Updated | The pro-divorce lobby launches new logo

“We want to provide people with the right to divorce if they wish to,” Moviment IVA Chairperson Deborah Schembri says, “and it is not right that anyone seeks to withhold this right from anyone.”

She was speaking at the unveiling of the Moviment’s new logo that affirms the movement’s support not only for the right to divorce for couples who experience marital breakdown, but also ultimately for marriage itself.

“Saying we have many marriages in Malta means nothing if a large number of those marriages represent separated couples who have been living with other partners for years,” family lawyer Schembri said.

“We are fighting to provide the right for people to choose freely,” she said, “to ensure that everyone has the right to make that choice for themselves, and not to take rights away.” She maintained that this “withholding of rights” is wrong in itself.

“Those who are separated and not wish to remarry are not being forced to do so,” Schembri said, adding that at the same time, the state should not force individuals to cohabit with other partners following separations.

“People are still forming new couples following separations,” Schembri maintained. “Why shouldn’t the state recognise these couples?” She also said that children stemming from these new couples deserved recognition also.

While the legal distinction between ‘legitimate’ and ‘illegitimate’ children has been removed, the social stigma is still very present, she said.

Asked for a reaction to the establishment of an anti-Divorce movement, Schembri said what this means is that they are not opposing marital breakdown, but rather that couples who separate are not allowed to remarry.

“What we are saying is simply that those who experience martial break-up and separate are allowed the choice of whether to be able to remarry or not – while of course not imposing the choice of remarrying in any way on those who do not wish to,” Schembri said.

Schembri dismissed concerns that the introduction of the right to divorce would also mean a rise in a ‘divorcist mentality’. “Today, people are already getting married with the idea that the marriage will end if problems such as infidelity and abuse arise."

She said it would be nice if all marriage figures represented happy families, but the reality is different. “Dirvorce is all about calling a spade a spade,” Schembri said, pointing out that a couple who has been happily together for 20 years, and a couple that has been separated and cohabiting with other partners for the same amount of time are both ‘married’.

During the logo’s unveiling, PN MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando affirmed that if anything, the introduction of divorce would lead to more marriages, and not less, as those couples who see their marriages breaking down and wish to remarry would be able to do so.

“It does not make sense to promote cohabitation before we establish the right to divorce,” Pulllicino Orlando said, adding that if this were the case, Malta risks ‘establishing’ first class and second class de facto marriages.

Schembri also confirmed that a meeting with prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi has not taken place as yet. As the ‘intermediary’ between Gonzi and the movement, Pullicino Orlando said that a meeting is pending the selection of a mutually-suitable date.

Also speaking during the press conference,  PL MP Marlene Mizzi reminded the public that divorce is already recognised in Malta for those Maltese who are married to foreigners or are wealthy enough to be able to live abroad for the necessary amount of time.

“This is a case of clear discrimination against those Maltese couples and those who do not afford to live abroad,” she said.

Asked about whether the movement plans to start actively campaigning with the public, Schembri said that a meeting with all those who expressed interest in cooperating with the group is in the pipe-line, and that further activities would be announced later on.

She also emphasised that the movement plans to communicate with the public through the media.

