KPMG report on Labour energy proposal drawn up in one day

Extensive disclaimer from auditors who claim Labour proposal will cost 19c per energy unit and increase bills by 5%.

Tonio Fenech today presented a report by auditors KPMG commissioned by Enemalta.
Tonio Fenech today presented a report by auditors KPMG commissioned by Enemalta.

A report by auditors KMPG that was commissioned by Enemalta, claims Labour's proposal for a gas terminal and a new 200MW power station will raise energy bills by 5%.

The 11-page report, seemingly drawn up in one day to go by the terms of reference of the auditors, allegedly shows Labour's energy proposals will raise energy bills, and not reduce them as claimed by the PL.

According to KPMG, the average cost per kilowatt-hour will be 19c2 and not 9c6 as claimed in Labour's gas terminal proposal.

The report details that using Labour's proposed mix of 40% gas-fired 200MW power station, 40% Delimara plant, and 20% interconnector will cost on average 12c5 per kWh.

The report adds other assumed operating costs of €17.8 million; the special purposed vehicle rent of €21.4 million for 2013 alone; cap 8.4% of return-on-capital-employed inside prices; a higher return of 10.92% to the private investor that must build the power station and import the gas; as well as shipping costs for the liquefied natural gas and insurance costs.

The total would be €360 million in generation costs or 19c2 per kWh, for a supply of 1.8 million megawatt-hours.

The KPMG also says that compared to Enemalta's estimates for 2013, this average unit revenue tariff will be higher than the 18c3 per kWh that is being produced.

The report is prefaced by a lengthy disclaimer that says that "this presentation... has been prepared in accordance with our terms of engagement dated 14 January 2013" - the same day Fenech presented the findings of the report.

Enemalta assumptions

The presentation is based on the technical estimates of Enemalta's costs on energy generation, but instead adopts Labour's 40-40-20 energy mix.

KPMG states that it made "no attempt verify" the assumptions given to it by Enemalta.

These assumptions include an average usage of 200 cubic metres of natural gas for each MWh by the Delimara extension once converted;  172 cubic metres of natural gas for each MWh for the new power station Labour is proposing; and a price of 9c3 for each MWh from the Malta-Sicily interconnector.

Enemalta claims natural gas will cost $11.21 per cubic metre: a price worked out on October 2012 prices incremented by 15%. It also forecasts exchange rate costs, emissions costs of €8.36 million, equivalent to €3.89 per MWh generated, and direct generation costs of €67 million.

The report does not feature a comparison of unit generation cost between Enemalta's 2013 estimates, and the unit generation cost of Labour's proposed energy mix.

In the report, KPMG make it abundantly clear that their workings are based on Enemalta reports, as well as on meetings held with Enemalta management and engineers.

"We have indicated in this presentation the sources of information presented. We have not sought to establish the reliability of those sources," the report's extensive disclaimer reads.

"The scope of our work was different from that for an audit and, consequently, we do not issue any opinion or any other certificate or confirmation relating to the financial statements, tax position or the internal control systems of Enemalta Corporation."

"We have not sought to establish the reliability of this information by reference to sources independent of the Corporation," the report stresses. "Our reliance on and the use of this unaudited information should not be construed as an expression of our opinion on it."

