[WATCH] Muscat vows to be responsible for ‘ambitious’ Labour manifesto
Prime Minister Joseph Muscat says that this year’s electoral manifesto could boast of four years’ experience over above the enthusiasm and energy of the previous programme

The Labour Party’s electoral manifesto was an ambitious plan towards a dream of a better future, built upon – but even better – than the last election’s programme, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said tonight.
“I am so confident of the importance is seeing this plan through that I have decided that, if I am re-elected to be the country’s prime minister, I will take personal responsibility for the implementation of the manifesto,” he said.
Muscat, who was addressing the party’s general conference after it had unanimously approved the manifesto said that the vote was a a strong mandate for the implementation of an ambitious plan that would modernise Maltese society.
He said that government had managed to achieve a lot in the past four years, but insisted that this manifesto was even better.
“This plan’s advantage is that we can now add our four years’ experience to the enthusiasm, principles and energy that we had in the last election,” Muscat said.
He noted that the government had delivered on over 90% of its plans outlined in the Labour Party’s ‘Malta Taghna Lkoll’ programme of four years ago.
“A large part of that success is also due to the hard work of my deputy, Louis Grech, who was responsible for the implementation of the manifesto,” Muscat said. “It for that very reason that although Louis will not be contesting the upcoming election, I will keep him by my side and insist he assist in the implementation of this new plan.”
The Labour leader said that it was evident that the government had delivered on the promises it made.
Muscat insisted the movement he led was built for and around work, and would continue to assist businesses flourish because that would benefit workers.
“I am proud to have led a Labour government that created the most jobs and had the lowest unemployment of all time, having registered the largest number of women and disabled persons joining the workforce,” he said.
Muscat said he was also proud to have led a government that implemented the most radical liberal programme ever.
“No other political force can match the liberal leap we are proposing, and we are sure to have to fight conservative forces who will try to frighten us and discourage us from pursuing our plans,” he said.
The prime minister said that what he was most proud of was having managed to halve poverty in Malta, insisting the party was committed to continuing to work to tackle poverty further in the next five years.
He said that the country’s best days should and would end up being the best days in the lives of every Maltese and Gozitan.
“This plan acknowledges the mistakes we did and the instances where we disappointed people,” Muscat said. “Let’s be clear, it acknowledges instance where I personally could have done better.”
The proposal to have the constitution lay down a clearly defined procedure to follow when a politician is guilty of any form of misconduct was proof enough that the party and the government had learned its mistakes.
Muscat pledged to work to bring together following the election, although it had been called in part because of lies against him and his wife.
"This might be a divisive moment and it is important to work to bring the country together again."