Bedingfield, Zammit Lewis and Mallia submit nominations for Labour casual elections
Nine Labour Party candidates have so far submitted their nominations for next Tuesday's casual elections
Glenn Bedingfield, Edward Zammit Lewis and Manuel Mallia are among nine Labour candidates that have submitted their nomination for the upcoming casual elections called to elect new members of parliament to replace candidates elected on more than one district in the 3 June general elections.
The Electoral Commission said that the nine nominations had been received on Wednesday.
Glenn Bedingfield has filed a nomination for the elections on the second and fifth electoral districts, for the seats vacated by Helena Dalli and Joseph Muscat respectively, while former tourism minister Edward Zammit Lewis is running on the eighth and ninth districts. The seats on those districts were vacated by Edward Scicluna and Michael Falzon.
Joe Cilia, Andy Ellul and Etienne Grech will be competing on the fourth district to claim the seat won by Chris Fearne, while Sebastian Muscat joins Bedingfield in the race on the fifth.
Zammit Lewis will be facing former minister Manuel Mallia and Nikita Zammit Alamango in the election on the 10th district.
The Electoral Commission said that no nominations had as yet been received for the casual elections for the seat vacated by Silvio Schembri on the sixth district and for that vacated by Evarist Bartolo on the 12th.
Candidates have until Sunday to hand in their nomination ahead of the elections to be held on Tuesday.