Anti-divorce movement drowns debate in sea of statistics and religion

Former Nationalist prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami brings religion into debate by saying 'Jesus Christ said divorce is wrong and that is the truth'.

A slew of ‘statistics’ clouded out the real reason for the anti-divorce movement’s opposition to the remarriage of separated couples, in a debate held this evening on Church radio RTK in which former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami drew upon his faith to argue that divorce was contrary to “the truth”.

Fenech Adami was answering calls from listeners when he said he needed “no form of social impact assessment to see that divorce was wrong.”

“I am a Catholic and it was Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who told us divorce breaks down society,” he said in a passionate moment during the radio debate.

“We’re living in complete relativism where everyone wants to show us how clever they are, and they are ignoring the truth. The reason we in Malta have not yet introduced divorce is because we’re still a Christian society.

“I’m not trying to be ‘religious’, I’m saying that what Jesus Christ is saying is the truth, but today the truth doesn’t seem to even matter. Everyone wants to reach their own conclusions by searching for the truth themselves.”

LISTEN to the programme on RTK

Deborah Schembri, the chairperson of the pro-divorce movement IVA, was quick to point out the contradiction in Fenech Adami’s argument, calling for the respect of individuals whose life choices were not “solely a matter of faith.” "You say you don't want to bring religion into it, by you are clearly putting forward a religious argument."

Throughout the debate, Fenech Adami argued that marriage was a lifelong bond that could not be allowed to be dissolved by a divorce contract. “The common good depends on the strength of the family, and logically should be in favour of permanent marriage. Undoubtedly, divorce would have a strong social effect on the family.”

Schembri explained that the divorce legislation being proposed in a private members’ bill was to have marriages that have irretrievably broken down to be recognised “as a state of fact.”

“Separations already exist in our society, and they take place when marriages break down. What doesn’t happen is a termination of that marriage, and divorce is a recognition of this state of fact. The State is forcing people who are separated to cohabit – I think people prefer to be married than cohabiting while separated.”

Andre Camilleri, chairperson of the anti-divorce movement, claimed Ireland – the country upon which the divorce bill was based – had seen a 400% increase in cohabitation after the introduction of divorce. “So how will Malta see less cohabitation with a divorce law?”

Schembri replied that the divorce bill’s aim was not to reduce cohabitation. “Divorce is for people whose marriages break down… in this case after four years of marriage separation and after reconciliation efforts have failed.”

Fenech Adami pushed the argument that this was “just a quick-fix divorce” claiming separated couples only had to sign a contract and have the courts grant them divorce.

On his part, Camilleri appeared to rest on statistics provided by RTK presenter Cynthia Zerafa, who used data from the United States to illustrate how second marriages after divorce were more prone to breakdown.

Schembri argued that cohabitation was already allowing people to enter into multiple relationships and walking away from them without no obligations whatsoever to children or their partners.

“But why should the State be roped in to sanction this then?” Camilleri interjected. “Why shouldn’t the State explore the reason cohabitation is increasing”, he said, citing a total of 1,190 marriage separation proceedings currently ongoing in the family court. “This number is not the grave situation being portrayed by some people and the media,” Camilleri said.

In a roundabout argument, Fenech Adami claimed people who compared marriage as a better social status than cohabitation were mistaken in juxtaposing the two situations. “Perhaps marriage offers a better legal standing, but it doesn’t follow that remarriage after divorce is better then cohabitation.”

Schembri rebutted, saying that everybody always chooses marriage over cohabitation in the first place. “Marriage is everybody’s first choice… where is the permanence in a broken-down marriage whose spouses are separated?”

At this point Camilleri interjected with unspecified statistics from the United States citing people who describe their marriages as “good enough”. “It’s a mentality that shows marriages are not permanent bonds.”

Camilleri shrugged off claims by Schembri that “the plague of broken families” was increasing, by demanding “statistics” to back her argument.

Listeners calling in to the radio programme were steadfastly against divorce, arguing that statistics from countries that had divorce could not be ignored.

