[WATCH] Yorgen Fenech lawyer: ‘If I were him I’d focus on the case and my family’

Charles Mercieca, who is representing Yorgen Fenech in court proceedings, tells journalists bail process ‘will take some time’

Questioned on how long the process for Yorgen Fenech to be released on bail will take, lawyer Charles Mercieca (inset) did not lay out a detailed timeline, but said it will take “some time” (Photos: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)
Questioned on how long the process for Yorgen Fenech to be released on bail will take, lawyer Charles Mercieca (inset) did not lay out a detailed timeline, but said it will take “some time” (Photos: James Bianchi/MaltaToday)

Yorgen Fenech’s lawyer Charles Mercieca provided scant details on when his client will be released on bail, when questioned by journalists outside Corradino Correctional Facility on Friday afternoon.

Questioned on how long the process will take, Mercieca did not lay out a detailed timeline, but said it will take “some time”.

On what the procedure entails, Mercieca said the authorities have laid out the process to Fenech’s legal team, stated that he should be given bail, “and we are in the process of ensuring the guarantees required for bail to be granted are ready.”

“If I were Yorgen Fenech I would focus on fighting the case against him and spend time with my family,” lawyer Charles Mercieca told journalists, when questioned on how Yorgen Fenech is feeling.

On Friday, Fenech, the businessman accused of complicity in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia, was granted bail on Friday morning, more than five years after his arrest in connection with the 2017 murder.

 Madam Justice Edwina Grima issued the bail decree during a court hearing on Friday. The court ordered Fenech to pay an €80,000 deposit and stipulated that his aunt, Moira Fenech, would act as guarantor. Her shares in the Tumas Group are being used as collateral to ensure compliance with the bail conditions.

The court ordered him to stay at least 50 metres away from the coast or any airport. Fenech must sign a bail book daily at the St Julian’s police station and observe a strict curfew, remaining indoors between 5pm and 11am.

To ensure compliance, Fenech will be under the supervision of a probation officer and must reside only at the address provided to the court.