Updated | Gonzi says Air Malta must be efficient to survive

Lawrence Gonzi says Air Malta must be efficient in order to achieve long-term sustainability. Air Malta chairman, Louis Farrugia ‘confident’ €238 million restructuring plan is in line with EU regulations.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi visiting Uniplast. Gonzi said the government agrees with the European Commission on Air Malta's restructuring plan.
Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi visiting Uniplast. Gonzi said the government agrees with the European Commission on Air Malta's restructuring plan.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said government "agrees with the European Commission on the Air Malta's restructuring plan. The plan must be viable and realistic."

He spoke to MaltaToday during a visit to Uniplast, a company which moulds, paints and packages plastic components for Playmobil and other companies.

A still unpublished 26-page letter from EU Competition Commissioner Joaquin Almunia to Air Malta leaked to The Times this week reported that Brussels "has doubts whether the optimistic forecasts are realistic to achieve."

Gonzi explained that he is confident that the early and voluntary retirement schemes and the other cost cutting measures undertaken by the airline will "finally lead to Air Malta to be more viable."

However, he added that "Air Malta's long-term sustainability depends on the efficiency of its operations."

Asked whether the sale of Air Malta is possible if the European Commission rejects the restructuring plan, Gonzi said "The commission is right in saying that the plan must be realistic. Government's intent is to make the airline feasible again. However the plan must be credible and sustainable."  

Meanwhile, Air Malta chairman Louis Farrugia is keeping his hopes high that the national airline's restructuring plan to return to profitability will be green-lit by the European Commission.

In his comments to MaltaToday, Farrugia said Air Malta was confident the €238 million restructuring plan "is viable and in line with EU regulations."

"The airline is on track with the implementation of the plan and what the Commission has said in statements is according to its state aid procedures. Air Malta is prepared and able to answer to all queries and requests for further information by the Commission," Farrugia said.

A particular revelation from the Commission's letter to Malta is that Air Malta's plan to reduce the current fleet of 12 to 10 planes and overhaul its route strategy - which are expected to generate €21 million in savings - will see the airline stop operations to various routes, and sell slots in major airports, including London.

Air Malta chief executive Peter Davies has previously told MaltaToday the sale of the airline's slots at London Heathrow were not part of the airline's restructuring, suggesting other London airports will be cut from Air Malta's network.

Air Malta will benefit from a state aid injection of €130 million, while another €108 million will come from the sale of land, engines, subsidiaries and bank loans.

Cost reductions will include the €21 million savings on reducing fleet and overhauling the route network, shedding some 500 workers costing the airline €11 million annually, and revisiting third-party contracts for further savings of €7 million.

The redundancies will cost some €30 million.

While reducing the fleet will impact capacity by 20.2%, Air Malta will increase load factor and its revenue per passenger through better offers, and introducing new baggage fees, seat reservation fees and paid catering services.

But the Commission has questioned whether increasingly price-conscious consumers will respond to these new offers, and if revising contract management will bring the millions in cost reductions Air Malta expects.

Air Malta must make its full turnaround by 2016 after breaking-even in 2014 and generate profits in 2015. But before that, the EU Commission has to grant its blessing of the 'one time, last time' state injection, or it's the end of the road for the company.




GonziPN has always led by example: deficit in 2006: €58 million; 2007: €113 million; 2008: €200 million; 2009: €258 million; 2010: €196 million. Gonzi said 2 days ago that there is no room for concern because our debt is local. Who gives a damn. It is only when everything comes crawling down on us that we realise what has happened. But then it will be too late.
Funny i looked up all the words attributed to gonzi in this article in the letter he sent me on the eve of the 2008 general election and guess what there is nothing of the sort.
Dan il kliem Gonzi imissu qalu lic chairpersons li mexxew l Air Malta matul dan iz zmien. U mhux minn kumpanija sinjura gaba falluta!!!!!!!! Kemm ghandna prim jaf jitkellem!!!!!!!!!! U tinsewx li qable l elezzjoni ta 2008 GONZI kien qal lil haddiema tal Air Malta li jekk jitla hu ix xoghol taghhom garantit
So GonziPN says"Air Malta be effecient to survive" and so say all of us and say so all of us he is a jolly good fellew he is a jolly good fellow he is a jolly good fellowwww and so say all of us.........
Mark Fenech
L-ewwel ħalbuha. Tefgħu nies ġo fiha b'pagi għoljien, tagħaw ħafna xogħol tal-qligħ lill-bażużli, u l-Air Malta tieħu iz-zokk u issa jriduha effiċjenti u sejrin jitfgħu fuq 500 ruh il-barra. Tinsewx l-ittra li GonziPN kien bagħat qabel l-elezzjoni tal-2008 lill-ħaddiema tal-AirMalta fejn wiegħedhom li sejjer isaħħilhom ix-xogħol u jaqalgħu aktar. Kollu tpaċpiċ fil-vojt. Iżżommhom il-wiegħdiet ir-raġel, ta' kelmtu ħej. Erġgħu afdawħ jekk veru inthom Maltin ċwieċ.
Gonzi says "Air Malta must be efficient to survive". And so say all of us about your government, Dr Gonzi. People's verdict: You have not been efficient and so your days are numbered. It's good to realize one's deficiencies.
Lawrence Gonzi says Air Malta must be efficient in order to achieve long-term sustainability. Isa hej, doesn't this also apply to our MPs, Dr PM?
Mela ... jidher car li gonzipn ga beda jdur 'l hemm u 'l hawn biex jurina kemm hu bravu u biex jimpressjonana - illum per ezempju qalilna, qisu xi oraklu, li "Air Malta must be efficient to survive" - bravu hej ....... u ahna nistghu per ezempju facilment nghidulu: "Gonzipn must have a majority of votes in Parliament to survive" - Nahseb ahjar li flok ihabbel rasu (il-kelma ggib hekk)kif l-Air Malta se ssalva, jara kif se jsalva hu stess mill-famuzi backbenchers li ghandu li ghandhom xi haga fil-komma lesta ghalih !!!!!!!
Gonzi is like a man who first smashes your head with a sledge hammer then takes you to hospital and expects you to say thank you and how magnanimous of him to take you to hospital. Maltese politics has never seen a type of politician gonzi is.
Dear Mr Prim Minister, you are the head of the executive according to the constitution, it is your sole responsability 1) to see that the Minister responsible is effecient 2) you have to check on daily basis that the < mhux cwiec Maltin) will be efficient.3) you have to be efficient to check these 1&2.