One listener, who remained unanswered, called into question Fenech Adami’s appellation as ‘father of European Malta’, saying that it was “not European that even the choices of the majority are imposed upon a minority”. The same listener also pointed out that Fenech Adami’s own family had had its own problems with marital breakdown.

What a farce for EFA to be so holy against divorce! If you happen to be the daughter or son of this holy man you can get an annulment in no time. Which, let's face it, divorce acknowledges that a marriage has failed. Annulment means that marriage never happened, kids born our of that marriage where never born. Right. But if you happen to be the daughter or son of Ganni tal-pastizzi you might never get a church annulment. We live on an Island of hypocrisy...
quote - The reason we in Malta have not yet introduced divorce is because we’re still a Christian society unquote. This shows the limited understanding of the world. Major Christian Churches including the Ortodox Church tolerate divorce even if they read from the same bible. Therefore being Christian does not exclude divorce. Only being catholic excludes its faithful from divorce. It seems that these want to impose their highly dubious interpretation on the rest.
quote - The reason we in Malta have not yet introduced divorce is because we’re still a Christian society unquote. This shows the limited understanding of the world. Major Christian Churches including the Ortodox Church tolerate divorce even if they read from the same bible. Therefore being Christian does not exclude divorce. Only being catholic excludes its faithful from divorce. It seems that these want to impose their highly dubious interpretation on the rest.
Scrap the bloody constitution while we're at it! I'm Maltese but it does not represent me - it represents only the Maltese Roman Catholics. What a shame!
@ D.O.M. “Furthermore there was no divorce in the time that Jesus lived and there is no reference to divorce in the bible”. There are specific references to divorce in the bible. Let me start with Matthew 19:IV which is specifically entitled 'The Question of Divorce' even though the bible was written two centuries ago. It deals with a question that some pharisees made to Jesus. Inter alia Jesus replied that "...a man shall leave his father and mother and cling to his wife, and the two shall become as one. Thus they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore let no man separate what God has joined." This is the part that is often mentioned by the anti-divorce lobby, and stop there. But Matthew continues: 'Why then,' they asked, 'did Moses command divorce and the promulgation of a divorce degree?' Jesus replied, 'Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because of your stubbornness. But it was not this way from the beginning. I now say to you whatever divorces his wife (lewd conduct is a separate case) and marries another commits adultery, and the man who marries a divorced woman commits adultery.' The last part is crucial as it specifically accepts divorce in case of marital unfaithfulness. Moses command divorce and the promulgation of divorce degree = Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away lewd conduct is a separate case = except for marital unfaithfulness
The reaction to EDF's 'defence' of marriage is somewhat incredible. It does not augur well for Catholicism in Malta. That a conservative self-styled Christian politician (I do not necessarily accept that description of him) attracts so much venom - possibly as much as the other politician he demonised and who helped him return to government - demonstrates that Malta is on the move. Away from dogma, away from absolutism, away from everything that has kept her tied to a medieval past. Time for Church and State to be totally separated. Time for the Catholic Church to enjoy all the rights enjoyed by other religions in Malta - but not a single right more. Time for politicians to stop this nonsense of visiting church leaders on NY's day. Secularize the University. Revisit censorship laws. Revisit the laws that protect priests including those who abuse children. Revisit extradition laws. What did EFA do during his time in government? So please, PN, do not talk to us about what is in the best interest of children because you do not have those rights at heart.
