Updated | PBS announces legal proceedings over BA judgement

Broadcasting Authority directs Bondiplus presenter to refrain from hostile questioning and squabbling with guests at the expense of impartiality.

In a class of his own - Lou Bondì gets flak from the BA over 'hostile questioning'.
In a class of his own - Lou Bondì gets flak from the BA over 'hostile questioning'.

The Broadcasting Authority has issued a scathing judgement of TVM presenter Lou Bondì for his "incorrect attitude and lack of impartiality" during the Bondiplus edition of 10 January in which he hosted Labour and Nationalist deputy leaders Toni Abela and Simon Busuttil on the subject of Labour's proposal to reduce energy bills.

The decision was published following a complaint filed by the Labour Party.

In reaction, PBS announced that it would be "immediately" insituting legal proceedings against the Broadcasting Authority.

In a statement, PBS said that the BA's judgement is in breach of the Constitution and the principle of natural justice, given that "[the BA] has not allowed PBS a fair hearing in the cases that the BA presented against it."

"At this stage, sufficed to say that members of the BA are systemically showing, without concealment, their antagonism against PBS, even during the hearing of the complaints," PBS said, adding that this is "to the detriment of PBS's rights and those of its journalists."

PBS added that it already has pending cases before the courts regarding this issue, and in the course of hearings it has presented various documents that show "clearly and conclusively that some members of the BA publicly express not only a political bias, but also a bias against individual journalists."

The PBS also accused members of the BA of publically displaying political bias despite how those same members exercise a position where they judge others on the basis of political bias.

In its judgment, the BA, which includes two representatives each from both the PN and PL apart from its chairman, said Bondì "will have to carry responsibility for the way the programme is conducted and ensure that he does not get involved in squabbles with his guests."

The authority also found that the clips employed by Bondiplus throughout the discussion were solely aimed at putting the Labour deputy leader in particular difficulty, "by showing one side only of the subject under discussion" in breach of broadcasting laws.

"The ultimate responsibility in the way a programme is run lies with the presenter, but the participation of both the guests and that of the presenter must facilitate the discussion and allow viewers to understand and follow the arguments being made, something which did not happen in this programme."

TVM will have to broadcast a synthesis of the BA's decision within seven days of the directive's publication.

In their complaint, Labour accused Bondì of having acted incorrectly towards Abela with "constant interruptions and an attempt to extract a forced reply as willed by the presenter." Labour also accused Bondì of making "evidently partisan and hostile questioning", as well as showing a lack of impartiality in his questioning when compared to that made to Busuttil, as well as a breach of broadcasting regulations.

Labour president Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi submitted to the BA that Bondiplus had employed clips intended to assist the PN deputy leader while displaying an aggressive attitude towards the Labour deputy leader.

Among the clips were those of the Prime Minister's visit to Berlin where he met German Chancellor Angela Merkel, which Zrinzo Azzopardi said were sued as a cue for Simon Busuttil to remark on Malta's economic performance. Zrinzo Azzopardi said no clip with favourable commentary on Labour's proposals was broadcast during the programme.

Toni Abela himself told the BA that Bondì had placed him in an embarrassing position by disclosing that he had had a series of telephone conversations with him prior to the programme, by alleging that Abela had attempted to put pressure on the presenter ahead of the programme, which Abela denied.

On his part, Bondì submitted an affidavit duly signed on 17 January, in which he declared that he had told Abela before the programme that he would discuss the Labour proposal for a new gas terminal and power station; that this was mentioned in two separate phone calls, and in which Abela attempted to persuade him to discuss other subjects and not just the energy proposal, amongst them the party logos and slogans.

Bondì insisted throughout the hearing that Abela wanted to influence the discussion by refusing to answer questions that were put to him, and instead focus on the questions he felt should be put to Busuttil.

