Born into Birdlife… | Mark Sultana
Birdlife Malta celebrated its 60th anniversary last Tuesday. CEO MARK SULTANA looks back, at an NGO which almost literally started out in his own living room…
Cannabis may be legal. But it’s not a ‘free-for-all’ | Mariella Dimech
Malta will not become ‘another Amsterdam’; for as MARIELLA DIMECH – executive chairperson of the newly-formed Authority on the Responsible Use of Cannabis...
Climate change will not wait for us to take action | Stefano Moncada

On paper, the climate change commitments undertaken by politicians – both...

On paper, the climate change commitments undertaken by...

Why are we killing off our own language? | Trevor Zahra

Award-winning author TREVOR ZAHRA has already sounded a warning about the slow...

Award-winning author TREVOR ZAHRA has already sounded a...

Before changing government, you have to change yourself | Adrian Delia

A year since his turbulent replacement as PN leader, ADRIAN DELIA shows no sign of bitterness or resentment over his own fall from power. But he warns that the...

A year since his turbulent replacement as PN leader, ADRIAN...

‘Pre-election budget?’ Absolutely not | Clyde Caruana

A budget which raises benefits instead of taxes is usually a sure-fire sign...

A budget which raises benefits instead of taxes is usually...

The unquantifiable cost of construction to our society | Lino Briguglio

As any accountant will tell you, the value of a company is measured by its ‘assets versus liabilities’. But Prof. LINO BRIGUGLIO, of the University...

As any accountant will tell you, the value of a company is...

‘The European Union is not a bank’ | Iratxe Garcia-Perez

Socialist MEPs are currently in Malta for an external conference entitled...

Socialist MEPs are currently in Malta for an external...

All the lonely people… | Alfred Grixti

Covid-19 has arguably brought about greater awareness of mental health issues than ever before. But it may also have exposed the limits of our country’s...

Covid-19 has arguably brought about greater awareness of...

Discipline must be tempered with dignity | Beppe Fenech Adami

Malta’s prison is once again under scrutiny, after two warders have been...

Malta’s prison is once again under scrutiny, after...

The value of land is not measured only in euros | Mario Cardona, Malcolm Borg

A law protecting tenant farmers from eviction was recently declared ‘unconstitutional’: sending shockwaves through Malta’s tiny farming...

A law protecting tenant farmers from eviction was recently...

Malta has so many worlds to discover | Rebecca Anastasi

Malta-made short film ‘Luzzu’ has wowed international audiences,...

Malta-made short film ‘Luzzu’ has wowed...

The PN’s rejuvenation is a ‘work in progress’ | Michael Piccinino

At 26 years of age, newly-elected PN secretary-general MICHAEL PICCININO arguably represents the younger, more forward-looking elements of the Nationalist...

At 26 years of age, newly-elected PN secretary-general...

Racism is ignorance. And there’s no excuse for ignorance | Omar Rababah

Is Malta a racist country? According to anti-racism activist OMAR RABABAH, the short answer is ‘yes’; but it is a racism built on ignorance, and...

Is Malta a racist country? According to anti-racism...

It is action – not social media – that counts | Aaron Farrugia

Environment, Climate Change and Planning Minister AARON FARRUGIA rebuts...

Environment, Climate Change and Planning Minister AARON...

‘Our industry has been made a sacrificial lamb’ | Howard Keith Debono

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association has existed for just over a year now: partly as a response to the challenges of the Covid-19 pandemic....

The Malta Entertainment Industry and Arts Association has...

Attitudes don’t change overnight | Cynthia Chircop

Reports of violent homophobia – such as the recent allegations of...

Reports of violent homophobia – such as the recent...

Malta’s film industry needs to prove itself | Martin Bonnici

It is both an exciting and a frustrating time to be involved in filmmaking in...

It is both an exciting and a frustrating time to be...

A Volt from the blue… | Arnas Lasys

As Malta’s youngest – and first openly pro-choice – party, Volt faces an uphill struggle to assert itself in the local political landscape....

As Malta’s youngest – and first openly...

A derogation too far? | Lucas Micallef

So far, Malta’s hunting community has successfully resisted most attempts – at local, and European level – to curb its excesses. But now,...

So far, Malta’s hunting community has successfully...