Record 157,000 people receive influenza vaccine

At least 67,000 more people have received the free seasonal influenza vaccine this year so far

Currently, the influenza vaccine is available from all health centres
Currently, the influenza vaccine is available from all health centres

A record 157,000 people have received the influenza vaccine so far, the Health Ministry said on Facebook.

The seasonal influenza vaccine is available from all health centres for free and is now open for anybody wanting to get inoculated.

The second batch of 100,000 influenza vaccines arrived in Malta towards the end of November after unexpected delays.

🇲🇹 Rekord: 157,000 persuna jieħdu t-tilqima tal-influwenza. It-tilqim disponibbli miċ-Ċentri tas-Saħħa kollha. 🇬🇧 Over 157,000 people vaccinated. Vaccinations available from ALL Healthcentres.

Posted by saħħa on Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The free service resumed for persons over 55 and those with chronic illnesses on 29 November, and a week later it was available to everyone else.  

The first batch of 100,000 seasonal influenza vaccines was administered in October to older people, young children and people with chronic conditions.

The health authorities have emphasised the importance this year of people taking the seasonal influenza vaccine to stave off the dual impact of ordinary flu and COVID-19 on the health system.

Last year, 90,000 flu vaccines were administered throughout the whole influenza season.