Everyone has a part to play in occupational health and safety | Mark Gauci
As Malta reels from the shock of two construction-related fatalities in just three days, OHSA CEO MARK GAUCI calls for collective responsibility among the many stakeholders...
Homophobia is not a ‘cultural trait’. It’s a choice | Eman Borg Mercieca
This year, Gozo held its first-ever Gay Pride March: hailed as a ‘historic milestone’ for the local gay community. But LGBTI+ Gozo president EMAN BORG MERCIECA argues...
Mario Mallia: There cannot be ‘us versus them' in education

Former headmaster Mario Mallia argues that his recent dismissal has less...

Former headmaster Mario Mallia argues that his recent...

Towards a ‘human rights-based’ drug policy | Karen Mamo

KAREN MAMO, a drug-policy researcher specialising in harm-reduction, argues...

KAREN MAMO, a drug-policy researcher specialising in...

In a sense, our education system is ‘rigged’ | Ronald Sultana

RONALD G. SULTANA, Professor of Educational Sociology and Comparative Education...

RONALD G. SULTANA, Professor of Educational Sociology and...

‘Dividing everything into two is always problematic’ | Loranne Vella

With her latest book Marta Marta, novelist and translator LORANNE VELLA argues that a plurality of voices – as opposed to the stark binarity of the...

With her latest book Marta Marta, novelist and translator...

How can it make sense to kill six million animals an hour? Darryl Grima

Veganism is a growing trend. But environmentalist, vegan and End The Slaughter campaigner DARRYL GRIMA argues that this may well be a reaction to the sheer...

Veganism is a growing trend. But environmentalist, vegan...

‘Impose sanctions, if you must; but target the right people’ | Clint Flores

Economist CLINT FLORES argues that unless Europe also addresses the supply-chain problems caused by the war in Ukraine, its economic sanctions may end up...

Economist CLINT FLORES argues that unless Europe also...

Justice has to be done with policemen, too | Neville Mercieca

The Malta Police Union has come out strongly against the Attorney...

The Malta Police Union has come out strongly against the...

‘My only dogma is science and biology’ | Stephen Spiteri

Opposition Health spokesperson Dr STEPHEN SPITERI rejects the view that the...

Opposition Health spokesperson Dr STEPHEN SPITERI rejects...

‘Pain is pain: whether you’re a human, or any other animal’ | Peter Singer

Philosopher, ethicist and Animal Liberation exponent PETER SINGER talks about the need to ‘expand the circle of moral concern’: to include humans,...

Philosopher, ethicist and Animal Liberation exponent PETER...

[WATCH] We cannot talk about ‘sex-work’, and not ‘migration’ | Maria Pisani

More than two years after a government white paper to regularise the sex industry, the local debate remains mired in strategy disagreements. Dr MARIA PISANI,...

More than two years after a government white paper to...

Nurses are ‘out of stock’ | Paul Pace

The recent arrest of Mount Carmel Hospital head-nurse Joe Pace - on charges of...

The recent arrest of Mount Carmel Hospital head-nurse Joe...

‘Someone you love has had an abortion’ | Natalie Psaila

Despite being targeted by intense hate-speech (including death-threats), Dr...

Despite being targeted by intense hate-speech (including...

Neutrality is more valid now, than ever before | Evarist Bartolo

Former Foreign Minister EVARIST BARTOLO dismisses rumours of any ‘kick...

Former Foreign Minister EVARIST BARTOLO dismisses rumours...

All about Eve... | Eve Borg Bonello

At just 18 years of age, newly elected MP EVE BORG BONELLO is by far the youngest Parliamentarian in Maltese political history. She has also been entrusted...

At just 18 years of age, newly elected MP EVE BORG BONELLO...

Pope Francis showed leadership, where there is none | Fr Jimmy Bonnici

On his visit to Malta, Pope Francis did not hold back from some stinging criticism: especially concerning ‘corruption’, ‘environmental...

On his visit to Malta, Pope Francis did not hold back from...

[WATCH] There must be something very wrong with the PN’s attitude | Adrian Delia

For former PN leader ADRIAN DELIA, the electorate’s message was crystal-clear. It’s not that Maltese voters are ‘comfortable with...

For former PN leader ADRIAN DELIA, the electorate’s...

Politics is both a science, and an art | Mario Thomas Vassallo

University degrees in ‘Political Science’ may appear excessive, in...

University degrees in ‘Political Science’ may...

‘We need to reassess our economic ecosystem’ | Stephanie Fabri

There was much talk, in the election campaign, about ‘attracting new...

There was much talk, in the election campaign, about...