Well said Deborah Schembri. I don't know about the logo.
Pauline Moran
Peppa kompli ghejx fil medju evu bhal partit tieghek u l-knisja li tissaportjah u tara kif dalwaqt tispiccaw kollha estinti! Mur u halli lin nies ta Malta jghixu fil kwiet w jaghzlu xi jridu huma u mhux xi erba brigandi jridu! Malta mhux specjali iktar min pajjizi ohra. Jekk fil bqija tad dinja id divorzju huwa dritt, mela hawn Malta huwa l-istess!!!
I apologize for some spelling mistakes- sorry if that worry some about spelling mistakes- but i think the important is the message ;-)
“We want to provide people with the right to divorce if they wish to,” Moviment IVA Chairperson Deborah Schembri says, “and it is not right that anyone seeks to withhold this right from anyone.” ********************** I would rather look at this statement than looking to logo! whats counts is the substance. rather one look at the picture instead of the substance? any suggestions for a better logo/ i think they will be happy to change if its for the good. anyways i go to the substance not pictures it's like a person nice from outside and full of shit from the inside. as miss deborah schembri said- I will have to say this for all those anti divorce. you have the right not to divorce even if you or your wife have beated or betrayed each other many times even if your kids knows all- that is your right. BUT don't try to put your ways upon others! we have a maltese saying( Min imaqdar irid jixtri)! No one can stop others what to do - no laws- nothing can ! its the maltese style to bla bla bla bla with or without divorce law. the people will still continue to do their ways- they gives a shit of what a politician like dr.lawrence gonzi will say or what the chucrh says- that's the reality- THEY GIVE A SHIT OF WHAT THEY SAY :D without a divorce law we allready have a chaotic society and wil continue to increase- for how many years oen can try to hide the problems- divorce matese style than lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll
Jareth Grima
BTW the stylized clipart is reminiscent of the education division's curriculum department's former logo, itself based on antonio sciortino's les miserables monument IMHO...
Jareth Grima
divorżju mhux miz-że' :) LOL
I once read an article about a fast food delivery company in Arkansas who launched their line of fast food. They called their company something that in Spanish was loosely translated as being Bulls Balls or something The reaction was terrific from the Hispanic segment of the population and the chain quickly changed their brand name. It was however too late as many had already associated the brand with something rather distasteful. Getting something so fundamentally wrong may have far reaching ramifications. Time will tell. What is certain is that they would have best avoided this all together in the first instance.
This is arguably on of the most important issues that your country will have to tackle. It would be best if the divorce side took it more slowly so as not to trip over themselves as they did today. This error is small and one may even add, forgivable. The problem is that first impressions can be made but once.
If the logo launch is much to go by, looks like this group will have a problem getting their message across. I think that maybe they rushed the launch and this was an oversight. No harm done. One understands why the other side have taken the opportunity to pull it apart. The pro-divorce side would have done the same. The problem is that it may be indicative of a disorganized lobby which in all truth, can't afford to take on such a serious issue without being more careful.
Le, le, nippreferi nikteb: arukaża. Jidher li dal-loġo għadu mhux deċiż. L-argument tiegħi ma riedx janalizza l-logo... iżda naħseb li min irid jikkampanja u mill-bidu nett għadu ma kkonsidrax l-importanza tal-lingwi, beda zopp. Jekk kumment bħal tiegħi hu meqjus żejjed jew ta' barra minn haw' - allura x'aktarx l-intellettwali qed jintefgħu fuq timesofmalta.
Alfred Galea
Logo, you need to get a life.
The headline should have read….Updated again and again and again.. | The pro-divorce lobby launches and re-launches new logo
You say potatoe, I say potato.
I mean, this is serious people. It really shows the quality of the arguments they are gonna use. One would think they would have enough respect for the issue to make sure they spell it properly? How can I trust their crazy statements like, ‘ divorce won’t break up families and marriages’ when they cannot even do a simple spell check? Sorry JPO, vera poor show ta! I am a little embarrassed myself for you.
Ara vera a poor start guys. Can’t you even get the logo right. Says a bunch about the seriousness of this sorry lot of wannabe campaigners. How can we trust a bunch or people who can’t even spell the very word of their most precious campaign?
Alfred Galea
Who cares about the logo?? Who cares whether the dot is on the zed or on the jay? Everybody knows or at least should know that they are in favour of divorce. People must have a lot of free time on their hands.
Apparentement aġġornaw il-logo biex iżidu l-karattri bil-Malti... imma baqgħu sejrin għax id-divorzju sar DIVORŻJU :) . Fuq "The Times" tgħidx kemm ġejin kummenti u analiżi tal-logo... inkluż dwar il-kuluri tal-figuri, jekk il-mara tax-xellug hix qed tirfes sieq ir-raġel, jekk humiex qed jiġbdu it-tifel ta' bejniethom, eċċ. . Qatt ma rajt logo analizzat daqshekk.
GĦARUKAŻA mhux arukaża
Lil hinn mill-morali, il-fatt li dan l-islogan ma jagħmilx differenza sempliċi bejn iz-Z u ż-Ż, bejn l-H u l-Ħ, u l-G u l-Ġ... diġà juri li tal-qamel (cheap)... hi arukaża li għadna lura daqshekk.