Tonio Fenech to run for PN deputy leader

Finance minister Tonio Fenech will be running for PN deputy leader, alongside MEP Simon Busuttil.

Finance minister Tonio Fenech
Finance minister Tonio Fenech

Finance minister Tonio Fenech has informed the Nationalist Party that he will be contesting the PN deputy leadership race.

Fenech joins MEP Simon Busuttil, who so far are the only two who have expressed interest, while tourism minister Mario de Marco and justice minister Chris Said have not made their intentions known yet.

Tonio Fenech's announcement and decision to contest the PN deputy leadership race was made in the wake of the European Commission's announcement on Tuesday that it was proposing a stop to Malta's excessive deficit procedure.

The EU's economic affairs Commissioner Olli Rehn said that he was proposing a stop to the eccessive deficit procedure against Malta, as a result of the publication of the EU's economic projections for 2012-2014.

The Commissioner said that Malta's finances "are improving, its debt is improving, and will continue to improve."

In its autumn forecast [Opens PDF] which captures the state of the economy as government prepares to forge ahead with its budget for 2013, the EC said Malta's impressive rebound in 2010, from the recession in 2009, had lost steam in 2011.

Welcoming the positive autumn forecasts set by the European Commission for Malta, Tonio Fenech confirmed that the budget will be presented on Monday 26 or Wednesday 28 November.

Addressing the press Fenech said that the EC's forecasts were based on the framework which makes up Budget 2013. "This report sends a clear message that government can go ahead with its planned budget with peace of mind," Fenech said, adding that if the forecasts had been different government would have had to change its budget.




hera are the 1st votes Simon 80% --- Tonio 15%
Fejnu hu l-komment tieghi? Jaqaw ma ntoghgobx? Mela Malta Today saret Malta Star ohra? Sa fejn naf jien tghidu li Malta Today hija ndipendenti, sur moderator.
Taqra dawn il-kommenti tinduna kemm hawn nies intelligenti fi-kamp tal-Labour. Diga xtraw il-hut fil-bahar u ghamluha fatta li l-Labour ser jirbah l-elezzjoni. It-tigrija sal-barkun kien jghid Mintoff. Il-Labour ippikja kmieni, minn hawn l-hemm jitlef biss is-support jista'. Jekk mil-banda l-ohra jirbah l-elezzjoni veru ikun hawn cwic Maltin. Imma il-maggoranza tal-poplu mhux cuc u dejjem ghamel ghazla bil-ghaqal hlif fl-1971 u fl-1996. Imma mhux ser jerga' jaghmel dan l-izball, ghax jaf x'gara wara.
Jekk il finanzi tal partit igibhom bhal finanzi tal gvern allura il PN jispicca partita dejn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Daqs dik korruzjoni indendla fuq rasu u jizzatat ghal deputy leader, vera ma jisthix dal bniedem.Tonio Borg qalu li ixxaham ghal 150,000 euros , ghahseb dan xsa jamel.
Li kont jien flok Simon Busuttil ma nikkontestax il-post ta' Vici Kap tal-Partit bhalissa ghax hu 99% ikun fil-kariga imma ser ikun parti mill-gerarkija, tmexija ghidilha li trid li ser tiehu telfa elettorali u ma nahsibx li ser tkun zghira u b'hekk jitghabba bit-tort. Simon bhalissa ghandu jdeh nodfa (support) u ghalhekk wara l-elezzjoni jkun hemm bidla fit-tmexxija u hu jkun gdid fjamant u b'idejn nodfa u jiehu t-tmexxija tal-partit hu biex minn hemm jerga jibda jibni partit gdid kif ghamel Joseph Muscat fil-PL. Jiena kieku nhalli lil min hawwad il-borma jiekol li sajjar.
Ara int mintiex "CUC"? Il-Poplu Malti "CUC" hux hekk ghajjartu? Nispera li meta imorru nivvutaw ghad-deputy sheriff kullhadd jara u jiftakar li joqod attent kif jivvota biex ma inkux "CUCCCCCCCCC" Jien lil Franco Debono nivvota jekk ikun hemm
So the reason for the repeated postponements of the presentation of the budget were to wait for the Commission's confirmation that Malta will not be bound by the excessive deficit procedures. This was the reason for chosing a budget date which is by far later than those for the last four budgets. Tonio needed the Commission's clearance to use it for his bid for the deputy leader. Tonio continues to think that we are all CWIEC Maltin.
AJMA jilliberana minnek Tonio...dik jonqsu il-PN biex zgur jaghmel swicidju il-partit!
It seems Gonzi was right on one thing - that the world's powerhouse deemed fit the quote him on - '..I have such a limited pool to choose from...' I do hope that Simon Busuttil would withdraw his candidature for Deputy Leader, so we'll have this Arsenal fan and aeroplane buddy of Gasan & Fenech, partner Gonzi in the forthcoming thrashing. The Maltese voters would soon prove the adequacy or otherwise of the 'cuc Malti' label. And then Simon & Mario can sweep clean the currently rotten PN.
Christopher Briffa
Nahseb derhitlu l-Madonna u taghtu il-go ahead il-bierah.
Prosit wara pastizz issa jmiss qassatata. Kieku sewwa wara tkaxkira fl-elezzjoni jwarrbu hu u Gonzi...forsi jigi nifs gdid gol-partit.
is-sur tonio minn dejjem imzattat kien ... araw ftit x'cans ghandu kontra dak li ga gie midluk minn gonzipn biex jiehu post tonio borg !!!! - minn dan kollu haga wahda hi cara: li gonzipn ordnalu johrog ghat-tellieqa biex il-buzu ma jkunu qed itellaq wahda .... u naturalment xi darba fil-gejjieni jkun qed jistenna xi haga bhala premju .... jista' jkun ukoll li dan il-pass mis-sur tonio hu sinjal ta' grazzi lil gonzipn talli ma qalftux 'l hemm tat-tahwid li kien imdahhal fih - jien naf, it-titjira lejn londra mal-hbieb bex jara l-arsenal, il-villa ta' hal balzan, it-tahwid tas-segretarju tieghu u x'qal dwaru - insomma, hemm mhux hazin tahwid li gonzipn ghazel li jahbilu u jaghlaq ghajnejh ghalih .....
Dan kollu jfisser li s-sena l-ohra il-BRAVU Tonio Fenech ipprova jghaddi bi zmien lil Kummissjioni Ewropea u kelli jilghaqha. Did-darba qaghad attent u prudenti u tawh il-green light. Dak achievement! Dan Tonio Fenech se jsir l-ghira ta' Franco debono jekk jibqa sejjer hekk! Hasra jekk Simon Busuttil jaqlibhielu!