I agree with Zoltan. I have stopped watching both Bondi + and Xarabank, full stop. Let me be clear, I was never a fan of these two trash programmes. But, there were instances when I did watch because of the national interest involved. I could not and cannot stomach that arrogant, see through imbalance, which any level headed citizen would discern flowing out in spades. Especially as it seems that this private media house, whose alliances are well noted, have taken over public broadcasting in prime time. Not only, it seems most of their unbalanced programmes are screened thrice. Surely this is done so they would reach as wide an audience as possible, once they themselves must have set their own well known agenda.
Bondi + means more euros to Bondi & co. Pretensions galore. Hidden agendas obvious. There was once someone who called his enemies 'white washed tombs'. How fitting to Lou & co. Playing the victim to continue their empire. Journalism on everything my foot. Best advice: ignore their pathetic tv/pbs presentations. Period.
I must say I have stopped watching Bondi's pathetic pretences at being an investigative journalist two years ago and feel much the better for it. The Maltese public seems to display a masochistic tendency (no doubt prompted by curiosity) when they tune in to what is now essentially a repetitive re-hash of political propaganda and a waste of good air-time!
Kif? Ghamlu dan lil-GURNALISTA INDIPENDENTI par excellance! And what is the big joke of the day? PBS's reaction: @PBS said that the BA's judgement is in breach of the Constitution and the principle of natural justice." And they all came falling down! Tick tock. Tick tock.
Il-fatt li l-PBS qed tipprova tiddefendi l-agir ta Bondi hu bizzejjed prova ta kemm l-PBS mhux newtrali u sar ghodda f'idejn GonziPN. Ma irridux la xandir manipulat mill-PN u l-anqas mill-PL: irridu xandir li jixraq lil-Malta Ewropeja! Jew,ghal GonziPN l-Ewropa hi xi haga a la carte: le divorzju, le gay rights, le IVF, le accountability,le whistle blowers protection, imma IVA Xandir zbilancjat,iva ghal privileggi lil xi uhud u tfixkil lil ohrajn? Ewropa f'kollox mhux fejn jaqbillek GonziPN!
Kullhadd jaf li meta ser tmur quddiem is Sur Lou Bondi ser tmur quddiem nazzjonalist akkanit ,u min ser imur ser ikollu jikkonfronta tnejn u mhux wiehed. Ghalhekk dan kollu paroli fil vojt li dejjaq lil kullhadd...ghaliex ma tibbojkotjawhx ? jew ser nipruvaw inkunu il vittmi....
Let's put this into its proper perspective. This would-be tele-journalist named Lou Bondi is a money-making private individual who is using the STATE (and therefore tax-payer) BROADCASTING SERVICE to tout his own self-proclaimed programme with his own pro-GonziPN self-proclaimed agenda and in doing so, undoubtedly draws a hefty wad of money towards his "business" and appropriate reimbursement for his "work", or as some may feel, "dirty work". That's a fine state of affairs indeed. Now - once again - he has been declared to be biased against the PL or individuals representing the PL and YET, he continues to broadcast his propaganda via the tax-payer state service and continues to make money. This is indeed another aspect of the ethical policy of the GonziPN. ALBERT FENECH Qawra
The Broadcasting Authority's decision regarding the gross violations of the codes of Natural Justice and Journalism displayed by Bondi+ programs is yet another proof of the arrogant, biased and despicable way in which Bondi+ conducts its programme on the State TV. There is no doubt in all people of good will that this programme has to desist from further abuses and should have its place on NETTV and not on the State TV PBS which has been relegated to a dirty tricks station totally incompatible with the impartiality that a State TV, funded by the people, should observe. It is time that this attack on the wishes and aspirations of the greater majority of the Maltese people should stop forthwith and redress be given to balance these gross violations.
Franco Debono once said that PBS is a PN club. Everyone now can see that it is even more than that. It is now also taking on its shoulders and expense the PN legal battle. What a shame. I am an ex PN supporter who was militant on the PN side for all my life, but not anymore. Gonzi pushed me away from the party
Why does Labour go to such programs, we all know who "Where's Everybody"! Just IGNORE THEM and let them die away.
Luke Camilleri
Mela l'Awtorita ma hiex AWTORITA??? xI DRITT U B'LIEMA DRITT IL-PBS tiehu l'Awtorita il-Qorti bi hlas mit-taxxi taghna u Bondi joqghod gallarija? Jirbah u jitlef lanqas johrog centezmu minn butu ghax l'ebda awtorita ma tista la ghalih u lanqas ghal siehbu Peppi! HUMA JIDDETTAW L'AGENDA! Issa nawaq x'AWTORITA ghandha l'Awtorita U JEKK DIN HIEX XI Punch & Judy Show bit taparsi Punch jiggieled ma Judy IMMA IL-PUPPAZZIER QIEGHED MISTOHBI IMEXXI ix-xow minn wara il-kwinti!
Rita Pizzuto
M'ghadux jghid li qatt ma gie ikkundannat ghall - mod sbilancjat li bih imexxi l - programmmi Bondi, ghax lief kundanni mill-awtorita' tax -xandir mhux qed ikolli. Sa fl-ahjar il-PL tghallem ma jibqax passiv. Anzi ghandu wkoll jipprotesta ghall- mod xejn dinjituz u sbilancjat kif Pierre Portelli qed imexxi l- programmi tieghu fuq PBS kemm filghodu f'TVam u Close-up. Il- mistoqsijiet tieghu lill- mistiedna Dejjem jidhru intizi biex ipoggi l- kliem contra l-PL f'halq il-mistiedna....u siehbu filghodu frisk bhal Hassa m jlissinx kelma biex juri bilancjati. Tassel akkolti ta' GonziPN u bil- provi.
Luke Camilleri
Ara biss tmissulu il-programm ! Hu u siehbi PEPPI BI DRITT IKUNU HEMM! Ghamlu il-PBS ir-REGIM taghhom U HADD MA JAZZADA JCAQLAQHOM MINN HEMM, ikun min ikun fit-tmexxija tal-Gvern.... ghax immorru jintrabtu bil-ktajjen Kastilja! Don't touch their Chair!