Can Eddie let us know in his next public intervension about his family experiences on annulments? How long did they wait, how they managed to get these annulments, on what basis, etc, etc. We can then judge whether what he is saying in this perspective. Now that Eddie is leading the anti divorce lobby, he is committed to divulge his experience on annulments so that we can better understand how he has come to the conclusion that he is against divorce
Keith Goodlip
Eddie reports that Jesus said this and Jesus said that. Well Eddie should know- he was there at the time. Never mind that it took the gospel writers about three hundred years, after these theoretical statements took place, before making up these stories.
Corinne Fiorini
Please note Jeremiah 8: 10 - Giving "their wives away" means separate/divorce the married couple, right? If it is, divorce is allowed. 8 “‘How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? 9 The wise will be put to shame; they will be dismayed and trapped. Since they have rejected the word of the LORD, what kind of wisdom do they have? 10 Therefore I will give their wives to other men and their fields to new owners. From the least to the greatest, all are greedy for gain; prophets and priests alike, all practice deceit.
Luke Camilleri
Eading about Eddie( ta' zmien il-Hafi) sive Edward Fenech Adami pontificating about divorce puts me in mind a quote by American Politician Adlai E. Stevenson “A hypocrite is the kind of politician who would cut down a redwood tree, then mount the stump and make a speech for conservation.” Adlai E. Stevenson quotes (American Politician. Governor of Illinois (1949-53) and Ambassador to the United Nations (1961-65). 1900-1965)
EFA: ' Fejnhom il-Laburisti ?' Issa nuruk fir-referendum u fl-elezzjoni Sur Pulcinell smagat. U issir gustizzja mal-laburisti ghat-transfers li tajt, int u shabek.
It is good for Eddie Fenech Adami to draw on his faith over this issue. He should do the same for all the bad things he did in the past such as abuse of power, misuse of public funds and many years of political corruption during the years he was prime minister and self appointed president. After all, Jesus and the Catholic Church taught us that no one should abuse the power entrusted to him, which he did on many occasions. He also lied on many occasions, discriminated and breached other peoples’ human rights. He gave presidential pardons to a convicted criminal who was and most probably still is his close friend. Did his faith not tell him these were against the teachings of Jesus and the church? Prior to becoming Prime Minister he preached democracy. Denying the general public a referendum on the issue of divorce is undemocratic and a breach of their human rights. This is hypocrisy at its best. Worse still his three sons managed to get annulments. Annulments are a kind of divorce and very expensive. When his sons got married they also had a civil marriage. This is a legal requirement, however, this means that they remarried illegally because their civil marriages have not been dissolved because there is no divorce in Malta. Furthermore there was no divorce in the time that Jesus lived and there is no reference to divorce in the bible. He stated ‘the truth today does not seem to matter’. This is very true because prior to becoming prime minister the country was on the brink civil war thanks to him and all the arms that were found hidden at the party’s headquarters. I therefore do agree with his statement because he never told the truth about Karen Grech’s murder and all the political corruption and scandals that took place when he was prime minister. He was also the main politician that encouraged the Maltese nation to join the EU. All EU countries have divorce and when we joined he wanted us to be like all the countries in the EU. Therefore divorce is a must not just to be like everyone else but because when there is an annulment there has to be dissolution of a civil marriage. As for his Catholic and religious beliefs he should keep these to himself because every time he opens his mouth he proves that he is the biggest hypocrite in Maltese history. Religion and politics should never mix.
