Archbishop's aide gets earful from listeners on Church radio RTK

Church radio listeners accused Mgr Anton Gouder of scaremongering during referendum campaign.

It was not a good day for Pro Vicar General Anton Gouder. The first four listeners on Church radio RTK’s Jaqblu, Ma Jaqblux on Monday – where he fields questions from the public with TV presenter Peppi Azzopardi – held him responsible for having “created the sin” that stopped voters from going to the voting booths on Saturday and for fudging an earlier message from theologians to voters “to use their conscience” when voting.

Gouder told listeners that the Bishops’ statement published by MaltaToday before its 10pm embargo at the end of the referendum voting day was not an apology but a declaration on what the Church felt was necessary for the strengthening of the family, irrespective of the referendum result.

“I have no problem in resigning, but in the Church we don’t apply for our jobs... the Bishop might transfer me anywhere if he so wishes. I took a vow of obedience and I would obey his orders.”

“The aim of the bishops' note was to depart from the result of the referendum and invest more in the family and helping young people go into marriage, whether civil or religious, with a strong foundation of love.”

Gouder conceded that an embargo was “an understanding” between the press and sources not to publish a statement before a set time, referring to MaltaToday's decision to publish the note before 10pm. Peppi Azzopardi chipped in, saying that MaltaToday had underlined the public interest was best served by publishing the bishop’s statement before the time requested by the Curia.

Gouder’s own analysis of the voting outcome of Sunday’s divorce referendum, where over 122,000 voted in favour of a divorce bill, was equally harsh: he said that some 50,000 voters, those who had either not collected their voting documents or abstained in the referendum, had been “irresponsible.”

“I’m sorry about the way I’m putting it. I feel it was a great lack of responsibility on their part... I don’t accept the explanation that they didn’t know what they were about to vote for. They didn’t that divorce was very important socially, apart from its religious aspect. I fear they don’t care about the society they live in... maybe because the referendum wasn’t about something pecuniary, about some new tax. We’re poor when it comes to social values.”

Gouder later added that such voters had allowed others to choose for them, and that they should have chosen the ‘less harmful option’ in the referendum.

But RTK listeners told Gouder that the Church had played a role in scaring voters with the prospect of sin, and that the Church seemed to have first told voters to consult their consciences, then included religion in their consciences, and finally revealed by priests such as Fr Mark Montebello of having heavily wielded their influence on Catholic voters.

One listener took umbrage at the ‘late’ apology from the bishops on Saturday night, and insisted that many of the voters who stayed at home had voted in favour. Another listener expressly stated that she felt hurt as a Catholic, having been made to think that voting in favour of divorce, was a sin. Another listener said the Church’s campaign had backfired because of its overzealousness.

Other listeners congratulated RTK for its balanced coverage, and some congratulated the Church’s position in the referendum campaign.

“I don’t agree with this argument, naturally. Saying that something is a sin, is not scaremongering. You can choose to sin because you’re not scared or don’t commit sin because you love God,” Gouder said.

Referring to the infamous homily in which Gozo bishop Mario Grech referred to pro divorce Catholics as “brigands” and “wolves in sheep’s clothing”, Gouder said that the same week’s homily on Sunday concerned the Good Shepherd, and that Catholics who preached wrong teachings were entering through the back door as “brigands... a word that is used in the Gospel. And likewise, it talks of wolves snatching sheep and of Jesus Christ as the Good Shepherd. The Gozo bishop did not insult anybody.”

Instead he said that pro divorce activists, like Deborah Schembri, claimed at the end of the final BA debate that voting for divorce was not a sin. “Go see what people would have said had Arthur Galea Salomone stated that voting for divorce was a sin. So it’s ok saying something is not a sin, but it’s wrong to say something is a sin?”

Gouder was one of several theologians at the start of the referendum campaign who issued a statement saying that voters who arrived at an informed decision on divorce, should vote according to their conscience. Later, the Church issued a statement saying that a decision based on conscience should be put to the test by reciting the decision in front of a crucifix.


