Democratic Party issues pro life stance, calls for early sex education curriculum
In statement outlining opposition to abortion, PD says women must be offered institutional support to avoid taking recourse to termination of pregnancy

The Democratic Party has issued a statement outlining its opposition to abortion, calling for policies that can safeguard life at all stages and focus on the root of causes for unwanted pregnancies.
The statement comes in the week of International Women’s Day, which will see the launch of Malta’s first ever pro choice movement, after the Women’s Rights Foundation’s manifesto demanding reproductive rights for women.
The party, which has two MPs in the House, acknowledged that its members and representatives were free “to pursue their own beliefs and mores on such a sensitive subject” but said that ut favoured an environment where abortion can be avoided.
“We believe that a major step in this debate is to understand why people contemplate the termination of pregnancies, what brings them to that situation, and what can be done to avoid such scenarios... PD is pro-life in not only defending the unborn but also pro-life after birth which means working towards a good quality of life for our families,” the party said in its statement.
The PD, which has two MPs in the House, called for pre-empting unwanted pregnancies by educating and empowering young people. “A strong and relentless sexual education campaign needs to be integrated into our national curriculum from early age. Knowledge is empowerment and such a campaign should be open, frank and continuous. Our young people need to be given the lifeskills necessary to be able to take educated and informed decisions with regards to their sexual activity, formation and strengthening of relationships, social interactions and responsible parenthood.”
In a play on the words of “pro choice” – which means being in favour of women’s choice to terminate a pregnancy – the PD claimed women “should have a real choice against terminating an unwanted pregnancy” by proposing adoption for unwanted children.
“We would not want pregnancies to be terminated because the parents, and particularly the woman, face a bleak future without any adequate moral, psychological, material and social support... we are in favour of nurturing a society where women are treated fairly in a society with zero tolerance towards violence and abuse.”