mux bihsiebu namluh beatu jew qadis ux ? bdejt sewwa u ghara xhalejt warak. kont namen fil politika imma issa fjask u tahwied biss. kont tajt ghal mintoff ghax kien aroganti u salvagg imma intom tilabu bil kliem u qatt ma ghandkom tort.
Jista dan l-ipokrita ta' EFA jghidilna b'liema awtorita' qieghed jitkellem? Dan x'haseb li hu. Imissu lanqas jiftah halqu bil-hnizrijiet li ghamel meta kien PM. Mela haseb li kulhadd ghandu l-poter (u l-flus) biex jgib annullament mill-knisja. U Sur EFA, toqghodx iddahhal ir-religjon, ma ghadnix fi-snin 60. Oqghod kwiet, cecci hemm
Godfrey Grech
Pay for two and get the third free.
Zack Depasquale
Dan l-ipokrita jista jghidilna jekk hux skond it taghlim ta Kristu it-transfers vendikattivi li nghataw lill-nies li ma jaqblux mat-twemmin politiku tieghu. fiz-zmienu bhala Prim Ministru, Presidenti ohra min kull sfera tal-politika f'Malta wara li servew ta'President tar-Republika irtiraw mix-xena kif ghandu jkun, imma dan l-ipokrita irid jibqa jindahal hallina nghixu Eddie (Edward) Fenech Adami. Ghalhekk ma kontx popolari bhalha President. u kont dejjem meqjuz il-President ta' nofs Malta biss.
Alfred Galea
@Bexxaq...... Divorce is like insurance, you might not need it ever but it's nice to know it's there if you do need it.
Paul Sammut
Tiftakrug jgdeb fuq il-qattiela ta` Karin Grech? Tiftakruh jigdeb fuq Dr Sant? Tiftakruh jigdeb fuq ul-mitt miljun mil-E.U.? X`kuxjenza ghandu.? Kuxjenza harxa daqs pala tal-bajtar tax-xewk.
Let cooler heads prevail and we must understand why Edward Fenech Adami is in the corner of Annulment and against divorce. As someone who obtained 3 Annulments for his children, this hypocrite cannot give divorce a thumbs up because it might come back to bite him and his children up the ass, through the civil courts. It would be interesting to read about the arrangements in regards these annulments especially what the spouses agreed to and if there are any children involved. Child abuse does not have to be sexual. This Pharisee, who is trying to camouflage his deeds by cleansing the outside of the cup and dish while the insides are full of extortion and self indulgence must be exposed for what he really is. Where are the so called Maltese journalists that can unravel these 3 cans of worms? Does anyone believe that a politician who brought his own country to its knees, morally and financially should be considered acting in the best interest of this Maltese nation? Malta the last bastion in earth for inquisition against civil rights ought to be ashamed to give a voice to such sordid manipulator who turned our country into a den of thieves by immoral principles and wicked practices.
Divorzju le, zwieg bsahtu iva dejjem
Joe Tanti
Jista il-president emeritus Santo Subito Dottor Edward Fenech Adami ittina spjagazzjoni ta differenza bejn Annulament u Divorzju? Jidher li hu intizz hafna fuq is-suggett.Min irid jifa l-gebel l-ewwel jara li ma joqghodx fdar tal-hgieg. Malta zghira u nies maghrufa Dottor! Fl-Ewropa kollha illum fis-sena 2011 Malta u l-Vatican ma hemmx xi forma ta Divorzju, u l-Vatikan ma jidhirlix li qassisin u l-patrijiet mizzewga s-sorijiet, allura Malta BISS fl-Ewropa ma hawnx divorzju. Insomma Dottor Fenech Adami qieghed f kumpanija perfetta flimkien ma dak ta Birzebbuga li inqabbad li demm li suppost kien tal Madonna nstab li kien tieghu,jigiefieri zewg giddibin gwappi....San Dwardu F.A. prottetur tal giddibien idhol ghalina....Amen.
any Nut saying the Nats is the liberal party?