Just one question: If Deborah Schembri said that voting for divorce was not a sin, could someone PLEASE inform me when and where did she study theology? Or you don't have to study theology to speak with some weight on moral matters? Such a lot of obfuscated minds!!
Jien l-iktar li iddejjaqni jitkellem il Mons kif ukoll il-knisja hija li dejjem huma kienu ghal familja maltija, jissemmew tad drogi,l-istituti tat tfal ( dawn kienu ambjent tal familja il-mohqrija u tbabis tat tfal) etc. ma jafx il-mons li kull ma ghamlet il-knisja dejjem ghamlitu bi flus in nies, bi flus li hija tigbor minghand in nies. mela il-knisja amministrat biss dawn l-affarijiet. u fejn l-affarijiet spikkaw bhal Caritas li imexxija Mons Dun Victor Grech issa issa il knisja trid tirkeb fuq il-karru tieghu.nahseb irrid ikollok wiccek imcappas.............. biex qed tiprova tirkeb fuq il-karru tal caritas. Tiehux merti minn fuq haddiehor, Mons Grech qatt ma wegga bi kliemu la lill tal le u lanqas lill ta iva izzefnux.tkunx izjed ipokrita, jew insejt meta kont arcipriet rahal il gdid, kemm keccejt zaghzagh mill youth centre li dak iz zmien forsi kienu ghaddejien minn problemi fil familja.U kien infettah Youth Centre iehor ghajn dwieli ta Patri leopuldu biex jigbor lill dawn iz-zaghzagh?
Jurgen Cachia
@ minestra: Apart from Mark Montebello, how many priests or nuns can you name who spoke out openly against the Church's anti-divorce crusade? There does not seem to have been a shortage of scurrilous priests who spoke for the crusade. Minestra, next time try a kawlata.
Mons , ghandek hafna affarijiet iktar serji madwarek fix tghaddi il-hin , ezempju , qassinin/sorijiet li abbuzaw mit-tfal go stituti !!! li qadt ma smajt li xi qasis jew xi soru marret il-habs ....jew inthom immaculati ?? Ippokreti !
Mona , ghandek hafna affarijiet iktar serji madwarek fix tghaddi il-hin , ezempju , qassinin/sorijiet li abbutaf li qadt ma smajt li xi qasis mar il-habs??? Ippokreti !
Gouder is so out of touch. How dare he dictate how we should lead our lives.
This actually made my day - Gouder - serves you bloody right and about time too that someone who got guts stood up to your cruel, vengeful, high and mighty arrogance. Well done to those who gave gouder a long overdue, much deserved tongue lashing!!!
ditto sloot
minestra..... tafu il paragun li trid tkun ta ezempju biex tati ezempju mela jekk ma tafx talem qabel titkelem ghax din mux opinjoni imma fatti li qedin nejxu ahna kolla. il knisja ila tahbi hnizrija u issa tihu li haqqa. gouder
wish there were more priests like Mgr Gouder who are not scared to speak their minds. it seems that in this country everyone can speak except the Church
ara tahsiebx li kif tmut tilhaq beatu jew qaddis st gouder. ghax min bniedem komuni nistenna cucatti imma minek li tahseb li taf hafna u kollok teologia qijad twaqa ta cajt il kulmin studia. tridu tkunu ta ezempju biex tatu ezempju. kaz ta stupru min nies komuni wara ftit xur jispicaw il habs u jien naqbel imma semi kaz wihed ta qasis li spicca il habs kumidjant.
Mgr Gouder who the hell do you think you are ??? The church should send you to some remote mission in Siberia. That's what you deserve for your complete mishandling of this issue.
Mary Farrugia
Mons.Gouder do Stop digging, please . Deborah Schembri was being honest when she said Divorce is not a sin, whereas you were not being honest saying it is, because Jesus Himself said that divorce is not a sin in all instances. As you well know, Jesus makes an Exception for divorce where there the marriage is bad ,where there is "a rabta hazina". (see Saydon's edition of the Bible in Matt.19:9) Before the referendum, all those Maltese whose marriage falls under this Exception could not have recourse to divorce because we did not have a law providing for it. Rest assured that Peopel who resort to divorce do so for Cogent reasons, because their marriage is insufferable , bad. You should really trying getting into their shoes before talking against the State introducing a law giving the option of divorce.
