Berlusconi asked Fenech Adami’s wife, ‘How does he make love to you?’

Former prime minister and president emeritus recalls career in autobiography: Black Monday, the murder of Raymond Caruana, and the usual ‘bunga-bunga’ talk from Silvio Berlusconi

President Emeritus and former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami
President Emeritus and former prime minister Eddie Fenech Adami

President Emeritus and former Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami launched his highly-anticipated autobiography Friday evening, which amongst other topics details his political career as well as his earlier experiences.

At the launch at the Hilton in St Julian's, Fenech Adami recalled the highlights of his political career, including Malta's accession to the EU in 2003, the PN's electoral wins and also recalled the tough times that plagued his forty-year long political career, amongst which include the infamous Black Monday and the murder of Raymond Caruana.

In one particular anecdote, Fenech Adami tells how former Italy Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi had asked the late Mary Fenech Adami: "So tell me, how does your husband make love to you?"

Describing the former Italian supreme as an "extrovert", he explained that his question left him and his wife flabbergasted but admitted that question was synonymous with Berlusconi's behaviour.

In another anecdote, the former PN leader tells how he had accomplished his sole objective when Malta joined the EU in 2003, and also explains that he only had one ambition: that of serving his country and those who had vested their trust in him and his beloved Nationalist Party.

Fenech Adami also recalls the murder of Raymond Caruana and described the sight of his lifeless body in a pool of blood as "his worst experience". The former PN leader also recounts the 1979 Black Monday and how the PN and he took the attack in their stride and made them stronger and more popular. 

Meanwhile, Fenech Adami tells how former Italy prime minister Romano Prodi had questioned his sanity after he had ordered an election, just weeks after Malta voted in favour of EU accession.

"It was only the logical thing. I truly believed that the electorate would not be changing their mind in a couple of weeks and it was therefore the best thing to do," Fenech Adami said.

While admitting that he did not envisage an autobiography, Fenech Adami nonetheless insisted that he is thoroughly satisfied with the outcome as it portrays "a true picture of his life and political career."

President George Abela, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat, PN Leader Simon Busuttil, opposition members and family friends were present for the launch.

