Steering Gozo Channel | Paul Curmi
Newly-appointed Gozo Channel chairman Paul Curmi doesn’t lack the enthusiasm to be at the helm of the country’s oldest ferry service provider. But is he ready to face the...
The gentle anarchist | Charles Miceli
For Charles Miceli, poverty is not a statistic but a reality he meets every day… in the shape of real people who – quite literally – have nothing
The solution is good governance | Edward Scicluna

Labour MEP and prospective minister Edward Scicluna envisages an open and...

Labour MEP and prospective minister Edward Scicluna...

Leaving past convictions behind | Emmanuel Mallia

Reputed criminal lawyer Emmanuel Mallia tells what led him to a change of heart...

Reputed criminal lawyer Emmanuel Mallia tells what led him...

Cracking the party whip | David Agius

Nationalist Party Whip David Agius says that the Nationalist Party faces nothing short of a battle next Thursday.

Nationalist Party Whip David Agius says that the...

Man from the South | Joe Psaila Savona

Former tourism parliamentary secretary Joe Psaila Savona knows what it means to be a Nationalist candidate in the overwhelmingly Labour south of Malta. But...

Former tourism parliamentary secretary Joe Psaila Savona...

Still defiant | Franco Debono

With four days to go there is no indication yet whether Franco Debono has changed his original position or that he will not support a no-confidence vote.

With four days to go there is no indication yet whether...

Some don’t like it hot | Frans Ghirxi

The Sliema murders shook the nation but it was also the press and its reports that came under the public’s scrutiny. Former newspaperman Frans Ghirxi...

The Sliema murders shook the nation but it was also the...

Going to the blogs… | Alex Grech

Academic researcher Alex Grech talks about how social networks are slowly impacting the way people interact with each other… and debunks a few myths about...

Academic researcher Alex Grech talks about how social...

The full Montanaro | Alan Montanaro

Alan Montanaro is best known, dressed in drag, for his panto performances as The Dame, but he’s also vocal about all things theatre, censorship… and the...

Alan Montanaro is best known, dressed in drag, for his...

One man against the big bank | Paul Bonello

In tomorrow’s issue of MaltaToday on Sunday, stockbroker Paul Bonello says it...

In tomorrow’s issue of MaltaToday on Sunday, stockbroker...

Re-exhuming the past? | Dione Borg

Almost 25 years later and political parties still speak of the violence which occurred in the 1980s, 1970s and even the 1960s but In-Nazzjon journalist Dione...

Almost 25 years later and political parties still speak of...

Labour’s Mr Nice Guy | Karmenu Vella

Shadow Finance Minister Karmenu ‘Il-Guy’ Vella is often presented as the respectable and appealing face of Labour. But do his economic policies and...

Shadow Finance Minister Karmenu ‘Il-Guy’ Vella is often...

Democracy in times of ‘war’

Is European democracy under siege? And with so much concern about the future political direction of the Union, why is Malta so apparently far-removed from the...

Is European democracy under siege? And with so much concern...

Fenech’s middle class budget | Tonio Fenech

The spin off from capital projects and the targeted tax cuts for higher...

The spin off from capital projects and the targeted tax...

Cleaning out the cobwebs | Karm Farrugia

Economist Karm Farrugia is willing to give Tonio Fenech the benefit of the doubt over conflicting deficit reduction targets. But he urges government to do more...

Economist Karm Farrugia is willing to give Tonio Fenech the...

Vetting the candidates | Karol Aquilina

New PN President Karol Aquilina is responsible for the vetting of candidates standing for local and national elections. He makes it clear that a rethink is...

New PN President Karol Aquilina is responsible for the...

A migratory crisis of Europe’s making | Thomas Hammarberg

The Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner Thomas Hammarberg...

The Council of Europe’s human rights commissioner...

Building on solid foundations | Trafford Busuttil

The property market has changed and traditional approcahes to doing business...

The property market has changed and traditional...

The freedom fighter in me | Josie Muscat

Former PN stalwart turned medical entrepreneur Josie Muscat talks about Libya and his investments under the regime he despised.

Former PN stalwart turned medical entrepreneur Josie...