The Church must have faith in God in the way he sends message to our earth. So please accept your own teachings believe in God have faith in him and accept the message of YES in the referendum as a message from God. Faith is what you preach Faith is what you should practice.
This guy never learns. Read this:
Mgr.Gouder, your status now is increasingly becoming one similar to a tribal leader.
nahsen ahjar toqodu ftiet fil kwiet u idduru u tnadfu lilkhom innifiskhom. inqdejtu bit tfal, u inthom li babasutuhom, tinqdew biz zwieg u hafna qassis kisru zwiegijiet ghaliex nisa mizzewga qedghien pogguti maghhom, u dan tafu tajjeb int . ghax tnejn minhomm hbieb sew tieghek.u ohra dan Clyde Attard li qed ittuh il-barka taghkhom biex jitkellem fuq kristu, tafu x'inhu jghid? jekk tridu ma tittilfux izjed nies nahseb ahjar taraw kif ser tirrangaw is sitwazzjoni, bis sorry biss ma taghmlu xejn.
Mister Anton Gouder: an old latin saying, which I am sure you are very familiar with, says: "Errare humanum est, sed perseverare diabolicum". In other words, to err is human, but to persist in downright diabolical. And considering who you are, it is truly paradoxical! People like you remind me of the Inquisitor in Umberto Eco's "Il Nome della Rosa". You would cut a much better figure if people of your ilk just shut up and leave us alone. Life is already quite complicated as it is, and this island has had enough of falsely pious bible-bashers conditioning people on how to think and act.
Parir lill-Filippini: Kemm aħna sbieħ minn jaf jarana!
Vera hemm min ma tax kaz u ma vvotax ghax mhux responsabli. Pero hemm min ukoll ma vvotax ghax ma jarax raguni ghalfejn ghandu jkun hemm vot fuq xi haga daqshekk bazika. Dil haga bazika mhix li d-divorzju huwa dritt, bazika ghax hadd m'ghandu dritt jghid lil haddiehor li l-kodici morali tieghu hija superjuri ghal ta haddiehor. Jekk iridu n-nies jimxu warajk. Jekk ma jridux ma jimxux. Kissirtu l-etika. Qassisin, ghax qassisin, interpretajtuhom hazin, min ghax antiklerikali, u min semplicement ghax biex jasal jiehu dak li jrid jasal jghavveg fuq kulhadd. Waqqajtu l-knisja ghac cajt, u certu nies fil knisja waqaw ghalieha, u f'kampanja kontra xi haga li lanqas biss missu kien hemm kampanja ghalieha intqalu affarijiet li huma kontra l-principji ta tolleranza. Ta Cesri dak li hu ta Ceri, u ta Kristu dak li hu ta Kristu: ma ntqalitx ghalxejn, ma qaliex biex jahrab minn puzizzjoni skomda, ma qaliex ghax bezzieh, jew biex illum tant tkun kontrina fl-argumenti, u tant drajna nisimghuha li ma rridux insemmuha iktar. Dik qeda hemm biex int tifhem, li hi xinhi il puzizzjoni morali tieghek, ghixa int, pero l-ligijiet tal pajjiz trid tirrispetthom xorta. U pajjiz serju ghandu jipprovdi lok fejn kulhadd jista jkun kuntent, u ta liema fehma hu, basta jgib ruhu f'kuntest fejn ma jaghmilx deni lil haddiehor skond il-ligi. Dan id-deni ma jistax jigi interpretat kif gie gie. Kulhadd, ghal kollox, jista jghid li ghax int ghamilt li trid, offendejt lili li rajtek taghmilha....mela fejn se nieqfu. Trid tieqaf x'imkien. Trid tieqaf tipprova tikkategorizza n-nies bhala gewwa u barra, tohloq id-differenzi, tghid jien ahjar minnek. Zomm dan il-principju, u tkun taf fejn taqtahha l-linja. Kristu kien jaf fejn jaqtaghha l-linja, qatt ma dahal f'dawn il-paprati li pruvaw ikaxkruh fihom, naf li taqbel mieghi, ghandek wisq x'titghallem minnU. Min int int biex tghid lili rresponsabli ghax ma vvotajtx? Ingabar f'postok u itlob ghalik, sib il-paci tieghek, u lili hallini insib tieghi, ghax ghalhekk mahluqin differenti, mhux biex kulhadd ikollu l-esperjenza tieghek. Hallina ingarrbu, inbaghtu jekk hemm bzonn, imma mhux tghidli kif insuq, meta jien qed insuqa hajti. Dan il mod kif ma taqbilx ma haddiehor, mhux semplicement tghid l-opinjoni tieghek, bhala opinjoni differenti minn ta haddiehor, imma ssemmi li l-opinjoni ta haddiehor hija moralment inferjuri, dan kien fil hsieb ta hafna mill ghar dittaturi tad dinja, u kien ir raguni ta hafna gwerrer. U fuq divorzju forsi mhux kulhadd jaqbel li jaf iwassal ghad dnub, imma il-firda kulhadd jaf x'inhi, specjalment dik li twassal ghal mibeghda. U dak li zrajtu f'dil kampanja...mibeghda.