kumment wiehed ghal issa. Dwar dak li allegament qal Berlusconi lis-Sinjura Mary Fenech Adami, Alla jahfrila "So tell me, how does your husband make love to you?" Nahseb li li kont jiena dan il-kumment l-anqas biss nohlom li nghidu fil-publiku ahseb u ara kemm se ngibu fl-auto bijografija tieghi. Nistaqasi lill minn ried jipprova jirredikola Berlusconi jekk veru qal hekk?
@torquemada Insejt li fil-1996 li ma kienx ghat tbabis tad-distretti il Partit Laburista kien ikollu 3 siggijiet izjed minnkom minflokk wiehed? Tahseb li kontu tghamluhom, l-ghaxar snin l-ohra? Dwar il-ktieb jekk wiehed kellu jikkumenta fuqu biex juri x'fih nieqes ikun irid jikteb ktieb iehior bid-doppju ta folji.
Dr. EFA, Kollu ghal xejn tghati kullma taqla minn dan il-ktieb ghall-karita; ghandek dover tikxef l-Inkjesta Muscat Azzoppardi u x'kixfet biex int hbejta fl-istrong Room tal-parlament. Qed nitolbok f'isem dak li tmur quddiemU titlob,ibghatli dik l-Inkjesta biex ahna ulied Karm Grima inkunu nistghu innaddfu isem il-familja mill-gideb li qlajtu fuqna.
Guess like a rabbit. franco agree with you. For me he is a traitor who sold Malta and the Maltese people into the €USSR yoke. Remember EFA, that you told everyone that ou shall tell us who murdered Karen Grech and Raymond Caruana. It means that you knew who did it. So why haven't you old us? Is it because they are PN supporters or even fom the higher echelons of the party? Why was Barefoot Joe given three Presidential pardons with cases not related to his crimes and even the Court did not believe him but his Presidential pardon was not withdrawn? Are you going to meet the Lord without tellign us EFA? What are you going to tell him when he asks you why you didn't tell us so that the culprits will pay for their crimes EFA? Tell us EFA, tell us. We are waiting.
Bicca avukat tar rahal u tefakom kwart ta seklu fl-oppozizzjoni!! akka bicca avukat!!!
" ..... the former PN leader tells how he had accomplished his sole objective when Malta joined the EU in 2003,....." Only goes to show that Eddy never gave a shit about anything else but simply finding a way to leave his name remembered for something other than his failure as a politician of calibre. Like DCG once described him "Bicca avukat tar-rahal" (The village lawyer)
Santo Subito. Kien champion biss biex fired aktar lill poplu. Giddieb tal-prima b'certifikat u multi mill qorti fil-konfront ta' Dr.Sant u Dr. Chris Cardona. L-ahjar kumment fuqu kien tal-ghaziza sahhara tal-bidnija: BICCA AVUKAT MIR-RAHAL.
Santo Subito. Kien champion biss biex fired aktar lill poplu. Giddieb tal-prima b'certifikat u multi mill qorti fil-konfront ta' Dr.Sant u Dr. Chris Cardona. L-ahjar kumment fuqu kien tal-ghaziza sahhara tal-bidnija: BICCA AVUKAT MIR-RAHAL.
I wonder if it was a compliment or a joke coming from Berlusconi. But the best one is to nominate oneself as a president :) ps .. FEJN HUMA L-LABURISTI FEJN HUMA.
Kurjus I hav'nt read the book. Can somebody enlighten us whether there is any reference to Fenech Adami's calumny against Alfred Sant, which eventually led to the former's condemnation by the court imposing a fine of LM2000?.
Fenech Adami setgha gab l-ghaqda fil-pajjiz: minflok ghazel 'il-pjacir' tal-poter: Prim Ministru ta nofs Malta; ghamel lilu innifsu President u issa dakkar lit-tifel ghall-politika : allavolja ma jiswiex karlin! .....biex ma insemmix ukoll l-aktar haga li tkidni: imliena tilja dejn nobis-6 biljuni u aghar u aktar disastruz minn ta Don Consalvo Monroy. Mhux ta b'xejn li minn meta Fenech Adami tela fil-poter l'hawn 65,000 persuna issa qeghdin f'riskju ta faqar! Semma xi haga fuq dan il-wirt?
Fenech Adami ghamel hafna gid lill-Malta, imma l-aktar li jibqa' mfakkar hu ghal dawn l-affarijiet: (1) dejjem kien PM u President ta' nofs Malta biss ghax qatt ma rnexxilu jgib rikonciljazzjoni mall-PL, anzi fi zmienu l-firda politika f'Malta kienet fl-aqwa taghha; (2) meta lahaq dejjem lahaq bl-intricci, kemm meta sar kap tal-partit fl-1977, u meta ghamel lilu nnifsu President fit-2004, (3) minkejja l-qdusija li dejjem kien juri fil-pubbliku, il-hdura u mibgheda li kellu ghall-Laburisti u ghall-partit Laburista kienet tikxef l-ipokrezija tieghu.
Fejn huma l-Laburisti. Kemm sirna Beati issa. Min qatel lil Karen Grech? Tinsiex li issa ghandna il- whistle Blower Act bis-sahha ta' Joseph. Jekk int ma tikxifx qalbek u ruhek qatt mhu ser ikunu fil-Paci dwart
Dr Eddie qed jipprova jdahhal naqqa sex fil-ktieb ukoll. Huwa jaf li "sex sells", pero nipreferi xi ktieb tal-hrejjef. Jien nghid ghaliha, b'kull rispett, lil dan il-bniedem qatt ma emmintu u m'hiniex behsibi nibdel fhemti issa. Dan il-ktieb ma jiswa' xejn jekk ma semmiex kif verament tajru minn postu lil Gorg Borg Olivier, min qatel lil Karen Grech u min qatel lil Raymond Caruana. Dawn huma fatti li EFA kien qal li jafhom. Allura nistennew li jkunu fil-ktieb. Jekk le, b'42 euro nippreferi nixtri nofs tuzzana pakketti rollijjiet......
It will be an honour to this country when the title of Emeritus President is revoked from this man.
Eddie, you stated, announced and shouted in front of all the nation that you "KNOW" who murdered Raymond Caruana. We are still waiting for you to disclose this information. Shame on you!!!
ara terfaliex xi erba kotba
Imma dan DWARDU ma jafx li BERLUSCONI ma kienx jista jara mara? Dak staqsieha hekk ghax kif jara mara kien JINHALL BERLUSCONI. HALLINA DWARDU , BEATU issa JONQSOK li SSIR .
Highly anticipated? Are you serious. If somebody offers to pay me, I will still not read it, never mind own it. An opportunistic, cheap pseudo politician. His worst if. There are still serious doubts whether the shot was fired from inside. The scene of crime was purposely disrupted before the police arrived.
Iridiex ta playboy issa?
Berlusconi was disgusting, can`t even imagine what was going through his mind`s eye ! Truly disgusting