skuzawni ghax xi zballji :) LIBERTA * thumbs down to eddie fenech adami-
eh bil-haqq eddie fenech adami, il-malti jghid li z-zejt jitla' f'wicc l-ilma . hekk hu, fejn hi l-ghajta tieghek 1987 "xoghol ,gustizzja u l-iberta" dik l-iberta u gustizzja , ghax 3 uliedek hadu l-annullamneti miz-zwieg as easy as 1,2 and 3 (ghax minn jikkmanda jghamel il-ligi) allura min fallielu z-zwieg ma ghandux ikollu l-liberta li jerga jizzewweg jekk dejjem wiehed/a jixtieq? xoghol , gustizzja u liberta, hekk hu z-zejt tela f'wicc l-ilma , jiena kont wiehed li min qabel 1987 kont nappogja lil partit.... issa daqshekk tqazzizt bl-arroganzu ta whud mil-politici fil-partit. jekk il-partit laburista jwieghed li jghati drittijiet umani lic-cittadini maltin ,allura jiena nkun ta l-ewwel li nivvota li MLP- basta jaghtu lil -maltin id-drittijiet civili -bhal ma ghanddhom il-pajjizi tad-dinja kollha(sfortunatament minbarra il-filippini ghalissa) jiddispjacini ghal l-alternattiva demokkratika ghax mhux partit bsahhtu daqs MLP u PN , ghax huma jithaddtu hafna ghad drittijiet tal-bniedem ... eddie fenech adami OUTDATED- skadut!
edward fenech adami? hahahahhahahaaha ara jien x'jimpurtani jghid edward fenech adami. mela jien bahnan biex nisma lilek. u mhux hekk ,int qed iggib l-argument ,fuq dak li hemm miktub fil-bibbja? hahahhahahaaaaa idahhaqx nies , mhux ahjar tkompli dgawdi dak li hadt matul is snin kollha li ghamilt fil-politika prim ministru u president ehh .. 3 annullamneti lit-tfal tieghek ehh mil-knisja, min jikmanda jaghmel il-ligi hux hekk... li int knight of Malta huwa fatt maghruf mad-dinja kollha allura miskin ikolli tobdi sal- mewt!!! u hallina "Taf li int issa skadut"!!! mhux ta b'xejn ghamilt konkordat mal-knisja 1993 fuq iz-zwieg ehh - wahda mir-ragunijiet li uliedek hadu 3 annullamenti, hokli dahri u nhokklok dahrek eh!! aktar ma jkollu poter il-bniedem aktar hemm lok ghall-abbuz u hallina dwardu imma la inti knight of Malta ikolli tobdi sal-mewt.. forsi wara prim ministru u president Ta Malta issa jmiss it-tielet passs wara mewtek forsi l-knisja titlob ghall beatifikazzjoni tieghek u jaghmluk qaddis u tiehu post san pawl lollllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ara min hu f'sessih hux ser jaghti kax eddie fenech adami ....
The Times reports EFA saying he did not need impact assessments to tell him divorce was bad for society because his religious beliefs already told him so. . There we have it from the horse's mouth. His opposition to divorce is not based on any effect it might have on society, but on his religious beliefs alone. . Next question is: Should Maltese laws enforce a particular religious belief?
The truth Mr. adami ? What do you know about the truth?Is the truth to you like lying about Alfred Sant concerning your son? Stop interfering you are not needed, your word is worth zero. We had enough of you and your chosen puppet PM.Sail away into the sunset hopefully gonzi will follow you.
In-Nazzjonalisti, immexxijin mill-kapijiet Kristjani taghhom, ihobbu hafna jikkwotaw frazijiet mill-Iskrittura Mqaddsa biex juruna kemm ghandhom ghal qalbhom it-taghlim tal-Evangelju. Iggustajt hafna lil Dr. Fenech Adami (!) jikkwota s-sentenza ta' Kristu li darba qal lill-Farizej "Dak li ghaqqad Alla ma ghandux jifirdu l-bniedem". Infakkar lill-President Emeritus ta' pajjizna li Alla darba qal ukoll "La tixhidx fil-falz". Tista' tghidli mela ghalfejn bil-wicc tost kollu, kont gdibt fuq il-Mexxej Laburista Dr. Alfred Sant meta ghedt li ma dahhalx lil ibnek l-Universita' sempliciment ghax kien Nazzjonalist? Tista' tghidli f'liema sentenza tal-Bibbja l-Mulej qal li, biex tirbah referendum/elezzjoni, ghandek tigdeb fuq ghajrek? Grazzi hafna.
Viva Gesu, viva Marija u viva l-ippokrisija!
