Malta-Sicily pipeline only solution to reduce LNG risks - AD

Government must utilise gas pipeline last refused in 1999, AD says.

Carmel Cacopardo and Arnold Cassola.
Carmel Cacopardo and Arnold Cassola.

A gas pipeline would be the best solution to avoid an unnecessary security risk due to the transportation of liquefied natural gas, Alternattiva Demokratika said today.

Addressing a press conference in Marsaxlokk Bay, AD chairperson Arnold Cassola and deputy chairperson Carmel Cacopardo said the risk of an explosion from the transportation of LNG from a floating terminal was minimal but required the creation of a buffer zone.

The government plans for a new 200MW gas power plant include the storage of LNG on a floating terminal in Marsaxlokk bay.

"Other countries, like Tuscany in Italy, have created a security zone that is 7km wide. Malta does not even have two kilometres' space for a buffer zone. That's why a gas pipeline to Sicily is the only solution to reduce any risk."

They said that this puts those residing in Marsaxlokk at peril, while also compromises Marsaxlokk’s fishing industry and other nearby operations, including the Freeport.

“Studies so far have not taken into consideration other installations in the Port of Marsaxlokk, such as the oil tanking on the port’s edge, the Qajjenza plant, and the oil storage at San Luċjan amongst others. These are all time-ticking bombs in the same area, where an incident might trigger other incidents, a domino effect of severe repercussions,” Carmel Cacopardo said.

AD said it was in favour of the energy shift to gas, but said government had to ensure residential, commercial and environmental security for the southern region.

"Sources have told us that the Armed Forces would be closing off the port during the refuelling of the floating terminal: this is not a solution to any risks that the terminal might carry."

Cassola and Cacopardo remarked that while it is known that maritime movements within the port would be severely affected, the EIA remained silent on this matter. 

They also called for more detailed studies to be commissioned about risk analysis, since a report by Roberto Vaccari within the EIA was “inconclusive.”

“All this should have led to the conclusion that the unloading and storage of gas at Marsaxlokk is a source of danger to both residents and the country’s economy.”


Nistaqsi lill Arnold Cassola u lill C. Capocardo jekk it-tankijiet tal- LPG ( il-gas li nuzaw fid-djar) hux ta periklu. Dan inbena war ail Free Port, qabel kien qalb in-nies. Fejn kienu it-tankijiet tal fuel? Imma l-ikbar wahda MINN KIEN DAK LI IRRIFJUTA LI F’MALTA JKOLLNA DAKLI QEDIN TITOLBU INTHOM MINNGHAJR SPIZA TA CENTEZMU GHAL-POPLU MALTI. Kien hemm xi hadd li tkellem dak iz-zmien. Jekk jghidu li ma kienux jafu bl-offerta nahseb li kienu jafu li kien qieghed jitpogga pipe tal-gas bejn l-Algerija u Sqallija u li kien se jghaddi minn teritorju Malti. Staqsu lill bravu li irrifjuta l-offerta u lill kap tal-gvern ta dfak ikz-zmien. Din mhux ghalikom imma ghal S.Busuttil. Dr Busuttil qrajt xi haga fl-ahbarijiet li l-Iran irid isir jaf minn hu dak l-Inginier li qal li jekk jisplodi l Vapur bl-LNG fuqu tkun qisa splodiet bomba atomika b-sahha tat a 50 darba iktar minn dik li splodiet fuq il Gapan. Irisdu jkunu jafu halli jghatihom l-infurmazzjoni mehtiega biex jekk ikollom bzonn ikunu jistghu juzaw xi haga hekk u jzarmaw li-stallazjonijet nukejari li ghandhom u jibdew jghixu fil paci ma l-Amerikani etc.etc. Smajt ukoll li il-gvernijiet ta l-Italja, Libja, Algerija u Marokk ukoll huma nterressati biex ikollom l-informazzjoni kollha ghax barra li tisparixxi Malta minn fuq il mappa tad-dinja jista jghatim l-qas li anke huma jigu effetwatti, specjalment Sqallija
This makes sense to me.
avatar can you please look at this and tell me if it safe
How come you never uttered a word about the Gas tanks at Qajjenza, the Petrol tanks in the middle of the buildings at Birzebbuga and the new gas facility in Birzebbuga AD?
AD has got on the scaremongering bandwagon ! Marsaxlokk residents are more in danger of an aircraft crashing on their village when approaching the runway to land , from the south, than from an LNG storage tanks !