Almost €7 million in direct orders by Gozo Channel alone

Gozo Channel alone hands out almost €7 million in 73 direct orders spread out over 10 months.

Gozo Channel hands out almost €7 million over just 10 months, averaging out at 7.3 direct orders per month.
Gozo Channel hands out almost €7 million over just 10 months, averaging out at 7.3 direct orders per month.

Weekly newspaper Illum reports that, across 73 direct orders that were issued over 10 months, Gozo Channel handed out no less than €6,840,801 in direct orders to companies which it picked out itself.

On average, this boils down to 7.3 direct orders per month.

These direct orders were handed out to companies picked out directly by the Gozo Channel management, without any public calls being issued.

Such calls are normally issued to ensure that the services or products purchased are the cheapest or most competitive available.

Illum reports that the expenditure, amounting to close to €7 million, took place between 28th October 2011 and 8th September 2012.

The report also says that in the four months that followed to the end of 2012, this figure is understood to have continued increasing.

The costliest direct order, the weekly newspaper reports, was handed out to Palumbo Shipyards on 29 March of 2012, and amounted to in excess of €2 million (€2,665.495, excluding VAT).

This direct order was not an exception, the report notes. Just three months earlier, on 16 December 2011, Gozo Channel awarded another direct order to Palumbo amounting to €650,000 (VAT excluded).

Read the full report on Sunday's issue of Illum.



Huwa tal-misthija kif il-Kumpanija regat marret fiz-zmien meta kienet immexxija bla kontroll meta ir-refits u l-hsarat kienu jsiru minn kumpanija privata minghajr tenders u qatt ma kienu jsiru fil-Malta Drydocks. Illum ma Palumbo. Hafna jafu li t-Top Managemet serju li kien hemm kellom kwazi kollha jirrizenjaw b'early retirement' u hafna mil-postijiet thallew battala ( u ghalfejn??????) u illum m'hemx Managemet li jifhem fil-vapuri u ma nafx x'ser isib aktar meta l-PL ikun fil-gvern!!
It's a "fire sale". All the friends are grabbing all they can before the time is up. One can only hope a new administration will put an end to all this,