Jiddispjacini li kollha waqajtu fuq il-personali... Kulhadd ghandu xi madmad li jgorr... l-argument kollha t'hawn fuq hu, li d-divorzju hu kontra dak li tghallimna meta konna ghadna imorru l-muzew u nisimghu l-knisja.... Mill-kummenti li qrajt hawn isfel jidher car li ahna bhala socjeta qed nitilfu id-dinjita u kulhadd iwarrab lill-ALLA l-barra minn hajtu... Kemm ghadna nisimghu l-kelma t'Alla llum, kemm ghadna infittxuh biex jghinna bil-problemi taghna... nahseb li fil-maggor parti tas-sitwazzjonijiet illlum hemm izjed rimedji li persuna tista taghmel milli tasal ghad-divorzju... Hawn xi hadd li jiftakar x inhu s-Sagrificcju li ghandna naghmlu ghal familja? Ghadna niftakru li fil-hajja mizzewwga m ghadnix izjed singles u rridu nghatu izjed hin lil mara / ragel taghna... ahjar nahsbu fuq dawn il-princjipji li jekk ikun hemm xi problema fil-familjia naraw kif insolvuwa u mhux naharbu minnha ghax hekk jaqbel
Luke Camilleri
Ghidilna kif ghamilt ghal uliedek, qraba u hbieb Dward.... u waqa' dik il-maskra ta ippokrita minn fuq wiccek!
Joe Tanti
Wow, 3 marriage annulments from the same family,is this some kind of record? In Catholic Malta it surely is,but how about worldwide in Catholic nations?Were these annulments granted before or after EFA gathered the Fenech Adami clan and visited his Holiness the Pope in the Vatican? And have these EFA offspring remarried in church or are they co-habitating?These may be personal questions ,but EFA is a public figure and remember that he used his son to LIE about his son during the ultimate pre-election confrontation with Alfred Sant on national tv.After being a prime minister and president is EFA vying to become Malta s second saint?...St.Edward the Bare Faced Liar.
Quando no possa piu, ritorna al buon Gesu. Farisew
Albert Zammit
Ma jafx EFA minn fejn kellu jghaddi biex gab dawk l-annullamenti kollha ghal uliedu? Imma dan jahseb li l-fatti ma jafhomx kulhadd? Safrattanti, s'issa ghadu ma ddefendiex lilu nnifsu minn dan! EFA, nammetti, kien il-bniedem (avolja mhux wahdu!) li hadem biex Malta terga' ssib il-paci u timxi fit-triq tad-demokrazija. Imma lejn l-ahhar snin, rasu kibret u ppretenda li l-pajjiz ghandu hafna x'jaghtih. Mexxa 'l quddiem lil Laurence Gonzi minghajr ma halla d-delegati liberi li jaghzlu lil min iridu bhala Kap gdid ... u dan biex zgur isir President tar-Repubblika. U issa ... ghandna l-effetti li ghandna, u qed nghixu fiz-zminijiet li qed nghixu. Kif salva lil Malta, farrakha wkoll, f'certu mod. L-arroganza, minnu bdiet.
andre camilleri , l-istess persuna li huwa chairman tal bank tal knisja APS? u int just pupazz -purcinell/pulcinell ghalaq halqek!!!!!! ja pupazz tal-knisja
money no problem miljun l'hawn u miljun lhemm 3 annullamenti taz-zwieg lill-uliedu, mela huwa ma ghandux bzonn ligi ta divorzju(han#$%) jekk inkun fil-gvern jien nghid min qatel lil-karen grech ghamilt propoganda fil-qtil misterjuz ta raymond caruana ,int u tnejn l-ohra . wiehed minnhom spicca miet mhux l-ewwel darba li gejt misjub hati mil-qorti ghadna ma nafux il-mottiv ghala riedu joqtlu lil-assistent personali tieghek RCC. pinocchio kien jikbirlu imniehru ,izda int il-hdura li ghandek go wiccek tizdidlek
DR.EDDIE FENECH ADAMI. YOU THINK YOU WILL CONTINUE WITH YOUR LIES - YOUR TIME HAS ALMOST RUN OUT *poof* EDWARD EDDIE FENECH ADAMI "I do further promise and declare that I will have no opinion or will of my own or any mental reservation whatsoever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the militia of the Pope and of Jesus Christ." In confirmation of which I hereby dedicate my life, soul, and all corporal powers, and with the dagger which I now receive I will subscribe my name written in my blood in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my brethren and fellow soldiers of the militia of the Pope cut off my hands and feet and my throat from ear to ear, my belly opened and sulphur burned therein with all the punishment that can be inflicted upon me on earth and my soul shall be tortured by demons in eternal hell forever." Maltese marriage concordat (1993) EDWARD FENECH ADAMI!!!!!!!! KNIGHT OF MALTA INITIAL MEMBERSHIP: Edward Fenech Adami Silvio Berlusconi Dr. Lawrence Gonzi Heinrich Himmler Franz von Papen Augusto Pinochet Cardinal Francis Spellman