Is there anyone out there who can advice me where is Simon Busuttil? From morning, mid-day and evening news all I see is Tonio Fenech on ALL Stations expect Super one. Do not say that in this one again they copied the Labour Party and Tonio has been moved to be the spoke person as a deputy leader of the NP!
Why is there this strong insistence by the PN and their followers to claim this report as an "AUDIT", when KPMG themselves "proviso"ed this assertion out of existence. Is it so the title will stick in people's minds, and citizens will give this flawed report credence? Or are they after full political mileage before this flawed short report's significance fizzles out? To his credit, even Antoine Vella refers to the report as just a potential one-day "report".
Tonio Fenech minn kollox qed jaghmel biex il-konsumatur ma jiehux it-tnaqqis fil-prezz tal-kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. Fenech jaf li n-nies ser iddur fuqu u tghidlu ghaliex ma ghamiltx li qed jghidu l-PL minn qabel, halli kont tiffrankalna dawk il-miljuni kollha. Il-proposta tal-PL giet maghrbula ghal mitt darba u ma jista' jsib xejn ta sugu li jista jxellifa. Kull haga li bezza bija giet iccarata u l-hmieg dejjem baqa f'wiccu. Sa waslu li jghidu li hija proposta kriminali. Mela li thaddem power station bil-HFO li jaghmel tant hsara, din x'tghidilha?
'report drawn up in one day': anqas fl-iskola tan-nuna! Vera tilef il- boxla, it-tmun u id-dicenza!.....u bil-haqq vera dan ir-report ta GonziPN hallasna ghalih ahna it-tax payers u mhux l-PN? L-uniku mod ta kif jirnexxilek taghmel report 'serju' f'gurnata hu billi tqabbad lil xi hadd jikkopja! Nahseb li naf lil min qabdu!!!!!
Can the caretaker Minister Fenech tell us exactly the cost of this report? Is it true that Enemalta paid for this report to be used by GonziPN?
KPMG has issued a study of which basis is unaudited information provided by Enemalta. To add arrogance to insult the hastily baked report was publicly funded and used to counter argue a study financed by PL.
Luke Camilleri
Hasiebna CWIEC, Tonio Fenech! Ghal fejn ma ghamilx PRESS-CONFERENCE ma tal-KPMG fil prezenza ta' Dr. Konrad ha naraw min johrog ta' CUC!
Actually the report was not drawn up in one day but it doesn't matter. If we are expected to believe that Labour can build a large power station, Mosta-dome gas tanks and other facilities in two years, we might as well believe that KPMG can draw up a report in one day.
'Amateurish' The last paragraph says it all! In any serious study this would discredit said study completely!
Rita Pizzuto
Tassew li ta' GonziPN saru tal-biki b'Tonio Fenech qed johrog ta' vavu. Ma Tistenniex mod iehor. M'ghandhomx twegiba ghas-serjeta' tal-PL. Tant li hadd mhu jemminhom u ghall- ebda Wahda mill-hames proposti li suppost taw bi twegiba ghall-proposta tal-Labour li kull min ghandu rasu fuq ghonqu qed jemmen ghax serja, studjata u li tista' sehh. Smart lill-eks membri parliamentary, fisthom Michael Falzon u Jesmond Mugliette u taw certificate mill -aqwa lill-proposta tal-energija.
Trid tkun veru wiccek ta' qahb... biex tohrog dan ir-rapport -- GHAX DAWN WARA KOLLOX MA HUMA HADD HLIEF DAWK LI GHAMLU FEASIBILITY STUDY DWAR SMART CITY U QALULNA LI L-PROGETT SE JOHLOQ HAMEST ELEFT IMPIEG FL-2012 !!!!! imma possibbli ghad hawn fil-pajjiz nies li huma tant wicchom tost, keshin, qziez, injorati u bla misthija li jippoppoaw sidirhom u jilaghbuha tal-bravi WARA LI DAHHKU D-DINJA B'DAK LI QALU DWAR SMART CITY !!!!! Issa l-KPMG dahlu fil-lista ta' paladini ta' gonzipn -- of all people dawn se jilaghbuha tal-bravi ..... X'WICC TOST IRID IKOLLOK TOHROG BI STUDJU BHAL DAN flok tmur tinheba f'xi barmil heavy fuel oil f'delimara !!!!! veru gvern oxxen, mahmug u korrott .... igri jasal id-9 ta' marzu halli nqalftuhom 'il barra darba ghal dejjem .....
Now here is a report truly not worth the paper on which it is printed. Can the Hon Minister (li mhux xi cuc Malti) inform the public how much public funds this 'much-ado-about-nothing-report' cost?
Zack Depasquale
So by all these disclaimers this report so blown up by Minister Fenech is no more than a figment of imagination by someone who is panicking. It will be very interesting to know who gave the go ahead for this political report to be drawn, the person who authorised this report on behalf of Enemalta should be held accountable and pay for this report from his own pocket. Since when do Corporations do the dirty work of GonziPN.
If KPMG factored in Tonju's capital costs at 54 % higher than estimate, and assumed a highish rate of return for a private investor, and took wasteful EneMalta's figures as sacrosanct, then surely Labour's figures would be closer to reality. And this apart from the many provisos made. Tickle the other one Tonju! As an aside, I remember many accountancy and audit work changed hands 25 years ago, just after a change of Government. Some people when from zero to fifty in no time at all. Who can say what would happen now.
Igor P. Shuvalov
It seems that the Nationalist Party has found a way to carry out its campaign without spending a lot of money, as the general public is now financing this campaign through various ways, amongst them by using a corporation deep in debt, to draw a report which it could use against the Labour Party's energy proposals. So Gonzi asked where Labour is getting its money, of course without divulging from where his Party is getting theirs. Now we know of one source.. the tax-payers money!!!
"SmartCity should have contributed €179 million in value-added to the economy this year, increasing to €233 million if the multiplier effect is taken into consideration, according to the KPMG study" Times Oct 5 2011 Further comments are superfluous.
Rapport ta 11-il pagna maghmul f'gurnata!!! Fl-opinjoni tieghi il-kumpanija KPMG ma hiex wahda serjaa. Liema kumpanija serja f'[kontroversja daqstant tahraq u fl-eqqel ta kampanija elettorali tidhol ghal bicca xoghol teknika bhal din u tasala ghall-konklouzi f'gurnata!!! NERGA NGHID GHALIJA L-KPMG mhux KUMPANIJA SERJA. U ghaliex il-kumpanija ma kenitx prezenti waqt il-prezentazzjoni? Fuq kollox jista issa l-Ministru Tonio borg jew il-kumpanija KPG tghidilna kemm thallaset biex ghamalet dan il-bicca rapport? U minn fejn thallset, jekk mhux mill-PN jew mill-poplu.