Bernard Grech aide Jeremy Gingell steps down from party role

Assistant to Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech, Jeremy Gingell, resigns his position

Jeremy Gingell (right) with Bernard Grech at the electoral counting hall
Jeremy Gingell (right) with Bernard Grech at the electoral counting hall

One of Nationalist Party leader Bernard Grech’s aides, Jeremy Gingell, has announced his departure from his party role, raising yet again the tally of the PN’s post-election resignations.

Gingell was one of Grech’s closest assistants during the 2022 electoral campaign. In a message to party workers, Gingell thanked Grech for having trusted him with his role as assistant.

Gingell is one of three key people who resigned from the party following the 2022 election, the main ones being former right-hand man Ray Bezzina, and former campaign manager Chris Peregin, whose contract ended automatically on the last day of the election campaign.