Maltese Concordat on Marriage Signed: 3 February 1993 Published in Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 679-694. [In Latin] Agreement between the Apostolic Seat [Holy See] and the Republic of Malta on the Recognition of Civil Effects of Canonical Marriage and on the Judgments of Ecclesiastical Authorities and Tribunals Concerning the Marriage Bond The Holy See and the Republic of Malta — on behalf of the Holy See and taking into consideration Catholic doctrine on marriage and also the expression of the same in the Code of Canon Law and also the teaching of the Second Vatican Ecumenical Council on relations between the Church and State, and on behalf of the Republic of Malta and the principles decreed in the Constitution of Malta; — wanting to guarantee freedom of choice in matters of marriage and with full respect for the fundamental human rights and family values within the matrimonial bond; — the Parties [i.e., the Holy See and the Republic of Malta] have taken the opportunity to come to an agreement on the civil effects of canonical matrimony and the decisions made by the ecclesiastical Authorities and tribunals on matters of the said marriage unions. To this end the Holy See, represented by Monsignor Pier Luigi Celata, Titular Archbishop of Doclea, Apostolic Nuncio to Malta, and the Republic of Malta, represented by Professor Guido de Marco, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Affairs, have come to an agreement as follows. AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR 3 CHILDRN MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS? WOW 3 MARRIAGE ANNULMENTS FROM THE SAME FAMILY - SOMETHING MUST BE WRONG HERE. SHAME ON YOU , DREAM OF YOUR HEAVEN, YOUR FACE AND EYES EXPRESS SO MUCH EVIL YOU ARE GETTING WORSE, YOUR TIME HAS ALMOST RUN OUT- FACE YOUR DESTINY .
Tereza says: "They cannot produce credible arguments to sustain their views." My dear, no argument that the pro-divorce movement will put forward will be 'credible' according to you. It is all in the eye of the beholder. Tell that to a married spouse or children suffering domestic violence who may have the opportunity to live with another loving spouse or parent (even though not biological). The question is not "why divorce?" but "Why is your God so stupid and inhumane?"
@ Teresa X'int antika, mhux ta b'xejn Malta bqajna lura. @ Fenech Adami Int m'hemmx min hu faccol izjed minnek; wara li ghandek tlett it-tfal li hadu l annullament ha tghid kontra d-divorzju? X'differenza hemm bejn l-annullament u d divorzju? Semplici, biex tihu l annullament trid timpala xeba flus lil knisja; mhux ta b'xejn thabaq kontra id divorzju!
Wonder what his Christian fate told him about pardoning drug lords.
Why does this expired politician keep popping up. We've had enough of his hypocracy. Christ also preached against lying and our good friend knows a lot about that.
its good to say no divorce,but only if you have the money to go to ROME and have friends so they help you to ask the pope(for your family)
Alfred Galea
Isn't this clown the same guy who L-I-E-D about Alfred Sant and was fined 2000 liri for L-Y-I-N-G?? Teresa, on the contrary, the anti-divorce side always fall back on the teachings of the church, the same church that allows annulments, which is "divorce for the rich and powerful catholics" who think they'll still go to heaven.
“We’re living in complete relativism where everyone wants to show us how clever they are, and they are ignoring the truth. The reason we in Malta have not yet introduced divorce is because we’re still a Christian society." What arrogance? So other Christians who have taken a different line are not being truthful to the Gospels. Does he not understand that there are different ways to the Bible. The time for absolutism is dead and gone. Joseph Fletcher and Situation Ethics reflect what Christ said - man was not created for the Sabbath but the Sabbath for man. So to express a different point of view is being clever? Great step towards an open society, Fenech Adami! But then you were never known for promoting debate. You say Malta is a Christian society ... what a joke. You are not describing Malta. You are telling Malta what it should be and become.
