Malta’s film industry needs to prove itself | Martin Bonnici
It is both an exciting and a frustrating time to be involved in filmmaking in Malta. But as director MARTIN BONNICI (quite bluntly) puts it: there is now pressure to deliver, on...
A Volt from the blue… | Arnas Lasys
As Malta’s youngest – and first openly pro-choice – party, Volt faces an uphill struggle to assert itself in the local political landscape. But president ARNAS...
The real problem is not Hamas, but the Israeli occupation | Fadi Hanania

Palestine’s ambassador to Malta, H.E. FADI HANANIA, admits to being frustrated by the international community’s 'double standards', in...

Palestine’s ambassador to Malta, H.E. FADI HANANIA,...

‘Political parties don’t care about women. They only care about themselves’ | Marlene Farrugia

In her own words, independent MP MARLENE FARRUGIA provoked a ‘tsunami of emotion’ this week with her private member’s bill to decriminsalise...

In her own words, independent MP MARLENE FARRUGIA provoked...

Evarist Bartolo: Labour needs an ‘act of contrition’

Malta’s outspoken Foreign Minister Evarist Bartolo acknowledges that...

Malta’s outspoken Foreign Minister Evarist...

Satire is about ‘punching up’… not down | Matt Bonanno

For 10 years, Malta’s social media landscape has been graced by the comic...

For 10 years, Malta’s social media landscape has been...

Ħondoq ir-Rummien should return to ODZ, at all costs… | Paul Buttigieg

In a rare display of cross-party consensus, all 17 of Gozo’s Local Councils recently warned government about the dangers of ‘ruining’ the...

In a rare display of cross-party consensus, all 17 of...

‘We can’t go on like this’ | Astrid Vella

The Planning Authority is approving more development projects than ever before...

The Planning Authority is approving more development...

On cannabis, we should be pressing the brake… not the gas | Anthony Gatt

Government’s plans to further decriminalise recreational cannabis has been met with resistance. Dr ANTHONY GATT, director of Caritas Malta, outlines why...

Government’s plans to further decriminalise...

Inequality is the biggest obstacle to national unity | Aleks Farrugia

Author and journalist ALEKS FARRUGIA argues that true ‘national...

Author and journalist ALEKS FARRUGIA argues that true...

‘The Labour Party does not protect criminals’ | Ramona Attard

In recent weeks, the Labour Party has been rocked by numerous revelations, from...

In recent weeks, the Labour Party has been rocked by...

An opportunity to ‘reflect, redevelop and rethink’ | Julian Zarb

COVID-19 has had a catastrophic effect on Malta’s tourism sector: but for...

COVID-19 has had a catastrophic effect on Malta’s...

We are fighting for crumbs | Matthew Pace

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on the restaurant,...

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a catastrophic impact on the...

Alfred Sant on Maltese politics: Eight take-aways from his latest interview

The former prime minister, Labour MEP, writer and playwright’s latest set of memoirs has opened a new window on his view of Malta in 2021

The former prime minister, Labour MEP, writer and...

The answer is (literally) blowing in the wind | Luciano Mule-Stagno

Malta is once again considering offshore windfarms to help meet its renewable...

Malta is once again considering offshore windfarms to help...

Let’s empower women, not pimps | Stephanie Falzon

Women’s organisations are united in their opposition to the proposed...

Women’s organisations are united in their opposition...

The problem with cannabis is that it doesn’t have a label | Andrew Bonello

There is more to the cannabis decriminalisation debate than a simple reform of drug legislation. ANDREW BONELLO, president of pro-legalisaton NGO Releaf Malta,...

There is more to the cannabis decriminalisation debate than...

Alternative transport is not just desirable, but necessary | Konrad Xuereb

Architect Konrad Xuereb, of KonceptX Ltd, argues that a shift towards mass transit systems is just as inevitable as the drive towards renewable energy, caused...

Architect Konrad Xuereb, of KonceptX Ltd, argues that a...

There are alternatives to prison: not just in drug cases | Sandra Scicluna

A recent court ruling - in which a 25-year-old man was imprisoned for six months, for a drug-related offence that occurred eight years earlier – has once...

A recent court ruling - in which a 25-year-old man was...

A new economic formula, to address new realities | Clyde Caruana

While ruling out the living wage ‘for the foreseeable future’,...

While ruling out the living wage ‘for the foreseeable...