offered a succinct analysis: "I would challenge MPs to vote against me if they so wished... however we came from an Opposition where the matters we dealt with were big national issues. I think I had an aura that meant I was rarely challenged when I became prime minister."

Fenech Adami also underlined his opposition to a decision being taken on divorce by referendum: "Matters of principle should not be decided by the majority."

Dr. Eddie Fenech Adami wanted Malta to join the EU so that Malta would be like other EU countries, all of which have divorce including Ireland. The Catholic Church will not grant an annulment unless the courts approve a divorce. So, was Dr. Eddied Fenech Adami lying when he campaigned for the “yes” vote to join the EU because he wanted Malta to be like other European countries? The indications are that he was lying. Still, it is general knowledge that he is a compulsive liar and an expert at covering up political scandals that are unacceptable in EU Countries. On the eve of the 1998 general elections he lied about Dr. Alfred Sant. His lie gained him enough votes to win the election. In a democracy when a politician or party leader lies as he did they are made to resign. When an election is won due to lies that election is declared null. However, in this case this did not happen. He was fined Lm3, 000 by the courts. To make sure that he is not out of pocket he gave himself the equivalent salary increase. As for his rarely challenged aura he believes he had, this confirms that his party feared him. Who wouldn’t? Especially when his best friend was a convicted criminal to whom he gave three unwarranted Presidential pardons. It would be better for Dr. Fenech Adami to concentrate on the promises he made and never kept instead of getting involved in such matters. One promise he made was to tell the nation who murdered Karen Grech. In other EU countries, withholding such information is a criminal offence.
The unity that for so long the party claimed to stand for is now dead and gone. They will disintegrate and not unlike the Labour Party in NSW. Both deserve to be thrown to the dustbin of history. Fenech Adami ... what can you say about him? He and his PN demonised Labor to make themselves look good. They seem to forget how the PN fucked up the country before Mintoff.
He represented himself during "his"presidency; he elected himself, and now he is trying to teach JPO what is ethical an what is not.
Eddie - you have abused democracy long enough in this country - please leave us alone For someone so determined to get us into Europe you still insist of treating us like subjects of some medieval Arab caliphate. No surprises there - since your motivation had more to do with your twisted religious beliefs about the EU being some kind of Roman Catholic club and your views of 'racial destiny'. You have no idea what it means to be European. Like most self-serving politician, you know that your true thoughts would shock and horrify the majority of the people who vote for you and you have been masterful at concealing them. Your actions however, reveal your true motivations.
Luke Camilleri
Ghat tfal tieghek tajjeb id-divorzju Dward ghal min veru ghandhu bzonnu f'dan il-pajjiz "Ewropew" b'cittadini bi drittijiet anqas minn ewropej ohra Le? Hallina Dward u ara tuzax l-ergija li ghandhekk biex forsi iggib lura dawk il-miljuni kbar li int u talpartit tieghek telliftu luill-pajjiz bin -negozzjar bazwi taghkhom! Nerga insostnilek Dward ghal uliedek tajjeb id-divorzju u ghal kumplament tal-Maltin Le? Kun onest ghal darba u toqghodx iddur mal-lewz!
Whilst totally disagreeing with Mr Fenech Adami's outdated views, the photo accompanying this article is a little outdated, don't you think Mr.Vella? (Independenza 99! or are my eyes deceiving me)
Alfred Galea
One of the main reasons of the worst political violence in Malta's history. The biggest sore loser, even worse than AlGore. Sucked off the Maltese taxpayers even though he boycotted parliament, still got paid.
Clearly, I am in no position to vouchsafe the authenticity of this list. Quite a few names appearing on it, however, may well have appeared on other lists of other, let's say NGO's, that I will not mention.
By the way Eddie Fenech Adami's name tops the list and Gonzi's is slightly further down. An interesting list of various colourful personnalities.
http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/kmlst1.htm This url leads to a sight called : Initial Membership List of the Knights of Malta Members of this group swear ultimate allegiance to the Pope of Rome that comes before that of their country. No wonder thes two politicians are anti-divorce, not neccessarily out of conviction but that is what is dictated to them.
Cute. Matching outfits :)
Jien kont wiehed min dawk li ghajtu Eddie... Eddie.. fuq il fossos. Veru dahhaltna fil EU imma issa zmienhek bhal Mintoff ghadda, u kull kelma li qed tghid qieghed iddejaqna. Ghamilthom bizzejd ghalik u ghal hbiebek. So go crawl back under a rock somewhere. Sparixxi. Forsi niftakruk ahjar.
Lino Camilleri
Hallina edward. M'ghadniex bzonn il pariri tieghek izjed. Mela ghadek ma xbajtx tparla fil vojt. Mur zmienek issa ghadda avolja affixt kemm flaht. Issa mur strieh u gawdi il liri li ghamilt u l-penzjoni kbira li ghandek. Parir wiehed intik. Ftakar li bxejn gejt u bxejn sejjer. Fejn sejjer ma tafx.
Raymond Falzon
This is rich from the man who made himself President. Mela ! Sa l'ahhar baqa jirda.
Godfrey Grech
This is rich from the man who made himself President.