Fenech-Adami obviously has not read Matthew's version of what Jesus said about divorce. Let me make these points. Jesus said a man can divorce the wife is she is unfaithful. That is what Joseph was contemplating when he realised that Mary was pregnant. There are two major problems with what Jesus said. His words are sexist in the extreme. He does not seem to extend the same privilege to women. His words are also against public policy. If you want divorce, make sure your wife is unfaithful. Of course, given the rules of evidence in those those, a man could easily fabricate the evidence - not differently from those who nowadays apply for an annulment from the Church. Finally there is no mention of children in what Jesus said. Why, why does the Church and its so-called defenders continually mislead the public? Do they not understand that at the end of the day this can only backfire. What the Church needs are mature Christians who are able to make informed decisions.
Let them fight it out and hope the No movement will prevail. THAT WILL HELP LABOUR NO END. Ironical but true.
It is entertaining to see this paper pretend to be objective and then push the pro-divorce slant in the title. One would think that all that was discussed was religion. I listened to the programme. I have to say that the pro-divorce movement is clearly lost for valid arguments. This paper is glossing over what evidently was a massive blow to the pro-divorce groups strategy. They cannot produce credible arguments to sustain their views.
Pauline Moran
Dear Edward Fenech Adami, When I read your reasoning regarding the introduction of divorce in Malta I concluded that you really some kind of prophet on Christain value. But you know, then I was thinking that if you really believe in the words you said you would never have for example divided our nation between the "enemy" Laburisti and the blue Nazzjonalisti. Jesus always said not to judge others but let God be the judge but you and your gang of conservatives are doing the exact opposite. And by the way, it is absolutely false that Jesus Christ ever said that divorce is bad. Jesus Christ whipped the fiscal hypocrits which descicrated his temple and if he was here he would do the same to people like yourself becuase that is what you and your party of conservatives are...just hypocrites!
eleonoray86cws Ca?uana
"He who has no sin throws the first stone" Now remind me, who said that? But we still have prisons, don't we?
Isabelle Borg
Ommi Telqet ir-ragel li kellha ghax kien issawwata. Ommi tixtueq li hi u missieri jizzewwgu imma ma tistax ghax m'hawnx divorzju.Hekk sew?
Michael Gauci
Matthew 19:9 And I say unto you, Whosoever shall put away his wife, except it be for fornication, and shall marry another, committeth adultery: and who so marrieth her which is put away doth commit adultery. If your partner commits adultery you can divorce,even in Christendom.
Jekk ha jdahhal lil Kristu fin-nofs, mela jrid jiftakar li Kristu dejjem ghallem li min hu sinjur ghandu jaqsam ma haddiehor u mhux jkun egoist u jahseb fih biss, jew is-sur FA fejn irid biss isemmih lil Kristu...barraminhekk ma nistax nifem xihnu dal-ghageb dwar id-divorzju...jien personalment ma tantx jogobni id-divorzju pero mandi xorta wahda naqbel li ghandu jidhol b'mod ristrett (jinghata fuq certu kriterji biss)...u ghal min bhali jhoss li m'ghandux juza id-divorzju jaghzel li ma juzahx u daqsekk!!
Patricia Marsh
What is for sure is that Jesus Christ never asked for a section of the population. 'Fejn huma l-Laburisti?!.
EFA is a great hypocrite. Period.
U dawk li jgibu l-annulament Dr Eddie Fenech Adami? Dawk ghal Gesù Kristu tajjeb jew iz-zwieg taghhom ma kienx ghal dejjem. Perswaz li EFA jaf nies li gabu l-annulament, Nies qrib hafna tieghu. Imma fuq dan ma qal xejn!!!!!