Volt Malta proposes regulated sex work and euthanasia in electoral manifesto

Volt Malta unveils its electoral manifesto, focusing on sex work, drug use, education, euthanasia and culture

Volt Malta is proposing regulated sex work that empowers prostitutes and safeguards their wellbeing
Volt Malta is proposing regulated sex work that empowers prostitutes and safeguards their wellbeing

Volt Malta is proposing regulating prostitution to safeguard workers' wellbeing and create a culture of cooperation between sex workers.

The party says Malta should take inspiration from the New Zealand and Dutch models, focussing on empowerment of sex workers and harsher sentences for human traffickers

The proposal forms part of the party's electoral manifesto for the 2022 general election, unveiled on Tuesday.

The party will be fielding two candidates who will run in the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th districts. The party said it is presenting "a socially progressive and economically balanced manifesto with a number of new ideas that other parties have not addressed".

On recreational drugs, the party is in favour of the Portuguese model that includes decriminalising all drug users and addicts.


Volt Malta is also proposing the introduction of euthanasia. It details different types of euthanasia that can exist and how it would aim to approach the subject with the primary focus being the individual’s choice.

Tackling the education system, the party has proposed several changes such as reducing mandatory examinations and assessments on a number of subjects and a re-evaluation of the syllabi to trim out excess information that may be no longer relevant whilst focusing on critical thinking.

The party said that the education system should equip students with life tools such as financial literacy and civic education.

Volt Malta has also proposed creating an artist-centric commune at White Rocks, where artists from all disciplines would be encouraged to participate in and take ownership. This would include digital artists and also the local movie industry.

Volt Malta manifesto can be accessed on their website.