INFORMATION: Malta shows what can happen when the Vatican effectively controls the country: it is the only member of the European Union that does not allow abortion or divorce. Where Church and state are intertwined The first article of Malta’s constitution proclaims “respect for the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual”. The second makes Roman Catholicism the state religion.... Maltese marriage concordat (1993) In a nutshell this concordat says that the Catholic Church sets the rules for marriage and that the state agrees. Even so, in accordance with Article 4.2 marriage partners must sign away their right to get the divorce that in Malta doesn't even exist! Presumably that's to bind people if civil divorce is ever introduced, or if they're thinking of getting divorced abroad. Where Church and state are intertwined This microstate off the coast of Sicily may well have more concordats per head than any other country in the world. Its history explains this. In 1530 the islands were given to the Knights of Malta in perpetual fiefdom in exchange for an annual fee of a single Maltese falcon. A century later the Grand Master of the Knights of Malta was awarded equality with a cardinal. He was henceforth addressed not just as "Your Majesty", like a king or "Your Eminence" like a cardinal, but as "Your Most Eminent Highness" — a title which showed the seamless unity of church and state in Malta. THAT EXPLAINS EVERYTHING- local journalists never ay the real things how they really are-
Barra min hekk Dr Fenech Adami tista tghidilna kif it tifla jew it tifel tieghek hadu l-ANNULLAMENT mil KNISJA jew ghax dawn it tfal ta Dr Fenech Adami ghandhom xi haga SPECJALI
Jiena ma nistax nifhem kif dan Dr Edward Fenech Adami rega stenbah mela NESA meta rid jilhaq KAP tal PN HU flok Gorg Borg Olivier ghax ma kienx RAGEL u qallu lil Borg Olivier iwarrab mhux biex jilhaq floku ghamel kollox fis satra tal lejl ghand Guze Maria Camilleri Insejt Dr Adami int mhux ressaqt bicca LIGI bhal ma ressaq min wara dahar Gonzi JPO IMMA TAJJART MIN NOFS LIL KAPO LI KELLEK BIEX TILHAQ INT SUR ADAMI
Alfred Galea
This from the liar who backstabbed his leader BorgOlivier?? Trying to buy his way into heaven.
Chris Attard
Hudu pacenzja bhali l-ahwa....stennew 2ohra....nispera li l folja tinbidel u lpoplu ma jibqax Gahan!!!
Jeffrey Vella
Il-poplu Malti ma ghandux bzonn il-principji ta' nies li taw mahfriet presidenzjali lill-kriminali kbar u li instigaw vjolenza ghal skopijiet politici. L-ahjar jaghlaq halqu ghax fuq principji,huwa l-ahhar persuna li jista' jitkellem !
Dwar JPO x'kien jghamel, ikeccieh? Ic-cajta tas-seklu. Il-par idejn sodi qeghdin ghand JPO u qed jurtaw lil gonzi bil-kbir.
Raymond Falzon
Fenech adami lied many times during his premiership especially to the hunters. THIS IS HOW HE SHALL BE REMEMBERED !
Albert Zammit
Dan hu il-bniedem li ahna tant appoggjajna u li tant ittamajna li se jpoggi lill-pajjiz fit-triq tad-demokrazija? Dan hu jew kien il-paladin tad-demokrazija? Kemm dahku bina tajjeb in-Nazzjonalisti! X'faqar ta' pajjiz, x'mizblata ninsabu fiha! U t-tort ta' dan kollu qed jizdied fl-onorarji. Eddie Fenech Adami ahjar imur jinheba. M'ghandniex bzonn il-principji tieghu.
This guy is certainly no Cincinnatus who was a farmer called to save Rome in time of trouble, to do which he was given dictatorial powers for six months, and having done the job for his country gave up all power and returned to work his farm. He is more of a Julius Caesar who wanted to retain power for ever. It was not enough that he was made President immediately he passed on his prime ministerial powers to his protege' (a trading of positions if there ever was one) but he has now scuttled out of the woodwork to try and continue opposing the recognition of a civil right which is denied to the people. It would have been more fitting had he retired completely from public life to write his memoirs when his prime minister's job was over - he would have been justly respected by history for his considerable achievements. The warrior is back on his charger to tilt at windmills. A truly great man knows when it is time to call it a day.
His declaration came by way of criticism of Lawrence Gonzi's "need to rein in his members", and said divorce was an example of how the agenda had been set "behind his back". Dear Emeritus. Gonzi is in Government with a minority of votes. That is not the authority you had. Secondly JPO is a dead man walking in politics. After the Mistra debacle it was obvious that the PN would never accept him as a candidate for the 2013 elections. Since Gonzi was not man enough to sack JPO for the lies and crocodile tears, he (Gonzi) lost all authority. JPO is a lame duck in politics and I am sure he knows it. He has nothing more to lose.
Keith Goodlip
Who does this guy think he is. He does NOT represent anybody's vote, nor everybody's opinion. Just another dinosaur who can't keep up with the times.
Edward Fenech adami! POPPED OUT THE WEASEL!!!!!!
"Unacceptable"? Private members' bills are a privilege of all MPs, as I understand it. Your acceptance or lack thereof is immaterial, and not just because you're not an MP. . Besides, Malta has started to grow beyond the party model wherein the leader is the only significant member and all other party members are there to vote "yes" or "no" as they are instructed to do. . You belong to a bygone era.