'Personal attacks' by PN MPs on Karl Stagno Navarra condemned by journalists' institute
Institute of Maltese Journalists condemns 'lies and insinuations', caught on video, from Beppe Fenech Adami and Karol Aquilina directed towards ONE reporter Karl Stagno Navarra
The journalists' institute has condemned what it said were "personal attacks" on Karl Stagno Navarra by Beppe Fenech Adami and Karol Aquilina.
The ONE TV journalist complained to the Institute of Maltese Journalists after he was insulted by the two Nationalist MPs when he attempted to doorstep them with questions outside Parliament.
The incident, which happened on Monday and was recorded on video, left Stagno Navarra feeling intimidated, the IĠM said.
Stagno Navarra said on his Pjazza programme on Labour's TV station this evening that the video of the incident would not be broadcast. He said, however, that Aquilina would be reported to the police.
The IĠM said that Stagno Navarro had complained that the MPs had insulted him and attacked him with lies and insinuations.
"While the IĠM won't enter into the specific merits of what Hon. Fenech Adami and Hon. Aquilina said - which is on record in audio-visual clips which were sent to the IĠM - the Institute condems all kinds of personal attacks made by the MPs, which were intended to intimate a member of the media in the undertaking of his duties."
The Institute added that no MP or public official should use personal attacks to avoid answering questions.
"On the other hand, MPs and public officials have the right to not respond or to say they are not in a position to answer."
Appeal for action on attacks against journalists
The IĠM said that, in the past days, it had continued to receive reports of journalists being intimidated and attacked on social media.
It went on to urge the authorities to act in this regard.
"The authorities must act concretely and immediately to stop this abuse from happening. We appeal for the situation not to be allowed to worsen and for any action not to be taken at too late a point."